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Grand Duke of Fluff, Lord of the Bargain Hunt
91 Badges
Jul 30, 2012
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Well, I know I said I didn't think I'd be able to do this by myself, but I guess I proved myself wrong! As noted, I've updated the borders of the provinces of Westeros to bring them more in line with the borders seen in the World of Ice and Fire book! It probably still needs a bit of work, since I did move a LOT of provinces around, but I think I've managed to get it to a playable stage.



...actually, these pictures are a bit out of date; I've shifted some duchies around, added a few new ones, and redrawn a few borders slightly...and I've moved all the shields back to the right places, but it should give you an idea of how things look now.

I've put a folder with all my edits on Dropbox; https://www.dropbox.com/sh/svx9i3mghzzmpjl/AACCRqNO9zS4VFm0HBaRFZ2Ka?dl=0 ...you should just be able to add/replace all the files in the old mod folder, although I'd recommend making a separate mod folder in case you want to switch back...or you find a glaring error (or something from my homebrewed version, like the code that adds ruined provinces to Valyria so it can be recolonised...yes, it'd be ridiculous, but the AI's never going to do it, so call it a bonus for a determined player!).

In any case, enjoy! And hopefully I haven't missed something glaringly obvious...
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I definitely prefer this map then vanilla one. It is accurate (I think, reach confuses me) and very smooth. Did any of the province ıd’s changed?

I would prefer more impassible mountains in dorne (covering torrentine region, dividing skyreach and king’s grave) in westerland, in neck and stormlands (around slayne river basin).

And my nitpicks are ; yelshire shouldn’t touch blackmonth, old town province should enclose mouth of honeywine river, crown’s barrens in vale seem odd to me may be the twins province have out lad to sea. greywater watch and moat calin shouldn’t have ports, torrhen's squere could take more space around the lake, north road should go through cerwyn and heart's home, and upcliff seem wrong to me.

And again thank you, if you don’t want make any changes map is okay as it is by me.
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Let me see...all of the provinces are the same, I've just shifted a few around (a few of the provinces that originally were a part of the Kingswood have now been shifted north, but their cultural history has been updated to accommodate this)...although I'm tempted to go back to the map and check the de facto duchies again, since some states got broken up and others shifted around, and so it might have messed up things for the Lords Paramount, since they can't hand out Duchies...

Hmm...I did get a bit overzealous in getting rid of some of the mountain ranges, but it was partly for visual reasons (so I redrew borders in a few areas to compensate) and partly because it didn't make sense in certain areas. Surely there should be a coastal route connecting the Reach with Dorne? And the Westmarch extends as far as Horn Hill, which borders Blackmont, so surely there must be some route allowing access to the Torrentine...and the Slayne basin (part of the Dornish Marches) to the Stone Way (especially with the terrain map showing that the area's not completely impassable)? I suppose it could still be hard for armies to travel through, though...and it is said in several places that there are two routes into Dorne...

In any case, the good thing about this is it's just a start; we can easily revise the map's borders from here to add mountains or change borders or whatnot. As for the other notes...wait, did they say the Freys control land all the way to the sea? I shifted the province because it was noted that the Mallisters (Seagard) had the job of guarding the coastline from the Ironborn, so it seemed likely that they'd hold the lot...and Moat Cailin and Greywater Watch kind of need ports for the sake of the borders; it's noted that the only way through the Neck is through the Marshes or Moat Cailin, so the provinces need to extend to the water to be the only places that armies can march through. Hmm, and did you mean a different province to Heart's Home being on the Northroad? Heart's Home is in the middle of the Vale, so it can't be on the road...
Is this going to become officially part of the mod or a sub mod, because I like some of the changes but for the most part prefer the current map.

Things in the World Book borders of Westeros seem slightly off which would make sence given the sort of tech level in Westeros and the world at large etc.
This map look more medieval than the original one, I like it a lot.
Dorne needs its impassable mountains back, the only two ways into Dorne is the Princes Pass and The Boneway, unless you go by boat.

Now can we please have that Petty Kings scenario that you have been teasing us with? Pretty please.
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Dorne needs its impassable mountains back, the only two ways into Dorne is the Princes Pass and The Boneway, unless you go by boat.
I know, I'm starting to regret taking them out...well, mostly; it feels wrong that they're only accessible from the one side, but it's not hard to add them back in, and I'm tempted to add a few more mountains here and there...

