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The AI just stepped in and cleaned up the aftermath of Sterk. I feel no shame. Looks like Tabriz is ok and I have a few claims thanks to the AI. Ill have 3 duchys and 8 out of 12 countys neccesary for Persia next session. Which means once I Absorb Azerjiban I'll have it.

Im on my computer at my gmas which is the one I use for online games anyways lol should have done this first. Some how Lut got Qiwir from Qom so Ill be taking that from them. :D I cant wait for the next session.

EDIT: You should put a picture of the current map up Lord and keep updating it with each new session in your first post on this thread. Are we going to do a AAR and a diplomacy thing like with MTT?
Dunno about an ARR. But a diplomacy thread seems like a good idea. I can always use a good reason to up my post count. Getting awfully close to my custom avatar.

And I can do the Map thing. I'll slap someting togeather.
Good game guys. Though I came 30 min late.
As Milano I managed to grab some lands around, coming closer to the Kingdom of Italy title but it is a long way.
I cant believe your ok with being next to Sterk..I would be alittle scared. Oh well good luck with that. Glad your playing Joohoo.

Im really excited about this game quiet a bit more then MTT since Im in this from the beginning and Im setting up the kingdom I want.

I hope noones upset about not playing today. We didnt get that far and there will be plenty of time to check up.
Added everyone realm on the first post. Used the relations view cause sometimes boardering duchies have the same color.

Also, heres how they have grown:

Atholl Start:

Atholl End:

Catalonia Start:

Catalonia End:

Franconia Start:

Franconia End:

Milano Start:

Milano End:

Serbia Start:

Serbia End:
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Sicily Start:

Sicily End:

Tabriz Start:

Tabriz End:

Thesselonika Start:

Thesselonika End:

Tunis Start:

Tunis End:

Volga Start:

Volga End:
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I added Volga and Serbia as well. I'm hoping both players can join us next week. Though I'm not sure if Tzare wanted Serbia(he just said some where in Serbia), but thats the best off of the Serbian Duchies.

Also, Kingdom Scores:

Catalonia(binTravkin)-Aragon/Navarra:6/18 4/10








Volga(Flamey)-Bolgar/Ryzan:6/14 1/17
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Cyrus Was Great said:
Also if it wouldnt be to much trouble could you put Atholl up there to? Andy overslept today he be there next session

Heh, I overslept it too :p Anyway, I got about one hour of playing time in the end. Found Tunis to have a depressed duke (so no more heirs unless he cures; unfortunately his wife got depressed too). I didn't take any land or make any claims (no prestige for that), but concentrated on the economy side as the AI had apparently been at war just before I joined. Bumped monthly income from 11 to 20 (basically built just justice courts which resulted in the criminal buildings disappearing and allowed me to squueze money with the road-tolls) and my manpower from 3k to 10k (and went feudal, so I have now a decent corps of knights available). Researched mining to level 2 (from 0), roads, libraries, relics and divine right; unfortunately didn't get yet forts2, as big forts is always a good idea being next to Sterk (who btw is the only one to have Siege-weapons 2 already) ;)

If I just had a decent Steward the income would be even prettier. Right at the end my Steward 9 died, which leaves IIRC Steward 7 as next best :(

I didn't know about the inheritance rule introduced. I went Prim-Cons the first day I joined.

Other than that I did have a bit looking around. Here is my short analysis :)

Catalonia has grown nicely, but has taken a massive BB with it. Also, Catalonia is elective, and the current heirs are not related to the duke. Even if by a miracle a heir is produced and immediatly given a count title (as the kids are prolly still on the hit-list), an evöl player might hone their skills and see to it that Catalonia becomes a power of the past.

Milano is looking nice and strong too, but oh woes, the duke has Kinslayer. Always a bad idea to get Kinslayer. Practically sure Milano won't grow during this duke.

Thessalonika looks very good. It is in very good shape, and Byzantium is right next door, and Thessalonika has no serious competition. My prediction: Thessalonika will be the power-house par excellence.

Sicily has grown big and strong, and its BB is manageable. The AI did some setbacks to Sicily, but all in all it looks good. Sicily has however not the same damn excellent position (Rome isn't exactly Byzans) as Thessalonika, and Sicily has Milano *and* the AI Kingdom of Pisa to compete with. However true to Sterk, Sicily is very strong on the offense, Level 1 forts will just melt away in the face of Sicilian hordes who use siege weapons 2

Tabriz looks *very* good. It is collecting some BB tough, so some BB-management will be required after it is forced to release vassals :) Seems also to me that Tabriz might be weakly prepared for an evöl players assasination campaign (not half as bad as Catalonia tough :p ).

Franconia is growing slowly, almost as slowly as Tunis :p The reason is the same I think, the player was absent and the AI was a bit slow to get things going.
Actually Kujy was there, I belive, for the whole game. I think his problem is being sandwiched between Saxony to the North and Swabia and Bavaria to the south. None are push overs. And they are the roads he must travel to his King title apparent. But his is the most monumental task facing any player.

