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And now it's time for part 2! Today's focus will be on Socotra itself. While Socotra is a cool gem of a start, it's a difficult *and* bland one in vanilla, so my goal is to add some new flavor and provide tools to help you thrive and survive on the island (given that historically, the island remained independent and mostly Christian until past CK3's timeframe anyways). I hope to polish the new content and upload the official update next weekend. By the way, I’ve also released a beta on GitHub if you want to try it out (see here).


New Cultures

Before I talk about Socotra itself, I’ll note that there are four new cultures. The only one on the map is South Arabian. It is a catch-all for speakers of the so-called Modern South Arabian Languages (like Soqotri, Socotra’s indigenous language of Socotra), a distinct family of Semitic separate from languages like Arabic. For maximum compatibility, after the game starts, a hidden event will change several provinces as well as their ruling lords to South Arabian where appropriate (such as in Socotra) (instead of changing vanilla history files directly).


Other new cultures are Swahili, Shona, and Malagasy, lumped together in an East Bantu culture group for convenience. They represent peoples in the East African side of the Indian Ocean trade networks and show up as spawned courtiers. I considered adding in other East African cultures for variety, but decided not to for now for simplicity (I may return to it in a future Flavor Pack).


Courtier Spawn

Occasionally, there are events that spawn courtiers in Socotra to representing peoples who contributed to the island's historically diverse community. For example, Socotra was a common destination for escaped slaves. These courtiers are of many different cultures and religions, and these events are the only way Swahili, Shona, or Malagasy characters show up normally. Bawarij pirates are the most notable of these potential courtier spawns as they often make good generals or commanders given they usually have high martial and/or prowess.


Some of these events can happen to any rulers in the Indian Ocean. In particular, if you have the Cosmopolitan Ports perk from the Maritime Trade dynasty legacies track, there's a chance you can get the Bawarij as well, though it's lower than if you actually own Socotra.



Zahra the Poet

There is a small historical event chain for Socotra and Oman at the 867 start, revolving around Zahra, the first known Socotran poet. Contrary to the game's portrayal of Socotra as monolithically Christian, the island was religiously diverse and heterodox during CK3's timeframe. According to Islamic accounts, in the mid to late 800s, Zahra composed a poem asking Oman to protect the Ibadi Muslims of Socotra from Christian oppression. The Omani expedition had mixed results and ended in failure.


Within a few years of a 867 game, if Socotra is not ruled by a Muslim, Zahra will spawn and call on a ruler of Socotra to relax restrictions on Muslims and investigate your officials' behavior towards them. If you agree to her demands, you lose prestige, get a special modifier on Socotra with bonuses and maluses, and may even befriend her. If you refuse, you get a lot of piety and prestige, but a Muslim ruler in Oman will get a weak claim on Socotra, and Socotra will get a negative modifier; Zahra will also become your rival.



Socotran Trade Goods

There are three new flavor decisions for Socotran rulers. The first, Invest in Socotran Trade Goods, gives you a modifier that lasts for 10 years, and a province modifier for Socotra itself that lasts 20 years. You can only do it once in a lifetime unless you have the Eastern Patricians perk (from the Maritime Trade dynasty legacy mentioned in my previous dev diary), which allows you to do it every 10 years instead. When you take the decision, you'll choose to "invest" in one of five Socotran exports. Each increases your income and Socotra's tax, and also gives:

  • Myrrh: +1 Diplomacy; +10 county opinion on Socotra
  • Socotrine Aloe: +1 Martial; +20% levy reinforcement
  • Frankincense: +1 Stewardship; even more tax
  • Desert Rose: +1 Intrigue; reduced building cost
  • Dragon's Blood: +1 Learning; +0.15 development



Sacrifice to the Moon

The next decision is Hold Moon Sacrifice. “Pagan” beliefs freely mixed with Christianity and Islam due to the eclectic, diverse nature of religion on Socotra. Historical accounts mention worship of the moon as commonplace, including a special sacrifice to it. I almost didn’t add this in, but decided to in order to showcase Socotra's peculiar religious landscape.


