All right, let's roll up the ol' sleeves and see if we can't lick this problem. Please do the following:
1. Use the
WinXP add/remove software utility to remove both HoI and EU2 completely from your system (you'll need to run the uninstall twice).
Start-->Control Panel-->Add/Remove Programs
then scroll to each of them and remove
You will probably get a message indicating that it couldn't remove all files. Click "Okay"
2. Now remove the Strategy First root directory folder and all contents. If you used the default installation path it will be
Start-->My Computer-->Program Files and then scroll through the list to find Strategy First. Left click once to highlight it and then delete it. If you get a message asking you if you're sure that you want to remove something, click "yes to all".
This should remove any latent files or folders for both EU2 and HoI - although you may find that you don't need to do this. If the path isn't C:\Program Files\Strategy First then it will be C:\Program Files\Paradox Entertainment
3. Remove any lingering shortcuts on your desktop (there probably won't be any unless you created a new one yourself) by highlighting and deleting.
4. Remove any lingering shortcuts in your Start Menu. The quick way to do this (if you used the default installation path) is to click
Start-->All Programs--> and then hover the mouse pointer over "Strategy First". Instead of left clicking on it or following it "deeper" into the tree when it's highlighted, right click on it instead and select "delete".
5. Run the Disk Cleanup utility found at
Start-->All Programs-->Accessories-->System Tools-->Disk Cleanup
6. Navigate to
C:\Documents and Settings\*USERNAME*\Local Settings\Temp (substituting *USERNAME* for your standard administrator login name. Delete all files
that have a .tmp extension in that directory and in all of its subdirectories.
7. Empty your recycle bin (on your desktop)
8. Run the Disk Defragmenter utility found at
Start-->All Programs-->Accessories-->Utilities-->Disk Defragmenter
9. Run Windows Update once more, just to be sure.
10. Remove any CDs that might be in and reboot your system.
11. Now try a fresh HoI install without doing the EU2 install (we'll concentrate on one game at a time). Assuming that the CD is recognised, use the default installation path and default installation options (if any).
12. If you're prompted to install DirectX from the HoI CD, select "Cancel" or "No" (I don't recall which one it offers if/when it offers to).
13. Download the NA patch 1.01 and install it too.
14. I can't stop at unlucky #13 so this is step 14.
Cross your fingers and launch the game. Let us know how this goes.