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I guess since all the nations of the world are participating in this interstellar government, it's not really just the Lombards anymore. Now it's the Lombards and friends/frenemies. :D

Modders sure don't take long to pump out mods for new games. :p Glad you found some good ones that are worth using.
Sounds great to me! It's good to see that there are already interesting mods out there.

I like that the ENC is xenophile even though the Earth is not politically united (yet). Any special thoughts on that choice?
I wonder if the UN and the ENC remaining separate entities will hinder humanity's potential in the stars, or if it won't matter. I'm so excited to see First Contact. What will the aliens think of a race exploring the stars without being united?

Thank you for the overview of your game. Hopefully being on hard difficulty won't come back to bite you.
@ThetrueColt -- My thought behind adding the Xenophile ethos is based on how I feel the ENC would react to spaceborne creatures -- I feel they would be more likely to study and communicate rather than blow them straight out of the sky and shun them. Were there ever to be mixed-race worlds, I feel like many humans would be eager to go experience that. Accordingly, First Contact Protocol is "Passive" for them.

@TheAnguishedOne -- I hope it does come back to bite me!
Welcome aboard!!

Also, a note on the style/format of this AAR. The short answer is: I have no clue.

Those of you who've followed my recent CK2 / EU4 AARs know that I've settled into a pretty reliable format, that's even mirrored in these opening posts. As for how I'll tell this story of the Earth Naval Coalition and their spacefaring Lombard buddies... I'm not sure. History book format, small narratives, who knows? Stellaris is a young game, and many of us haven't seen a lot of these events before, so I want to take my time and enjoy telling the stories that will eventually become "old hat" for game starts. So you will probably see a little bit of several things!
The ENC Interstellar Survey Expedition Begins
2200 - 2203 AD: Rioc Sant Mikael Begins Man's Journey into the Stars


The most immediate task in front of the Earth Naval Coalition was the in-depth study of the Sol System and, subsequently, its neighbor Alpha Centauri. To that end, a team of scientific experts was assembled to conduct ongoing research aboard ENC Headquarters, and the CSV Nbukwe was crewed with a team of some of the brightest minds in a variety of scientific fields. Many of the crewmen were researchers from Mali, chosen for the symbolically out of acknowledgement of the first global circumnavigation. Its Captain, however, was a young prodigy from Brittany -- 28-year-old Rioc Sant Mikael. Holding two doctorates -- one from his native Brittany and one from a renowned astrophysics program in the Byzantine Empire -- the cautious young man was deemed to have the right mix of intelligence and prudence to lead the Ndukwe's expedition into the stars.


In late January of 2201, President Stavros Nikolaidis declared the ENC Interstellar Survey Expedition officially underway. The CSV Nbukwe left the docks of ENC Headquarters accompanied by its escort corvettes, and Dr. Sant Mikael began the process of conducting orbital surveys on each of Sol's planets, and several of its moons and asteroids. Thanks to the high speed of the Coalition's newest sublight propulsion systems, the project would take approximately 19 months to complete, including minor resupply stops. Dr. Sant Mikael maintained meticulous logs of his findings, spending hours a day recording every detail of his trips in order to avoid leaving out any morsel of information that might prove critical. He also provided daily transmissions of video recordings and data samples back to ENC Headquarters. There, the information was studied in greater depth by a larger team of scientists. More critically, perhaps, the highlights of Dr. Sant Mikael's voyage were broadcast daily across the world on evening news broadcasts, and the people of Earth watched with rapt attention each night, shattering Nielsen ratings.

Some of the surveys proved uneventful -- Mars, for example, was found to be entirely barren. There were no signs of life, much to the disappointment of speculators on Earth, nor were there any seemingly useful research material, resources, or anything besides quicksand, mountains, and barren, empty space. Stargazers and science fiction fans alike were crushed to find that there was, definitely, absolutely nothing there. Likewise, the probes of Luna, Uranus, and Neptune proved unremarkable.


Other surveys proved to be far more intriguing -- and actionable. Venus, the second stop on the Expedition, was found to harbor substantial deposits of minerals and valuable materials useful for construction projects and synthesizing components for ships and equipment. The CIS (Coalition Industrial Ship) Sahara was dispatched there after the Ndukwe's departure, where its crew constructed an orbital extraction station from which to harvest some of these important resources. Similar structures were deployed orbiting Saturn and 2 Pallas, to extract energy and mineral resources respectively. Slowly but surely, the Expedition was uncovering ways to glean valuable manufacturing and economic resources from within the Sol system, gradually building up the ENC's ability to sustain future projects.

