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If I'm playing as an axis minor and do a collaboration on soviet will that lower their capitulation requirement?
1) If i turn off 'Man the Guns' - i know that assignable admiral traits disappear at game start - but will i still have access to assignable admiral traits over the course of the game? (except for the specialised and obvious ones like 'minelayer' which only work with MtG active). Is there any comprehensive list of working traits out there?

2) What outside of converting cruisers and upgrading existing converted cruiser hulls does this hull type make sense for? As far as i can see a CV II hull with 2 hangers does have the same deck space, costs about the same but has a much more durable hull. Do i miss anything major with this observation?

3) In terms of the army/navy rivalry for JAP - do CIVs count as factories and get reduced construction speed when favoring the navy - or does this only effect the production speed of MILs

4) If i turn off 'La Resistance' - will planes or anything elss still generate any reconnaissance or similar modifier to ground combat or am i restricted to getting encryption / decryption technologies to get anything outside of regular air bonuses?
Can I lock in a one-time research bonus by choosing it for one day and then switching to another tech? I.e. I have multiple techs for which the bonus applies, want the bonus for a tech which is 1940, but want to research another 1936 tech first.
1) If i turn off 'Man the Guns' - i know that assignable admiral traits disappear at game start - but will i still have access to assignable admiral traits over the course of the game? (except for the specialised and obvious ones like 'minelayer' which only work with MtG active). Is there any comprehensive list of working traits out there?
Just like with generals and WtT, none of the assignable traits are available without the DLC. See https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Commander_trait for a complete list.
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Just like with generals and WtT, none of the assignable traits are available without the DLC. See https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/Commander_trait for a complete list.

Thanks for your swift reply! I however found some oddity about that: With MtG turned off, Yamamoto still is a flight deck manager - an assignable trait according to the wiki list.

Not knowing the relevant cheats i cannot replicate commanders / admirals gain xp for a new trait. Tagging around didn't lead to any other admiral having an assignable trait at game start.

Can anyone help with my other questions above?
3) In terms of the army/navy rivalry for JAP - do CIVs count as factories and get reduced construction speed when favoring the navy - or does this only effect the production speed of MILs

It both a) adjusts construction speed for military factories and dockyards and b) production speed for military factories and dockyards.

Your civilian factories will construct all other things at regular speed.

2) What outside of converting cruisers and upgrading existing converted cruiser hulls does this hull type make sense for? As far as i can see a CV II hull with 2 hangers does have the same deck space, costs about the same but has a much more durable hull. Do i miss anything major with this observation?

AFAIK, those hulls do not make sense beyond converting pre-existing ships. The dedicated carrier hull is much better in every way for new designs.

Also, hangers are for clothing. Aircraft are housed in hangars.

Can I lock in a one-time research bonus by choosing it for one day and then switching to another tech? I.e. I have multiple techs for which the bonus applies, want the bonus for a tech which is 1940, but want to research another 1936 tech first.

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2) What outside of converting cruisers and upgrading existing converted cruiser hulls does this hull type make sense for? As far as i can see a CV II hull with 2 hangers does have the same deck space, costs about the same but has a much more durable hull. Do i miss anything major with this observation?
I think it's strange that you'd question what a lower tier hull is good for in comparison to a higher tier hull. But CVC compared to CV2 does have some advantages, it has increased range, lower manpower cost, doesn't eat a chromium, and perhaps most importantly doesn't require additional research. I suppose it could also be said that you could put either cruiser or carrier engines in it, so if you have high tier cruiser engines unlocked but not carrier, you could do that but I don't think this makes up for the difference in base speed of the hulls.

3) In terms of the army/navy rivalry for JAP - do CIVs count as factories and get reduced construction speed when favoring the navy - or does this only effect the production speed of MILs
No, civs are not 'factories' for the purpose of 'factory output'. That works on mils.
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Thanks @tract and @Corpse Fool ! This helps a lot!

I stumbled over another question regarding variants of planes. I try to explain via an FTR (all the same tier, all in the equipment stock) example:

variant A: 100 FTR unmodified
variant B: 100 FTR range variant
variant C: 100 FTR firepower variant (same amount of air xp spent as variant B)

When i now set up a new production line for variant C and press the button for upgrading (having the next FTR tier researched) - will both variants A and B be upgraded to variant C or only the 'worse' variant A?

