My contrarian streak demands I challenge this consensus and say Aethelred was a terrible ruler, which could be a challenge but I will give it a go. The following is not entirely serious, but I think a necessary counter-point.
His turn to cowardice (so called piety) after his humiliating defeat in Spain meant England missed all the opportunities to expand into an unstable and weak Continent. I also suspect there were chances in the Home Islands to expand had he not been so busy praying. Peace is all well and good, but expanding the Kingdom is better.
Economically he has attached several large blood sucking leeches to the English economy that are just going to weaken the country until someone rips them off, I am of course talking about the monasteries. While England must eventually get a Cromwell/Henry VIII figure to save it, surely it would be better not to let the disease get a grip in the first place?
Politically abandoning ruling the kingdom for a decade is just irresponsible, though I suppose it fits with his cowardice. 'Ruling looks a bit difficult, I'll just go and enrich some more leeches in cassocks' was probably his thinking. He was lucky that actual fighting didn't break out while he essentially vacated the throne. Even if he did have to go hide in prayer he could at least have named a regent, but that would require him to care about the country and there is basically no evidence that he did
Dynastically he must surely be a colossal disappointment. I'm not convinced chastity is particularly pious (you'll not find it in the bible) and even the church is wobbly on celibacy for clergy at this point. He was married and there is more biblical support for the idea he should be producing kids than for the idea he should shun his wife, who you have to feel somewhat sorry for - she was engaged to a bold crusader king but ended up married to a celibate coward who spent his time shovelling money into the hands of greedy monks while ignoring the nation.
His turn to cowardice (so called piety) after his humiliating defeat in Spain meant England missed all the opportunities to expand into an unstable and weak Continent. I also suspect there were chances in the Home Islands to expand had he not been so busy praying. Peace is all well and good, but expanding the Kingdom is better.
Economically he has attached several large blood sucking leeches to the English economy that are just going to weaken the country until someone rips them off, I am of course talking about the monasteries. While England must eventually get a Cromwell/Henry VIII figure to save it, surely it would be better not to let the disease get a grip in the first place?
Politically abandoning ruling the kingdom for a decade is just irresponsible, though I suppose it fits with his cowardice. 'Ruling looks a bit difficult, I'll just go and enrich some more leeches in cassocks' was probably his thinking. He was lucky that actual fighting didn't break out while he essentially vacated the throne. Even if he did have to go hide in prayer he could at least have named a regent, but that would require him to care about the country and there is basically no evidence that he did
Dynastically he must surely be a colossal disappointment. I'm not convinced chastity is particularly pious (you'll not find it in the bible) and even the church is wobbly on celibacy for clergy at this point. He was married and there is more biblical support for the idea he should be producing kids than for the idea he should shun his wife, who you have to feel somewhat sorry for - she was engaged to a bold crusader king but ended up married to a celibate coward who spent his time shovelling money into the hands of greedy monks while ignoring the nation.
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