Now can we please have that Petty Kings scenario that you have been teasing us with? Pretty please.
Oh, I've just been proposing it; I've not managed to code any of that! I had a look at it a few days back; just about every date before The Bleeding Years has barely any extant states, meaning someone would need to go through just about every province file and change the dates...
While i know these borders are a more significantly more accurate representation of the lore maps, i just honestly don't like two factors of it: The Reach/Westerlands/Riverlands border (specifically only the triangular province by Hornvale), and the small little triangle of the Reach stretching across the Blackwater (part of Tumbleton on the map). It just looks so off to me - surely it'd make more sense to have the border drawn along the river, especially as the Tumbleton bit doesn't semingly extend to any special point (such as God's Eye)?

Besides that, i like it a lot. The dornish marches look a little bit strange with how the Reach almost divides them, but it's much better than the vanilla duchy. Most duchies look much more natural and 'smooth', and overall a good job.
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Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but whenever i start up a game during Robert's Rebellion, the Iron Throne starts as a Theocracy (already deleted my GoT Cache folder)
It happen to me "i start up a game during Robert's Rebellion, the Iron Throne starts as a Theocracy" but I restarted, and click diffirent senario dates, then in roberts rebellion, Iron throne became kingdom again. I have no idea what is happening
I have noticed that the little symbol indicateing government type tends to shift but the actual form of government stays the same.
Found a graphical bug/mistake. The castle sprite for c_gallowsgrey is located in c_harvesthall.
Man, I really prefer this map apart from that one province in the Reach. Although it does make sense, no medieval map is complete without weird borders. We're lucky everything is contiguous.
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Do others have this bug?
Problem: Move mouse over the Yes/No box when trying to invite someone to your court, no opinion modifier tooltip appears
Fix: Remove d_oros.txt and d_valyria.txt from history/titles or add entries for them in landed_titles
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Amazing job, before anything else. :)

As for the unpassable mountains, I just find it a little hard to believe Oldtown would have turned out to be as successful and peaceful as it is ( being such a plump peach to sack), if the Dornish, specially those from Torrentine, which seems like a powerful seat on itself, had an open road that were just a few days of march into it's walls (quite closer than any help from Highgarden).

Martin went long ways to talk about how the Dornish smashed themselves time and again into every land passage they found to try conquering their neighbors, one on that side would have probably being mentioned, I think?

Also, I am under the impression (might be just me) that part of the mystic of the Daynes around Westeros is that they are quite secluded from non-Dornish lords (I mean, they do have Valyrian features, too but people seldom go around talking about the Velaryons as often or as "fairy-tale like" as they do about the Daynes, and the Seahorses had married into royalty!).

Of course, I may be deeply wrong here.
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Do others have this bug?
Problem: Move mouse over the Yes/No box when trying to invite someone to your court, no opinion modifier tooltip appears
Fix: Remove d_oros.txt and d_valyria.txt from history/titles or add entries for them in landed_titles
Oops, sorry, I thought I'd kept those files separate (I adapted the Valyria mod for my own personal game)! I've deleted them from the mod now.

As for the unpassable mountains, I just find it a little hard to believe Oldtown would have turned out to be as successful and peaceful as it is ( being such a plump peach to sack), if the Dornish, specially those from Torrentine, which seems like a powerful seat on itself, had an open road that were just a few days of march into it's walls (quite closer than any help from Highgarden).

Martin went long ways to talk about how the Dornish smashed themselves time and again into every land passage they found to try conquering their neighbors, one on that side would have probably being mentioned, I think?
Hmm, it's looking more and more like I'll need to add these mountains back in...I took them out at the time partly because all the impassable mountains everywhere made the united Seven Kingdoms look a bit ugly, but also because it seemed a bit odd that there wouldn't be a connection of some sort given that they share a coastline, and that the mountains on the terrain map have large gaps visible between them...I mean, surely there must be something like Thermopylae along the coast? Still, it was probably a bad call on my part...and thankfully, it's one that's easily fixable; all that one needs to do is draw a 2 pixel wide black line between provinces...