The "oldschool" VTM you are talking about is VTM talking place in modern nights where this thinking is actually quite true. The Camarilla has pushed Humanity (which was already quite common in dark ages as "Road of Humanity" to be fair) as the default and the vast majority of vampires of this age don't think twice about it, everything else is alien to them.
The Sabbat kept some of the old roads alive, but time and new schools of thoughts have twisted most of them beyond recognition. Someone like Ambrosio Moncada, the creator of the Road of the Night in Dark Ages is known to be appealed by the "Path of the Night" of the modern Sabbat, which he considers a pale imitation of his work.
Some other old roads never truly died or changed, like Road of Bones is really still the mainstay of many Giovanni. The Road of Blood, besides sometimes being renamed, is still what it was in Dark Ages. The Road of Set had new variations but is still alive etc.
Some old vampires also never changed. Camilla is known to still follow the Road of Sin in modern. Karsh, even as he is the warlord of the Camarilla, follows Road of the Beast etc.
The mod for now considers the Sabbat/Camarilla formation as the endgame so sort of hammers the new political situation with force to "get done with it". Maybe with new tools in the future, something more progressive could be better (like the Camarilla being a society with multiple roads at the start, but proselyting the Road of Humanity more and more as time goes on, or the Sabbat slowly twisting existing roads to fulfill their political agenda etc).