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I think I'm going to go with the De Jure Kingdom option...so it's similar to what's happening at the moment, with the area no longer being a part of the Stormlands, but now it'll be a small Kingdom in order to make it more visually pleasing, and to allow the person holding it to have a title that shows their general importance in Westeros (plus, as noted, if it's now a separate realm, that should increase the chances of it reverting to the Iron Throne if the line dies out); much like what I'm planning to do with Dragonstone...yes, it should be a part of the De Jure Crownlands, but this way, it allows the Prince of Dragonstone to have vassals sworn to them, which should be an option for the Stannis start date.

I'm actually wanting to toy more and more with the pre-conquest Kingdom idea, and see if some of the Kingdoms can show up later in the game...for instance, Summerhall? This could be the planned Kingdom of the (Dornish) Marches that I'm planning to add with a new name, and it would certainly make sense, given that Summerhall was said to be built at the end of the Stone Way. I'm also thinking about my idea of revamping the Crownlands to add a "Kingdom of the Blackwater" in the place of the western Crownlands during the pre-Conquest date, and I have a new idea for what to do here with this Kingdom; firstly, I'll add a new culture group called something like "Blackwatermen" (ahistorical, but somewhat justified, given that the name for bastards from this region is Waters...and considering how much has been speculated so far with place names and historical figures, it really wouldn't be too much of a stretch), and change the culture of all the Crownland provinces held by the Riverlands to this culture. Secondly, I'll update the Conquest events so that when Aegon shows up and is able to pick just where he wants to make his capital, if he picks the option to settle at King's Landing, then the culture "Blackwatermen" will change to "Crownlander"; much like how Frankish becomes French in Vanilla (however, the Stormlander culture counties will remain unchanged; thus giving them a cultural link with Storm's End and thus making them sympathetic to Stannis). If he chooses to settle anywhere else, the "Blackwatermen" culture will remain intact, and the title of "Lord Paramount of the Blackwater" will become available for one of the Lords in the region. This way, we get a chance to use the "Lord Paramount of the Crownlands" title in some way (and also prevent the name from not making sense), we can have a Crownlander culture group in the game that actually covers the bulk of the Crownlands instead of just King's Landing, and thus give someone playing the Darklyns something to go for.
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Blast...first the game doesn't load because Conclave revamped CKII, and then I realise I've been editing an out of date version of the mod because it's been so long since I was last active here! Darnit...well, at least I copied the files I did edit to a separate place, so it shouldn't be too hard to bring things up to date...

Well, in any case, when I can next get the game going, the code for the new ducal setup is complete, so that just leaves the history and a few other events to fix and it'll be playable...
Urgh...that took far longer than it should have. Turns out there were a few errors in the text...including a strange symbol replacing a space that mysteriously ended up in one file...but anyway, here's the first real look at the revised map as it appears in the game (shield and settlement placement fixes have yet to be completed)! Unfortunately, Summerhall is held by King's Landing at the moment, which looks pretty ugly, but I'll fix that soon...for now, pretend it's an independent Duchy of Summerhall. Or part of the Duchy of Blackhaven.
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You may notice a few Duchies are missing, or have new ones with different names occupying their spot? As noted, I drew my duchy map based on the Lords that were explicitly said to be the Principal Bannermen of a Lord Paramount in the appendix of A Game of Thrones, or who had their flag depicted in the World of Ice and Fire book...and then added a few here and there to fill out the map. The old titles are still in the game, just titular.

Anyway, thoughts on all this?
It being outdated would make sense for a few things, like the iron throne being considered a theocracy in start dates where it exists .... :p

Anyway, at a glance it looks beautiful. The only things I'm not too sure about are the Redforts having a duchy (admittedly don't know much about them. Edit: I see now that they're listed as principal lords...would make sense considering one of them is a Lord Declarant and another was a Queensguard for Rhaenyra...) and Gulltown being under the control of Runestone, though presumably that was partially done to compensate the Royces on losing so much land. The Graftons were definitely major lords and were previously petty kings, IIRC
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Ah, crap...well, I'll fix that soon! I'm making it into a proper sub-mod this time that can be run alongside other mods, so that should make it far easier to edit and update...

Thank you! With regards to the Redfort, yeah, it's there because they're listed as a Principal Lord, but also because with the Duchy this shape, you'll notice it allows the area to flipflop between the planned k_mountainsofthemoon and k_vale...and as for Gulltown, they're going to be a titular title; they weren't listed as Principal Lords, and the Wiki suggested that the Royces had vassals living in the town itself, so it seemed like a better choice to make Gulltown titular rather than an OPM Duchy...and there are a few of those already (the Iron Islands, the Blackwater Bay houses sworn to Dragonstone, Tarth, the Arbor, Estermont, Bear Island)...

The next thing I'll do from here is revamp the history files; the plan is to set things up so that the Principal Lords control all the other Lords (except the Knightly Houses)...a tad ahistorical (although it could be seen as the Principal Lords of Westeros being tasked with mustering specific areas of a region), but possibly necessary for gameplay purposes.
Making some good progress, now; have fixed the Kingsroad event and have started on the de jure Kingdoms, which I think for now will just be used in the 7996 start date, since I'm not too familiar with the Megawar codes (I've still experimented with them a bit to try and create a Lord Paramount of the Blackwater Bay, but I expect it may lead to disaster...ah well, good thing it's just the one file!). Fortunately for me, the game itself comes with a large number of Titular Kingdoms for historic purposes, and there are more than enough to replicate my proposed Kingdom setup. Just need to amend the history files...and change the odd name.
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This is looking good. I wasn't expecting to agree so much with the northern de iure set up as much as I was. However, a question in that regard if I may - who is meant to be holding Long Lake? In an earlier shot, it looked like the Boltons, but I was under the impression that the Boltons' lands did not extend so far north west - they definitely don't extend to the main road from Winterfell to Castle Black.
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This is looking good. I wasn't expecting to agree so much with the northern de iure set up as much as I was. However, a question in that regard if I may - who is meant to be holding Long Lake? In an earlier shot, it looked like the Boltons, but I was under the impression that the Boltons' lands did not extend so far north west - they definitely don't extend to the main road from Winterfell to Castle Black.

It is going to be the Boltons; at least for two of the three counties that make up the Duchy (the third is Lonely Hills, which is held by Last Hearth). It's mainly because in the Telltale game, Highpoint is said to have been a part of the Bolton lands for centuries, so I figured it'd look nicer to give them the land in the middle. Admittedly, this sort of thing will happen in a few places (Runestone will control the Fingers, as Coldwater Burn is their vassal), but I want to make things look as neat as possible. As for the Lordship of Long Lake, It won't be actually existing during the timeline of the game; it'll just be a formable option.

Agreed. I've just been patiently lurking, waiting for it to become an official sub mod

Heh, thank you! Hopefully I should get it to that stage soon...
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Very close now...just sorting out positions.txt and trying to fix a problem that's cropped up with c_brandons_gift. In this mod, it's been turned into a location held by one of the Northern Clans, but for some reason, the game keeps making it a Republic. There's evidently a clash going on somewhere in the files, but I haven't found the line just yet...

EDIT: Found the problem; the only settlement in Brandon's Gift was a city, so the game kept ditching the lord whenever it started.
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I really hope this is added to the main mod in some capacity... it looks so much more realistic.

By the way, when I use this a lot of provinces are independent, could it be a conflict with the AGOT RP mod?