Every 10 years, as long as you are not a zealous follower of a non-Pagan religion, you can take the decision. It's simple and cheap, but there's a chance you'll get a negative modifier if the moon is supposedly displeased with you. You can reduce the chance this happens by upping the sacrifice at a cost of gold and piety (if non-pagan). Accounts mention specifically that human hands were often sacrificed. Thus, you can choose to sacrifice a commoner’s hand for the maximum chance of a positive modifier.


Poetry Contests

The last, biggest decision is Host Poetry Contest, which is available if you’re of South Arabian culture and/or rule Socotra. Though poetry is important to many cultures, the poetry traditions of the South Arabian peoples such as the Socotri differ notably from their Arabic cousins elsewhere on the Arabian peninsula. Traditional poetry competitions are a mixed gender affair, for example, and poetic styles are also less direct compared to Arabic poetry, emphasizing metaphors and allegories; hidden or double meanings are considered the mark of a skilled poet.

The decision is functionally similar to other feast event chains I've modded, but with a few twists. First, you can choose the size of the prize pool, which nets you bigger bonuses when the contest ends.


Second, normally you’ll just be a host and audience member, but with high learning, diplomacy, or the poet trait, you can also join the panel of judges for extra prestige at the cost of some stress (reduced if you’re gregarious).


Lastly, there are many possibilities for who can win, and the type of poem that wins. There’s even a small chance one of your courtiers can win if they have the right stats or traits. For those of you who played the old version of VIET years ago, you may recall the African griot flavor I did (which I may try to adapt into RICE at some point) - this is similar in that the potential stories you can hear also show a similar kind of variety (and my penchant for references). The beta currently only has a few possibilities at the moment, but I’ve planned for at least ~900 (30x30) combinations of different winners and winning poems for release and potentially more in the future, which will help reduce repetitiveness. Here are three examples of different winning combos:





Miscellaneous New Features

As usual, many new flavor events have been added. These cover a variety of topics ranging from visiting local beaches and caves, to dealing with Socotra’s special exports as part of the Indian Ocean trade networks. 8 Middle Eastern themed soundtracks have also been added to the game.


All in all, this is a huge update and the biggest Flavor Pack in RICE to date, and while the main focus is Socotra, there’s stuff for the Indian Ocean and the Middle East as well. Again, a beta has been uploaded to GitHub (see here) if you want to give it a whirl - it is missing a few things and may have some bugs, but should be stable.

One last thing - I have some further online sources for anyone interested. This is not an exclusive list of all the sources I used, but these should be the most relevant to the mod I think.

Selected List of Sources for Further Reading

- Arabia and the Arabs: From the Bronze Age to the coming of Islam, Robert Hoyland
- Incense and imagery: mapping agricultural and water management systems on the island of Socotra, Yemen, Julian Jansen van Rensburg & Kristen Hopper
- Socotra Fairy Tales
- Soqotra: South Arabia's Strategic Gateway and Symbolic Playground, Serge D. Elie
- The use of 'veiled language' in Soqoṭri poetry, Miranda Morris
- When Melodies Gather: The Oral Art of the Mahra [the biggest group of MSAL speakers currently], Samuel Liehaber
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Your mods are, as ever, wonderfully characterful.

I have two further unique and limited-scale suggestions should you ever venture into Mesopotamia:
  • The 'Babylonian' Jewish Talmudic academies of Sura and Pumbedita, their geonim and the kallah. And perhaps also the exilarch as a courtier of the caliph in Baghdad?
  • The East African Zanj slaves in the salt-marshes of the Basra region and their 14-year rebellion against 'Abbasid rule, beginning in 869 - shortly after the first bookmark. This may be too high-profile for you, as it was a major event in 'Abbasid history, but I'm just throwing it out there as it is unfortunately completely off the CK3 radar and I know you would do it credit!
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Your mods are, as ever, wonderfully characterful.

I have two further unique and limited-scale suggestions should you ever venture into Mesopotamia:
  • The 'Babylonian' Jewish Talmudic academies of Sura and Pumbedita, their geonim and the kallah. And perhaps also the exilarch as a courtier of the caliph in Baghdad?
  • The East African Zanj slaves in the salt-marshes of the Basra region and their 14-year rebellion against 'Abbasid rule, beginning in 869 - shortly after the first bookmark. This may be too high-profile for you, as it was a major event in 'Abbasid history, but I'm just throwing it out there as it is unfortunately completely off the CK3 radar and I know you would do it credit!