What would happen if have two production lines of B and C at the same time, upgrading activated? Would they take away from each other after variant A has been used up or would they simply stop upgrading and producing new planes?
When i now set up a new production line for variant C and press the button for upgrading (having the next FTR tier researched) - will both variants A and B be upgraded to variant C or only the 'worse' variant A?

What would happen if have two production lines of B and C at the same time, upgrading activated? Would they take away from each other after variant A has been used up or would they simply stop upgrading and producing new planes?
The lions share of this line of questioning is answered by which models you have decommissioned. You can only convert equipment that has been decommissioned, so not decommissioning equipment you don't want converted, will prevent that equipment from being converted. Similarly, you can also only decommission equipment you do want converted (until/if you research the next tier of that equipment and it automatically decommissions the previous tier).

The specifics about which model of equipment gets consumed first depends on which order they are in in the list when you hover over the conversion button for the production order. I'm not sure off hand who had previously looked into this (secret master?) but that is what I took away from that post. I'm not sure how you would influence which order the equipment shows up in the list, aside from maybe temporarily green-lighting equipment to take it out of the running until the other equipment is used up, and then putting them back into the pool.
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2) What outside of converting cruisers and upgrading existing converted cruiser hulls does this hull type make sense for?
I wouldn't say they're intended for new designs from scratch. But converted cruisers were a thing in real life, and even in the game I've occasionally found uses for the converted cruiser hull. (It's possible to wind up with excess cruisers, especially old ones, and it's faster and cheaper to refit those existing hulls into escort carriers than it is to build a new carrier from scratch. The new design might have more HP, but if it's for secondary uses anyway, or it's after your fleet carriers are done slugging it out with enemy main fleets, the extra HP won't come up much, whereas more deck space is always more deck space.)
What does "fleet coordination" do?
Mouse over has this. I suspect this and the maneuver is the best stats for admiral, but not sure which is the best. If the mission efficiency boost both attack and defense stats like air mission boost, then it is absolute the best stats. Spawn several admiral and choose the best.

Mouse over has this. I suspect this and the maneuver is the best stats for admiral, but not sure which is the best. If the mission efficiency boost both attack and defense stats like air mission boost, then it is absolute the best stats. Spawn several admiral and choose the best.

View attachment 866859
Of naval missions, only raid and escort have efficiency, but (unlike air) I'm pretty sure those efficiencies don't affect battle stats, only the likelihood of finding a convoy to raid and the time it takes to react to a convoy being raided. Strike force and patrol (the main ones for entering big fights) don't have efficiency for sure

Range seems ok at best, but wtf does "allows the admiral to control larger fleet" even mean?
When two fleet fight, the bigger fleet will have lower positioning. The manuever stats give extra positioning, but not sure about this. Perhasps we choose Maneuver over this, when in doubt.
Fleet coordination doesn't visibly affect positioning (from mousing over the positioning bonus), but I suppose it could be some invisible mechanic
Will Japan honor the tripartite pact if I manage to capitulate the allies before 1941 and take the south East Asian territories from France and UK?
Will Japan honor the tripartite pact if I manage to capitulate the allies before 1941 and take the south East Asian territories from France and UK?
Whether or not the Allies are gone, the Tripartite Pact usually doesn't apply: it was a defensive pact, and is represented in-game by a set of mutual guarantees between Germany, Italy, and Japan. Since the Axis do most of the war-declaring, there's no way to invoke the defensive guarantee other than waiting for the USSR to declare on Germany, which can take quite a while.

By 1941, Japan will declare war on whoever controls Singapore and (IIRC) Borneo via their "Strike on the Southern Resource Area" focus. If those are your puppets, that will mean you're in the war, too. Defensive guarantees will not prevent this behavior in AI Japan.
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Fleet coordination doesn't visibly affect positioning (from mousing over the positioning bonus), but I suppose it could be some invisible mechanic
COORDINATION_EFFECT_ON_TIME_TO_JOIN_COMBAT is loosely connected with positioning, but the bit about larger fleets in the tooltip really is nonsense as far as I can tell.
Mouse over has this. I suspect this and the maneuver is the best stats for admiral, but not sure which is the best. If the mission efficiency boost both attack and defense stats like air mission boost, then it is absolute the best stats. Spawn several admiral and choose the best.

View attachment 866859
There's also this page:
although, it's not entirely clear if coordination and hit chance are actually two separate things.
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