Doomsday + Relentless Industrialists
If your planet is gonna blow up, who cares if it might turn into a Tomb World.
If your planet is gonna blow up, who cares if it might turn into a Tomb World.
Doomsday + Relentless Industrialists
If your planet is gonna blow up, who cares if it might turn into a Tomb World.
there is one small problem with tomb world + relentless industrialists--you don't start the "deterioration" situation until you have a non-tomb world with one on for at least 30 years. That might actually take you a long might just as well go the whole way with going tomb world origin and radiotrophic.
even better if its a lithoid secondary for mineral livestock post virtual ascensionYou sacrifice all your organic pops to accelerate yourself to a virtual ascension (at which point you immediately generate all missing pops)
Why not both? You can play overtuned lithoid hiveminds.Replaced Overtuned synergy from Hive Mind to Lithoid. Lithoid is even better at mitigating the lifespan penalties. But more importantly, normally Lithoid blocks Adaptive and Extremely Adaptive to avoid trivializing habitability even further. It doesn't block the Excessive Endurance, letting you have perfect habitability everywhere.
Can't, they're mutually exclusive :/Remnants + Planetscapers
You can use your decision on your homeworld with no penalties, and it's a fast-track Ecu capital so the +3 districts become +3 super-districts.
Also, having extra green research is lovely when it's early and you're rushing a blocker-clearing tech.
Can't, they're mutually exclusive :/