I have considered Jewish-themed content for the long-term, but am waiting to see how the Jewish Flavor Mod will develop in the future (if you don't know it, you can see it here), the reason being that if I do decide to do some Jewish-themed stuff, I would want it to supplement that mod rather than overlap with it.

As for a Zanj rebellion, I have been iffy on really big-scale event chains like that, though I am not opposed to it necessarily, and I did touch on that when I was doing research for Socotra/Indian Ocean. At some point in the long-term, I would consider doing an East African themed Flavor Pack (so I guess a sequel to my Socotra stuff?), in which the Zanj rebellion would fit in nicely.
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Version 1.2.0 "Dragon's Blood" (Released 4/11/21)
RICE Version 1.2.0 "Dragon's Blood" has been released
with a new flavor pack - Socotra: Isle of Dragon's Blood
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“[Socotra is] a kingdom of equality that knew nothing of private property.”
- Idealized depiction of Socotra by Euhemerus of Messina, Greek scholar of the 4th century BCE

RICE's biggest update is now up, including the Socotra Flavor Pack! This was something I had wanted to mod in for CK2 for a couple of years, but never got a chance to - and now I am able to make use of my previous research and work here, in CK3. Anyhow, though this is the biggest update to RICE thus far, so there are probably a few bugs or issues that escaped my notice so let me know if you catch any. Also, having an update this size won't be the norm, and the the next Flavor Pack or two will be much smaller in scope. I've a couple of candidates for where I want to go to next, so we'll see what happens.

There have been some few minor changes to some things since I posted the dev diaries and the beta. Like usual, please see the Socotra Flavor Pack Guide for more info and details.

  • Added Socotra Flavor Pack: Isle of Dragon’s Blood
  • Added 8 new Middle Eastern themed music tracks for the Socotra Flavor Pack
  • Slightly increased chances RICE’s music will play
  • Erect a Calvary decision now requires at least level 2 of fame
  • Tro Breizh pilgrimage now also gives various rewards like a normal pilgrimage, such as the pilgrim trait
  • AI will be less likely to take the Erect a Cavalry decision in the earlier centuries of the game
  • Miscellaneous bugfixes
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Hello everyone, it's time for another dev diary as I'm making good progress on my next flavor pack: Tuyuhun: Horsemen of the Qinghai. This will focus on the region around Lake Qinghai, particularly the Tuyuhun people. It won't be as large as my previous Socotra Flavor Pack, of course, but hopefully should still be a bit of good fun.

If you’re interested in messing with the new features, a beta version is up on RICE’s GitHub (might be a bit wonky, but it's stable). I hope to release the Tuyuhun Flavor Pack next weekend.


Qinghaicong Horses

The subtitle of the Tuyuhun Flavor Pack is “Horsemen of the Qinghai,” which refers to how the Tuyuhun were famed in late antiquity for breeding the so-called Qinghaicong horses in the vicinity of Lake Qinghai (said to descend from a breed of Persian horses). These horses were said to have supernatural speed and endurance. Anyhow, to represent this in-game, the counties of Fuqi and Gerqen (on either side of Qinghai) will always have a special modifier, Qinghaicong Horse Herds, which slightly increases tax and levy reinforcement for those counties.


In addition, owners of Fuqi and Gerqen will always have a similarly named character modifier which improves diplomacy, cavalry toughness, retreat losses, and raid speed. This modifier is lost if you lose control of the counties, so do think twice about giving these titles to a vassal! You only need one of Fuqi or Gerqen to get this modifier.


Another bonus of owning Fuqi or Gerqen is that you gain access to a new diplomatic interaction with other landed rulers (including your own vassals) called Gift Qinghaicong Horses. Though similar to gifting gold, besides increasing the target's opinion, it also earns you prestige and renown, and gives the target ruler a modifier for 5 years, called Recently Gifted Qinghaicong Horses.



