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WAD or not, it always worked that way: if at any point you have to use convoys for lend-lease to reach destination, it has to be received via port (same goes for trade, btw). Only way to lend-lease landlocked countries is when you have unbroken land connection from your capital.

Basically, you have to give them a port during peace conference with China in order to annex them via lend-lease (giving them control of occupied teritory might also work). Alternatively, you can wait (probably forever) for AI Manchukuo to annex them at any point in time via focus; war is also an option, but who knows if they join some other alliance while you justify?
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If I request divisions from my puppets, and those divisions fight in a war I'm fighting but that their home nation hasn't been called to, will that raise the home nation's autonomy?
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Was checking out heavy fighters and was surprised by how much better they are compared to regular fighters? If I have the industry, would it be advisable to just produce heavy fighters instead of regular fighters? They have much better air attack and interception, although they are a bit more expensvie (which I feel like is worth the higher production cost).
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Was checking out heavy fighters and was surprised by how much better they are compared to regular fighters? If I have the industry, would it be advisable to just produce heavy fighters instead of regular fighters? They have much better air attack and interception, although they are a bit more expensvie (which I feel like is worth the higher production cost).
Heavy Fighters have way less agility than regular Fighters, so they trade really poorly in air combat.

Put another way, for every 1 Fighter your Heavy Fighters shoot down, the enemy Fighter will shoot down about 3 of your Heavy Fighters. Then consider the fact that Fighter I costs 24 IC and Heavy Fighter I costs 28 IC and you just lost 84 of your IC in pursuit of destroying 24 of the enemy's IC.

Heavy fighters are good in large air zones over Asia, South America and the Pacific where their long range gives them better mission efficiency than Fighters. Otherwise stick with Fighters.
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Heavy Fighters have way less agility than regular Fighters, so they trade really poorly in air combat.

Put another way, for every 1 Fighter your Heavy Fighters shoot down, the enemy Fighter will shoot down about 3 of your Heavy Fighters. Then consider the fact that Fighter I costs 24 IC and Heavy Fighter I costs 28 IC and you just lost 84 of your IC in pursuit of destroying 24 of the enemy's IC.

Heavy fighters are good in large air zones over Asia, South America and the Pacific where their long range gives them better mission efficiency than Fighters. Otherwise stick with Fighters.
Thanks for the info. Never really understood air combat.
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Put another way, for every 1 Fighter your Heavy Fighters shoot down, the enemy Fighter will shoot down about 3 of your Heavy Fighters.
How did you get those numbers? As far as I can tell, losses should be no more than 0.81/1.27/1.79 heavy per light or 0.94/1.47/2.05 in ICs, depending on tech.

So with 1936 technology, heavies are actually okay. Less so later, provided you're fighting in SW Europe.

Never really understood air combat.
  • Start with attack/defense.
  • Calculate (speed - speed)/1500 + (agility - agility)/100. Multiply that by 30%. Modify atk/def by this value.
  • If the target is more agile than the shooter, some damage will be evaded. If agility <= agility, no damage is evaded. If agility >= 2.5*agility, 67.5% of damage is evaded. Between those two it's linear.
In practice:
If fighters and STRAT duke it out, (spd-spd)/1500+(agi-agi)/100 modifies damage by no more than +/-20%. In other cases, it's rarely more than +/-10%.

Agility defense is ca. 2/3rds when STRAT fires at anything, and ca. 1/3rd when normal aircraft fire at (light) fighters.

Notice how upgrading engine benefits you 5 times? If you want to do well in the air, start with that!
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What are the chances france will go monarchist in ahistorical mode?
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Fate of Greece is worth it during the time between when Romania drops it's guarantee on Greece, and when the UK guarantees Greece.
Romania drops it's guarantee in May 31. When does the UK guarantee Greece? Is it related to the Italian justification of war on Greece? If so, when does Italy begin justifying?
I have a question about modifiers. Do the offence and defense modifiers work in all battles (Division vs division, aircraft vs aircraft, ship vs ship, aircraft vs division, aircraft vs ship, division vs ship) or only in ground combats? If yes, will they work in ideas.
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Hello, for now, I would like to know:
Why am I losing War Support when the enemy is bombing non-core provinces I just conquered?
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I have a question about modifiers. Do the offence and defense modifiers work in all battles (Division vs division, aircraft vs aircraft, ship vs ship, aircraft vs division, aircraft vs ship, division vs ship) or only in ground combats? If yes, will they work in ideas.
They only work in types of battles they are used in, which is usually only the "default" type of combat for that particular unit.

When to comes to interaction between different military branches, most defensive modifiers aren't used at all. Take planes, for example: they do not care about division defensive modifiers (except for AA damage reduction, of course - though it's not a "defence" modifier), but divisional AA also does not care about plane stats. During naval strikes planes (supposedly) respect admiral's "defensive" skill, which acts as a damage reduction along with damage reduction from fleet AA (again, not exactly a "defence" modifier); naval AA, however, does factor in plane agility (which is, again, not "air defence", but acts as defensive stat in this particular case).

Offensive modifiers are more universal: they tend to simply buff damage (although, not always all types of damage), so factored in when said damage is applied (or otherwise used for calculations like shore bombardment).
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Is it just me, or are (16w) infantry sort-of better than (16w) marines/mountaineers if you're on Mass Assault, esp. the right branch? For attacking, I mean.

Infantry pros:
+ more HP (+50%)
+ faster recovery (+30%) <-- weird
+ more soft attack (+10%)
+ more defence
+ fewer weapons (-15%)

Marines and mountaineers pros:
+ more organisation (+30%)
+ less supply
+ less manpower (-20%)
+ terrain bonuses
+ stuff you got from the special forces research

Marines are better for rivers and amphibious landings, obviously. But the combat width reduction makes regular infantry very competitive with special forces of the same width.

The HP difference is particularly striking. It seems that if you want to conserve manpower and weapons (and unit experience), you paradoxically want regular infantry? Is there a catch? (Why do special forces have such low HP anyway?)
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What's the trigger for the Soviet Union to declare war on Poland by itself? Can it, as Germany, be stopped (like with MR-pact)? I noticed that delaying Danzig or war will lead to a Soviet assault of Poland in 1940 if Finland had capitulated.
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How do you increase the likelyhood of Yugoslavia accepting the annexation from the focus "Fate of Yugoslavia" as Germany? Couldn't find anything in the WIki.
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So, what does a field hospital's XP loss thing do?

This is my current understanding of how reinforcement works:

1. Your division has 10k soldiers and 300 xp
2. You're mountaineering and 1k soldiers fall off the mountainside due to a puddle of ice on the path
3. Your division has 9k soldiers and 300 xp
4. You get reinforced by 1k soldiers (green, 0 xp)
5. Your division has (1k * 0 + 9k * 300) / 10k = 270 xp

Where does a field hospital's XP loss fit in?
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Suppose you have Hospital II (1939), with 30% trickleback and -20% XP loss

First, you don't lose 1000 manpower, only 700.

Second, instead of losing 10% of your XP from losing 10% of your men, you lose 20% less, i.e. 8% loss. So they'd go from 300 XP to 276 XP, instead of dropping all the way down to 270 XP.

So not much of an XP difference. (But the trickleback already makes your longterm manpower 40% larger.)
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Is there a list of state modifiers in the game’s files (like all the Turkish ones for the Kemalists, the Traditionalists, & the Kurds, the Bulgarian IMRO and Macedonian ones, Poland’s international city, etc.)?
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