With the announcement of the new Federation expansion, I was both excited and a little let down at the same time. On one hand I have been hoping for a more in depth macro-diplomatic model and it appears the new ideas on federations might do just that... excited However, the trailer and accompanying information is not very enlightening regarding whether diplomacy in general will get a rework. For example, being able to ignore closed boarders (with a steep diplomatic penalty or reaction by the offended regime), sanctions, requesting boarder regimes to scale down military build up near your boarder, demanding turn over of systems, archeological sites or tech etc. So, I went from excited to just mildly interested Then, I stumbled upon a gaming website interpretation of the trailer that indicated that with warfare and the internal politics of Stellaris fully fleshed out, it was time to delve into federations... internal politics fleshed out, REALLY There is still so much that can be done to improve internal politics! Like tying internal politics into ethics, authority and civics … depending on your choices your game may be more like CK2 in space, EU4 in space or more in line with more traditional 4x game experiences. Troublesome governors, internal plots, etc. could create the rich mid-game playing experience so many forum posters have talked about. So now I went from excited to slightly frustrated