Beware, though, as these rulers will get a modifier for 5 years that improves the quality of their cavalry, ability to retreat, and raid speed, so don't send them to someone you plan to go to war with. On the other hand, maybe you want to help out a friend or a relative who might need an extra boost in a war. Anyhow, this action can only be done every 3 years, and you can only send the horses to the same person every 15 years.

Note that these features are available to anyone who owns Fuqi and/or Gerqen, regardless of culture or religion.


Nadun Festival

Any ruler of Tuyuhun culture can take a decision to Attend the Nadun Festival. This is a relatively simple festival decision, without much frills or special twists. You can hold it every ten years and get a little boost to prestige and piety, depending on what random events happen during the course of the Nadun.


In real life, the Nadun is a harvest festival held by the Monguor or Tu people, who are likely descended (at least in part) from the Tuyuhun. It’s famous for being one of the longest festivals in the world, lasting over a couple of months. Although it might be a touch anachronistic, I believe it would be fitting nonetheless.


Restore the Tuyuhun Kingdom

Tuyuhun rulers can take a decision to Restore the Tuyuhun Kingdom that once dominated the Qinghai region for several centuries before it was dismantled.by the Tibetans. You'll need to control the Tuyuhun Duchy as well as at least two of three other duchies in northern Qinghai, either Aksay, Malho, Qilin, or Xining. You'll also need to be Tuyuhun culture, obviously.


There are some extra bonuses to taking this decision (as otherwise one might as well just take the normal generic decision to form a new kingdom). Besides granting you some extra renown, and making the duchies of Tuyuhun, Aksay, Malho, Qilin, and Xining de jure part of the Kingdom of Tuyuhun, another bonus is that a special modifier will be added to the counties of Fuqi and Gerqen for 50 years, called Redeveloping the Qinghai Route of the Silk Road. This is to represent the Tuyuhun people returning to power in the region and redeveloping the Qinghai route of the Silk Road. Though this Qinghai trade route is not as well-known nowadays, in the heyday of the Tuyuhun it served as an integral alternative to the better known route through Dunhuang and the Hexi corridor. Anyhow, the modifier increases development and tax and slightly reduces build costs in these counties.


In addition, restoring the Tuyuhun Kingdom will permanently upgrade the Qinghaicong Horse modifiers in Fuqi and Gerqen to Thriving Qinghaicong Horse Herds, which doubles their bonuses.



Miscellaneous Features

As usual, there will be a few new flavor events and some regionally appropriate music to go along with the new additions. As mentioned above, a beta version is up on GitHub, and my ETA will be sometime next weekend.

As an aside, if you played my CK2 mods, you may recognize some of this stuff - particularly the Nadun festival - is derived from my Dunhuang Immersion Pack for CK2. I decided to split the Tuyuhun content into a separate update this time around (though I do plan to adapt the rest of the Dunhuang stuff eventually), and expand on what I previously had. Hopefully this will be the first of my old CK2 mod content I will adapt to CK3.

Selected Sources for Further Reading
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I learn so much through your mods!
I also learn a lot myself! Some of this stuff is stuff I'm familiar with, but working on these flavor packs (or immersion pack mods back in CK2) has been a great way to brush up on some of the scholarship related to these areas that I might not have looked into otherwise.
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Do you have plans to port over all the content from the CK2 packs, or is that more of distant future maybe thing?

I do have plans to adapt at least some of it - Tuyuhun stuff here being an example - particularly the Immersion Pack stuff I did more recently (because it's more fresh and I have more relevant notes/research/plans I can build off on than my really old VIET stuff), though I don't know when that will happen.

For the short/medium term, it probably won't be my next Flavor Pack (which will be on the smaller side as well and I'm 70% sure on atm), but for the one after that I'm considering a few options, which includes some of my old work. Of course, as you may know, my interests are fickle so who knows.
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When I enable this mod it removes the new Norse options legacies. It only happens when enabling this mod.