But when the initial survey of Sol had been completed, it was time to begin what Dr. Sant Mikael considered the far more fascinating part of his journey: the warp jump into Alpha Centauri.


On November 2, 2201, the CSV Nbukwe dropped warp on the outskirts of the Alpha Centauri system; Dr. Sant Mikael and his crew became the first humans to successfully travel to another star system. The survey of the system took another year or so, and revealed that the Alpha Centauri system was rich in energy resources and was teeming with potential research leads in the fields of physics and societal research. Dr. Sant Mikael took detailed records of the exploitable resources on each planet and moon in the system, sending them to ENC Headquarters so that they could be reviewed for a possible construction expedition to claim the system.

The news of these resources, however, quickly fell from the news when the greatest discovery of the Alpha Centauri Expedition was revealed: habitable worlds.


Alpha Centauri I was a planet just slightly larger than Earth, tidally locked around its star so as to create perpetual day on one side and perpetual night on the other. It had a network of continents similar to Earth's, and its atmosphere and conditions proved sustainable for human life. The moon of Alpha Centauri II -- just over twice the size of Luna -- also had similar conditions, meaning that two potentially inhabitable worlds resided within the first system ever explored by Humans. The news hit Earth and started a massive wave of enthusiasm for expanding the ENC's space program. Television pundits and political representatives began to speculate about the creation of a colonization mission, and dinner table conversations across earth began to dream of what it would be like to live on another planet. Dr. Sant Mikael had started a movement.


But as soon as Dr. Sant Mikael made the bombshell discovery of habitable planets, he was recalled to finish what he had started at home in Sol. The biggest breakthrough within the Sol system was found around Jupiter -- the planet and each of its moons contained multiple resources, from energy and minerals to valuable research materials that could further the efforts of the scientific teams back home at Earth. Most interestingly, a glistening, refractive object was detected on the surface of Ganymede, prompting a special investigation by Dr. Sant Mikael's team. The object turned out to be some form of stone mural, marked with a handwriting foreign to Earth. While the ENC prepared to deploy a second science vessel to continue to chart the neighboring star systems, Dr. Sant Mikael was recalled from active surveying to lead the project attempting to translate the strange alien document. After artifacts from a 12 million-year-old "Vultaum Star Assembly" were found on Alpha Centauri II, Dr. Sant Mikael hoped that this mural might provide a clue into unlocking the identity of a non-human, spacefaring civilization.
Two habitable worlds in the system next door and signs that aliens visited the Sol system? Humanity must be going wild at this news.
Two habitable worlds in the system next door and signs that aliens visited the Sol system? Humanity must be going wild at this news.
Yeah. But wild in what direction?
You found two habitable worlds so quickly? I want your luck...
You found two habitable worlds so quickly? I want your luck...

Actually, from some of what I've read, I think it's weighted to have you find at least a couple habitables very nearby. But there are more adventures of Rioc Sant Mikael coming up soon! Future AARs probably wouldn't have such a slow pace, but I'm having fun focusing in on the small stuff :)
The Age of Expansion
2203 - 2210 AD: Exploiting Earth's Backyard

An Extraterrestrial Economy


ENC construction ship preparing to exploit mineral resources from a large asteroid.

The survey of Sol and Alpha Centauri revealed that the galaxy was teeming with natural resources waiting to be exploited with the right equipment. For the first time, economic ventures and riches could be found not just at home on earth, but seemingly anywhere in the stars. Not unlike the rush of "dot com" internet businesses in the 20th century, a rapid movement toward the establishment of enterprises to mine and process materials from space began in what could be described as a sort of "space-age gold rush". The Coalition's Expedition had charted many useful resources in Sol and Alpha Centauri, but the organization still had limited resources and manpower when it came to actually harvesting them.

With this in mind, President Nikolaidis turned to Earth to seek investors and labor for even more deep-space stations. Several of Earth's wealthier nations sponsored large workforces and monetary aid to "sponsor" the creation of orbital stations over key resource sites, especially in the outer rim of the Sol system, where those resources could be harvested without the need for potentially expensive FTL travel. Private corporations also formed and entered into partnerships with the ENC in exchange for a cut of the credits gained from the mining ventures. The first decade of the 23rd century was one of massive economic and industrial expansion, as the Coalition produced additional construction vessels to keep up with the seemingly endless flow of new resource deposits being discovered by Drs. Sant Mikael and Skenchioe.


