Sure, as a Synth Ascended empire you can set default rights to Assimilate and then manually set some species to Full Citizen instead of Assimilate.
aaah thanks, something similar with my benvolent hive mind, when i bougth as slave someone with psi...and he becomed assimilated (with full citz) and i had more powerful leader! Thanks again! ^^You'll probably have to go through your species list to change a bunch of the ones you already have to Assimilate, so finding the few you want to keep shouldn't be much extra work.
Double Ascension happens when two empires are friendly, and both choose different Ascensions, and their pops migrate around to each other. So one of them first genemods one group of pops to Erudite, then that pop grows over in the Psionic Empire where it gets Assimilated into Psionic (and keeps Erudite). Or vice-versa, could gain Psi first then migrate and get genemodded into Psi + Erudite. Or when one such empire conquers another.
If you're very lucky, you could get a pop which started out Overtuned then got Erudite'd and finally became hooked on Psionics, or an Erudite Overtuned Cyborg, or some other trait-rich biological monstrosity.
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