Another person reported that issue but I haven't been able to reproduce it - I still see the Viking legacies fine in my test runs, and I selected a variety of Viking characters and also tried it with custom ruler ones as well. I don't touch vanilla code at all so I wonder if it's some kind of vanilla bug where those legacies disappear if other legacies are added. Are they missing for every Norse ruler, and does the issue happen when only RICE is running (i.e. not with any other mods)? When I run only RICE the legacies are showing up fine.

Also, maybe try unsubscribing/resubscribing from the mod if using steam, or deleting the entire mod and then re-adding it to your mod folder if using the manual installation version (though I don't know if that would help given as mentioned I don't touch vanilla code). Lastly, this is probably obvious but just in case, but make sure you're choosing rulers who are of Norse culture (i.e. no Swedish characters).
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I have not have this issue, but I do have a small issue where various dynasties suddenly have access and start down the unique Scoota legacy tree. Like the Bulanids. I have not solo-tested this yet so it could be some wierd mod interaction.
Another person reported that issue but I haven't been able to reproduce it - I still see the Viking legacies fine in my test runs, and I selected a variety of Viking characters and also tried it with custom ruler ones as well. I don't touch vanilla code at all so I wonder if it's some kind of vanilla bug where those legacies disappear if other legacies are added. Are they missing for every Norse ruler, and does the issue happen when only RICE is running (i.e. not with any other mods)? When I run only RICE the legacies are showing up fine.

Also, maybe try unsubscribing/resubscribing from the mod if using steam, or deleting the entire mod and then re-adding it to your mod folder if using the manual installation version (though I don't know if that would help given as mentioned I don't touch vanilla code). Lastly, this is probably obvious but just in case, but make sure you're choosing rulers who are of Norse culture (i.e. no Swedish characters).

I disabled all mods except RICE and the new legacies were there. I then started troubleshooting to see which might be conflicting, and I could not duplicate the issue. With all of my mods enabled the legacies were no longer disappearing. It's almost as if by loading RICE as the only mod something was resolved in the save file, though that doesn't make sense to me. I didn't change the load order or anything; I simply started re-enabling mods after RICE, and everything seemed fine.
Version 1.2.1 "Qinghaicong" (Released 5/1/21)
RICE Version 1.2.1 "Qinghaicong" has been released
with a new flavor pack - Tuyuhun: Horsemen of Qinghai
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Check Out My New
Discord Server Too!

The circumference of Qinghai Lake (青海) is more than one thousand li and there is a hill in it. After the lake freezes over in winter, people send healthy mares onto the hill. When people get them back the next spring, the mares are all pregnant. The foals born of these mares are called ‘descendants of dragon’ and many of them are fabulous. The people of Tuyuhun once got Persian (波斯) mares and sent them into the lake, and hence fine horses were foaled by the Persian mares. These horses could cover a thousand li in a single day and were famous by the name of Qinghaicong (青海驄) in the world.

- History of the Northern Dynasties (北史)

RICE 1.2.1 and the Tuyuhun Flavor Pack is now up! You can see the Tuyuhun Flavor Pack Guide for more info and details. I am 80% certain on what the next Flavor Pack will be, so stay tuned for more info!

Additionally, if you didn't see it, I now have an official Discord server for my mods, so feel free to drop by if you'd like to talk about my mods or see previews/teasers of my upcoming work!

  • Added Tuyuhun Flavor Pack: Horsemen of Qinghai
  • Added 3 new Asian themed music tracks
  • Added Swahili Colonies innovation and Swahili Sailors unique man-at-arms unit for East African cultures
  • Added missing Siberian Hunters Men-at-Arms for Siberian cultures
  • Fixed last building in the Bawarij and Pirate Den chains not showing the Thalassocracy perk from the Maritime Trade Dynasty Legacy requirement
  • Fixed random AI dynasties occasionally taking the Maritime Trade dynasty legacy even though they don’t qualify for it
  • Other miscellaneous bugfixes

I have not have this issue, but I do have a small issue where various dynasties suddenly have access and start down the unique Scoota legacy tree. Like the Bulanids. I have not solo-tested this yet so it could be some wierd mod interaction.

This was a possible bug in the old version, which I think I fixed in the new version. Try the new version and seeing if that fixes things (though it will probably only work on a new save rather than an old one).