And the inheritence rule was our fault. Forgot to tell you and didn't notice till it was to late. I'm sure no one will mind letting it slide. For now. ;)
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Catalonia has grown nicely, but has taken a massive BB with it. Also, Catalonia is elective, and the current heirs are not related to the duke. Even if by a miracle a heir is produced and immediatly given a count title (as the kids are prolly still on the hit-list), an evöl player might hone their skills and see to it that Catalonia becomes a power of the past.
The massive BB hit is from hunting for my wife as I posted earlier. It was a great problem for me to get her married in time even after I assasinated the first jerk who grabbed her.
Probably we should introduce some rule that one is allowed to pause/request for slowdown when attempting to marry his ruler or first heir, because it was just like:

- I click 'offer marriage'
- pop = decline
- I issue assasination
- pop = failed AND discovered
- I issue assasination
- pop = succeeded BUT discovered
- pop = my heir dead
- pop = I inherit heirs lands
- I issue marriage
- pop = declined
- I issue assasination
- pop = failed AND discovered
- I issue assasination
- pop = my eldest daughter dead
- pop = I inherit her lands
- pop = succeeded BUT discovered
- I issue marriage
- pop accepted
- pop duty

There are 19 pops out of the hunt alone and there were 2 other pops meanwhile and that all happened within some 40-50 seconds over which I was constanly clicking off pops and issuing orders.
Plus I had to track down where my bride has moved and whom I need to assasinate.
Probably Im a newb, but that was one mad clickfest which netted me those terrible prestige, piety losses and BB..:(

And I think it's not normal that AI marries off his daughter to a mere count, not triple duke.

EDIT: the elective origins from an event where I had to accept my vassals demanding elective as I had high BB and low loyalty already.
binTravkin said:
And I think it's not normal that AI marries off his daughter to a mere count, not triple duke.
Hmm, let me see. Would I marry my only child, my beloved daughter, to a power-hungry assassinating loathed-by-the-universe bad-boy, or to a nice and friendly count? ;)

Personally I am *strongly* against pausing. If you can't do it without pausing, don't do it. If all 10 people take 1 minute every 15 minutes to pause the game, we'll end up being more paused than running the game :( If one urgently needs to pause the game, then please ask the host to pause. "Urgent needs" does not mean "looking for a bride" but could perhaps mean "I have this madman in my room pointing a gun at my head, and my duchy is in war but I feel a bit distracted right now because of the aferomentioned gun pointing at my head."
Would I marry my only child, my beloved daughter, to a power-hungry assassinating loathed-by-the-universe bad-boy
I had not assasinated anyone up to that point, though my BB was not good indeed (something like 4+).
Well, okay next time I'll ask for a little slowdown.

And I was not looking for bride, I had done it long before, I was arranging a marriage which is quite impossible to do properly if there is some lag and dates jump not by day but by 3-6 days (I almost lost my army too to one such 'jump').
If I was not going crazy assasinating like I did I'd probably only get the bride (and undesired one) after some 3rd or 4th attempt as AIs would just grab every good one (they update a couple of to several days earlier than me when there's lag).
Btw - how do you guys manage to make advances so fast?
I only made 3 advances during the game - mining L1, schools L1 and siege L1 while I saw leto had made some 8 (5 of them economic - mining2, handi2, schools1).
Well I belive there is a modifier for being at peace and researching peacful tech(as well as one for being at war and reseraching warlike tech). So far I've been in two, short, wars. Most of the time I've spent waiting for my reputation to go down and prestige to go up.

That and luck. I got the Schools tech fairly early and I have been researching popular customs the rest of the time(got a revolt in Thessalonika need to get my peasent loyalty back up) and I havn't managed to get lvl1 yet. It can all be rather random.

And I belive I only reserched 5. Rest I got from spread.
binTravkin said:
If I was not going crazy assasinating like I did I'd probably only get the bride (and undesired one) after some 3rd or 4th attempt as AIs would just grab every good one (they update a couple of to several days earlier than me when there's lag).
MP is a bit different from SP. For example there are a few other players trying to enjoy the game too, and the game does not revolve around one player :) Also, in my opinion, MP is not played so that the different players can basically just SPing in the same game, but because of the interaction between players. Sure, you need to interact with the AI in MP too, but that is not the goal, that is the means to get into a position to have impact on the other players.

Arranging marriages sure is a good time to pause in SP, if you are the pausing type. However, if you'd play SP without no pausing, you would notice the difference. The AI behaves much better when there are no pauses, as during the pauses any human being can come up with a plot which is sure-fire thing to beat the AI. Yes, this may result into not so good things to you, and you can also not load up an old save. In MP part of the planning is to take into account what the worst-case -scenario is, and weight that with the expected result. For marriages with the AI the expected result in my experience is that the AI refuses the marriage, so it's better to live in that expectation and not expect the unexpected :)

If you experience lag, then let the host know (like I did, it wasn't terrible lag for peace-time, date jumped 3-5 days, but it does increase the risk of crashing).
Well, everything would be okay if there was not those few jumps which basically took me from one group of 3-4 popups to next, which I couldn't take away and still grab the girl in the manageable amount of time.

I promise not to pause again, unless there's something really weird going on.

At least I showed the whole Iberian peninsula that noone can deny de Barcelonas' their desired marriage!:D