Research stations orbiting the planets and moons of Alpha Centauri.

Alpha Centauri was a site of particular interest, especially for the otherworldly scientific phenomena that opened up additional avenues of study. Research platforms were constructed over multiple worlds of the system, directly administrated by ENC scientific staff. While investors were financing extraction stations to make their fortunes in other systems, Coalition researchers were making critical advances in multiple scientific fields, particularly relating to physics and engineering.

Dr. Sant Mikael's Discoveries


The CSV Nbukwe studying a transdimensional object in close orbit around Paggol.

Meanwhile, Dr. Rioc Sant Mikael was continuing to make ground-breaking discoveries on his voyage. In 2205, he discovered a small ceramic object orbiting the central star in the mineral-rich Paggol System. After long months of tireless study, Sant Mikael eventually identified the object as a projection from what appeared to be a different dimensional plane. It appeared to contain research notes and scientific principles from some unknown entity or civilization -- its origins remained unclear, but much of the data contained in the object proved useful in accelerating the pace of research back home. After the object was collected, constructors were deployed to begin tapping the system's large mineral deposits, while Sant Mikael moved on to his next big discovery.


Dr. Sant Mikael surveys a broken planet around the Gindor Black Hole.

To the north of Paggol, Sant Mikael made another astonishing discovery -- two planets orbiting the Gindor Black Hole. One was an unremarkable and totally barren world, but the other seemed to have been "cracked" not unlike an egg, with its core exposed. Nothing of note was found on either world, but the Gindor itself would eventually serve as the home to a well-staffed research outpost studying its behavior and anomalies. With one event after another, Dr. Sant Mikael quickly became a legend of the scientific community, and his was a household name on Earth. Nearly every family new the name, as he was frequently in the news and his video interviews and logs were routinely displayed on television. His counterpart, Dr. Skenchioe, took a very different journey aboard the CSV Lagrange.

Dr. Skenchioe's Legacy


A relic of the Vultaum Star Assembly uncovered by the Lagrange in the Ladiom system.

Dr. Skenchioe commanded the ENC's second research vessel, the CSV Lagrange, commissioned after the Nbukwe's successful survey of Sol and Alpha Centauri. As the Coalition widened its Expedition, the two vessels were each given a share of nearby systems to chart. While Dr. Sant Mikael was out examining Paggol and the Gindor Black Hole, Dr. Skenchioe uncovered an old, abandoned gas mining station around the third planet in the Ladiom system, a relic of the Vultaum Star Assembly. Two more similar stations were found, marking three separate vestiges of the Vultaum discovered within a short period of time.


Dr. Skenchioe's final recorded transmission.

The Lagrange's final discovery, however, was a disturbing one. While exploring an uncharted star system, the crew came across the broken remains of a derelict space ship that appeared to be broadcasting a continual distress signal. Dr. Skenchioe's team conducted a survey of the vessel, but found nothing of interest; no resources remained, and it appeared the crew had simply succumbed to a mutiny and died fighting one another. They left the vessel without a thought -- until a short time later, when some unknown phenomena seemed to overtake the crew. The final broadcast from the Lagrange indicated that the crew had begun slaughtering one another, before the ship was ultimately self-destructed.

Charting the Region


ENC star chart, circa 2110 AD.

The combination of the ENC's thirst for exploration and the terrestrial Earth nations' hunger for wealth led to a rapid expansion of system surveys. A third research vessel was commissioned -- the CSV Equinox, an upgraded version of the Akintola-class with more advanced sensors, commanded by Chinese scholar Shan Deng, and the expedition continued unabated. By 2210 AD, over a dozen star systems had been mapped by the Expedition ships, and several of them -- including Procyon, Ladiom, and Shaula -- proved rich in useful resources. The ENC had mapped out a small area surrounding Sol, but had not yet encountered much evidence of living entities save for a species of wandering, spacefaring "gas grazers" or "Tiyanki" -- far from the alien life some had expected. Still unopposed, man was reaching further and further to build his wealth -- but it remained to be seen what still waited out in the galaxy.