I disabled all mods except RICE and the new legacies were there. I then started troubleshooting to see which might be conflicting, and I could not duplicate the issue. With all of my mods enabled the legacies were no longer disappearing. It's almost as if by loading RICE as the only mod something was resolved in the save file, though that doesn't make sense to me. I didn't change the load order or anything; I simply started re-enabling mods after RICE, and everything seemed fine.

Hmm... that's odd. All's well that ends well? I wonder if it has to do with some weird wonky PI code thing. Anyhow, glad that shouldn't be an issue now.
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Teaser/Preview for the Aachen Flavor Pack

Charlemagne's back... sort of (not really). Usually I wouldn't decide on the next Flavor Pack so soon after the previous one, but I had a lot of energy today to work on this. The next flavor pack is Aachen: Charlemagne's Capital so as you can see, some flavor will revolve around Charlemagne even though he is long gone.


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It's time for a new dev diary! In today's dev diary, I'll talk about RICE's next flavor pack, Aachen: Charlemagne's Capital. ETA is next weekend, but if you want to try it out, a stable beta is up on RICE’s GitHub.

Also, in case you didn't see it in my other posts, I've a discord for my mods now: https://discord.gg/9KuyXv2uZA

Pilgrimage to Aachen

A core feature of the Aachen Flavor Pack is the Pilgrimage to Aachen. At first, only Christians in Aachen and nearby counties can take this decision, but as time goes on, other Christians in continental Western Europe will gain access to it too (more on that later).

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Besides the usual pilgrim bonuses, one unique aspect of the Aachen pilgrimage is that during your visit to Aachen Cathedral, you'll get inspired by an item in the cathedral's treasury, and get a temporary modifier with some bonuses. As Aachen was a city of political and historical importance, the Aachen Cathedral Treasury has held an extensive collection of esteemed relics and items, both religious and secular, over the centuries. The item that inspires you is randomly chosen, but is slightly influenced by traits you have.

Each item gives piety, along with another bonus:

  • Cross of Lothair - diplomacy
  • Sabre of Charlemagne - martial
  • St Stephen's Purse - stewardship
  • Ivory Situla - intrigue
  • Aachen gospels - learning
  • Olifant/hunting knife - prowess & health
  • Coronation Gospel - prestige & renown
  • Bust of Charlemagne - Xp lifestyle gain (More on this below - it's special!)

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Charlemagne Decisions

Though he's long gone, Charlemagne’s legacy lives on, especially his capital. There are two decisions related to Charlemagne available to rulers of Aachen, but you'll need to have a high level of prestige and renown for both, especially if you're a lower tier ruler.

The first decision is to Exhume and Rebury Charlemagne's Remains. At the cost of gold and prestige, you'll get a hefty amount of piety and a special modifier for 20 years, Ordered Charlemagne's Reburial.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

There's also a practical effect. This decision will make it so the pilgrimage to Aachen is now open to any Christian in Germany, the Low Countries, and France, not just those near Aachen. In real life, when Frederick Barbarossa reburied Charlemagne, he got Antipope Paschal III to canonize Charlemagne too. This was never formally accepted by the Church, but it helped increase Aachen's prestige as a pilgrimage site. As such, Aachen gets a province modifier for 25 years to represent this, More Pilgrims in Aachen, which gives you a tax and county opinion boost.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Once this decision is taken, a second decision, Commission a Bust of Charlemagne, will be available. It costs gold and piety, and gives you prestige and a modifier, Commissioned Bust of Charlemagne. This is based on the historical golden bust of Charlemagne donated to the Cathedral by Emperor Charles IV in 1349, and which is one of the most famous (albeit anachronistic and idealized) depictions of Charlemagne. As indicated earlier, the practical effect of doing this is that now there's a chance pilgrims that visit Aachen will be inspired by the Bust of Charlemagne, alongside other items.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Hot Springs of Aachen

Aachen is also famous for its hot springs, some of the hottest in Europe. Legend has it that Charlemagne even chose Aachen as his capital because of this. Thus, every ruler of Aachen and the nearby counties have access to a new decision to lose stress, Relax at the Thermal Spas of Aachen.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

But there's more! Surprisingly, pagans get a bit in this Flavor Pack, too. Aachen's spas were known even in ancient times, and the city was called Aquae Granni by the Romans. Granni refers to a Celtic deity of hot springs, Grannus, for whom Aachen was a major center of worship. As such, pagans who are unreformed, reformed but have the pluralist doctrine, or Hellenic pagans (regardless of tenet/doctrine) can take the decision to Dedicate a Shrine to Grannus. It adds a permanent modifier to Aachen that gives a slight tax bonus called Shrine of Grannus.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

More importantly, doing this ensures that whenever a pagan who meets the above requirements takes the decision to Relax at the Thermal Spas of Aachen, an additional event is triggered where you'll gain piety, the amount of which increases if you are Hellenic Pagan. The event also has a chance of giving you a temporary modifier, Blessings of Grannus. The chance is slightly influenced by traits.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Maastricht Flavor

The County of Maastricht next to Aachen gets a little minor flavor too.

First, the old Roman bridge in Maastricht will collapse at some point (historically, this happened in 1275). It was a major crossing point for the Meuse river in the region for centuries, so this will add a negative modifier to Maastricht, Meuse Bridge Collapsed.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

You can take a decision to Build a New Bridge on the Meuse if you own Maastricht to remove the negative modifier and replace it with a positive modifier one for 25 years, Recently Built St. Servatius Bridge if Christian and Recently Built a New Bridge on the Meuse if non-Christian. Taking the decision also gives piety.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Next, Maastricht gets a permanent county modifier called Mosan Artists of Maastrict. Maastricht and Aachen were centers for the so-called Mosan Art style of the high medieval period, and Maastricht's painters were even praised by a notable medieval German medieval poet, Wolfram von Eschenbach.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital


As always with my Flavor Packs, the Aachen Flavor Pack will come with new flavor events and German themed music. There are also some new miscellaneous things in the upcoming update, too.

New Socotra Features

I was flattered by the positive reception the Socotra Flavor Pack got, and I'll add a couple new features to it in this upcoming update. First, a new duchy building will be placed in Socotra via a hidden event at game start, called Dragon's Blood Forest. Credits to Fische, who created the art icon for the upcoming Sinews of War mod, and Vertimnus for donating it to me.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Secondly, by popular request, there's now a decision to Form the Kingdom of Socotra. Though you only need to control Socotra for it to work, it won't be easy - you can't control a kingdom or an empire; need plenty of gold, and a high level of prestige and renown; and have the The Spice Must Flow perk from the Maritime Trade Dynasty Legacy. If you do form it, you’ll also get a temporary province modifier to represent Socotra's newfound prosperity.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Game Concepts

RICE now has game concepts for a few of its features. If you don’t know, these are the blue colored text you see in some tooltips that provide more info, as well as encyclopedia entries in-game. Hopefully, this will alert players to some of RICE’s new mechanics that aren’t readily apparent.

r/CrusaderKings - RICE Mod Dev Diary #8 - Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital

Community Mods for Historicity

Lastly, VIET and RICE has joined CMH as an associate member. CMH is a collective of mods, including well-known popular ones like Community Flavor Pack and Res Publica, that’ll work together to improve historical immersion modularly. Though not a full member, as an associate I'll work with them to ensure compatibility with my mods. Check out their Discord if you're interested: https://discord.com/invite/7p9F6xNqXx

This concludes the dev diary. Again, there's a beta version on GitHub which is stable and just missing some content. And just to reiterate in case you didn't see it above, I now have a Discord for my mods, too, so check it out: https://discord.gg/9KuyXv2uZA

Selected Sources for Further Reading
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Version 1.2.2 "Carolus Magnus" (Released 5/15/21)
RICE Version 1.2.2 "Carolus Magnus" has been released
with a new flavor pack - Aachen: Charlemagne's Capital
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I would rather commit my story [of Charlemagne's biography] to writing, and hand it down to posterity in partnership with others, so to speak, than to suffer the most glorious life of this most excellent king, the greatest of all the princes of his day, and his illustrious deeds, hard for men of later times to imitate, to be wrapped in the darkness of oblivion.

- Einhard (c. 775 - 840 CE), The Life of Charlemagne

RICE 1.2.2 is now officially out, featuring a new flavor pack, Aachen: Charlemagne’s Capital - bask in Charlemagne’s legacy with some new immersive flavor dedicated to the area around Aachen! The update also includes a couple new features for the Socotra Flavor Pack, and game concepts/encyclopedia entries for a few RICE mechanics. For more in-depth info, check out the Aachen Flavor Pack guide:

  • Added Aachen Flavor Pack: Charlemagne's Capital
  • Added 7 German Renaissance songs
  • Added Form the Kingdom of Socotra decision
  • Added new duchy building, the Dragon’s Blood Forest, which is already built in Socotra at game start
  • Added game concepts/encyclopedia entries for the following:
    • Pilgrimage to Aachen
    • Indian Ocean Pirates
    • Qinghaicong Horses
    • Siberian Courtiers
    • Note: Going forward, while I won’t add entries for most content I add, but I’ll provide these for major concepts that might need further explaining.
  • Negative modifier effects from the Bawarij Outlaw decision is slightly reduced, but to compensate the decision now only gives 1200 troops
  • Recruit Bawarij Outlaws decision no longer available if Socotra has the Bawarij Infestation modifier
  • Fixed Restore the Tuyuhun Kingdom decision being available if you hold an Empire title
  • Fixed Restore the Tuyuhun Kingdom decision missing context tooltip
  • Fixed Siberian cultures having access to the Swhaili Colonies innovation, and fixed East Bantu cultures not having access to that innovation
  • Other miscellaneous bugfixes

I’ve already started work on the next Flavor Pack - those keen-eyed of you may’ve figured out from some of my screenshots in the Aachen dev diary that the next flavor pack will be Harran: The Last Hellenic Pagans, which will be an adaptation of my CK2 Harran Immersion Pack to CK3. Here’s a couple of teaser screenshots:


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The Haranian stuff looks really cool. Is there a particular gameplay reason they are grouped as "helleno-semetic" rather than just hellenic or did you just think they were too distinct from standard hellenism?
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Here's the first teaser preview for the week - making good progress. For those of you who played my Harranian Immersion Pack for CK2, you'll be glad to hear that most of its features will return in one way or another. However, there is new content to explore as well....




The Haranian stuff looks really cool. Is there a particular gameplay reason they are grouped as "helleno-semetic" rather than just hellenic or did you just think they were too distinct from standard hellenism?

Thanks! Harran was my first mod I did (besides the VIET reboot) when I returned from hiatus for CK2 modding, so it has a soft spot in my heart.

Anyhow, the real reason I made a "Helleno-Semitic" category is because it's the only way to ensure compatibility, as otherwise I would have to edit the vanilla code for Hellenic religions (atm it doesn't seem like it's possible to add new faiths to existing religion groups without editing the vanilla code, unlike with cultures).

Ignoring that, in terms of the game, I think you can argue either way. CK3 religious divisions are a bit arbitrary at times to me, so it depends on how you interpret Hellenism as portrayed in CK and whether it would broadly include faiths influenced by or interacted with Greek or Roman paganism, or if it's a more stricter interpretation that focuses on a more traditional interpretation of Greek/Roman religion. The faiths I put under "Helleno-Semitic" are intended to represent those in Semitic-dominated regions that survived well into late antiquity (justifying their inclusion as more plausible in contrast to, say, more questionable additions in the vanilla game like Cainites), and had syncretized with Greek/Roman polytheism. So there was still a Semitic element to these sects (Mesopotamian in the case of Harran's paganism, for instance) that isn't exactly like the cliche Greek/Roman pantheons people think of... but on the other hand there was a strong Greek/Roman element to it, too. So, again, guess it boils down to how you feel it should be interpreted in terms of the game. I think it's in enough of a grey area to be justified in game terms and for flavor (and of course as mentioned above for the real concern of compatibility reasons).
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Compatibility reasons make sense, but the other stuff is pretty interesting aswell. Is there anywhere I could read about Harranians? The wikipedia page didn't really say much about them other than that they were identified as Sabians so they could be people of the book in Islam.
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