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after 4 days of having no power...no showers...no food...no internet...i finally am back at work and am using a public computer. good...times. good freakin' times.

as for those events not working...they should? please check the .eug file and make sure those event files are listed with the rest of the events. the game was recognizing them when i played, but there could be a number of things that went wrong somewhere along the line.

i have finished the colonial revolters, and would have had a new version out monday if i had had power. now that i am days behind in work i don't know that i will have time (or power) to get that version out, but i will try something this week.

thanks very much to those of you who downloaded this first version, i will try to get something less buggy and more enjoyable out soon

ok, back again, finally with power at home. a very special thanks to the now 20 people who downloaded the game...way more than i thought would :^)

i've made a lot of progress so far with a new version...two things need to happen before i get the next one out:

1. the migrant events get fixed
2. the last 10 or so nations get city icons and country colors

in the mean time, i am extending the unknown europe known provinces out a ways, to make that option playable and enjoyable.

ok more stuff...and why i won't release a new version this weekend.

this is what i have done:

b. Beta 2
i. Release: ??
ii. Added: Colonial revolters
iii. Added: Proper random leaders
iv. Added: Shortcut and icon
v. Added: Migrant leaders/monarchs
vi. Added: Events giving Reformed and Protestant nations extra explorers and conquistadors
vii. Changed: Migrant nations now begin with 10 offensive instead of 5
viii. Changed: Disabled the AI Event files for the time being, since they were causing some odd problems
ix. Changed: Country colors
x. Changed: A few nations to get rid of Podolia sticking out
xi. Changed: The “Fez” Migrant nation is now European
xii. Changed: Culture setup…again
xiii. Fixed: State religion of ATH to Orthodox
xiv. Fixed: State religion of ATJ to Orthodox
xv. Fixed: 1000 ducat option
xvi. Fixed: Some of the provinces were in America, corrected this and put every province except European ones in Asia
xvii. Fixed: Unknown Europe option now works
xviii. Fixed: Thanks to Daywalker, the Migrant events now work
xix. Fixed: Thanks to Khephren, the graphics of the last dozen nations now work
xx. Fixed: Revolt.txt is now devoid of old IES nations

right now i'm changing the culture set up around again, and that alone will take me the rest of today. next weekend i hope to get the leaders done, and then i guess i'll release a new version. after that i only have to add culture nations and regional nations and a few minor things.

@anti: did you try e-mailing me the names? i didn't get anything from you

You didn't get it? Regardless, I'll have to do some changes to keep up with your latest version. And then I'll get on with the colonial nations... :rofl:
TheLoneTaco said:
if you can PM me instead e-mailing...for some reason hotmail has been freaking out lately...thanks for this, though :^)


No problem, I'm a HUGE Geography nerd (no, really, I am :eek:o ), so it's quite fun to try and come up with names somewhat fitting the area the country covers. Some are easy, some... not quite as easy (especially in Russia).
Anyway, do you want me to do the Colonial nations as well, and if so do you have any handy maps showing their size and territory? Working by the province numbers in revolt.txt or colonising the whole world in-game is rather slow... :p
Just wanted to say that this scenario sounds great. I'm playing IES and like it a lot. I'll download the current working version of the NSIES and try it as well.

Keep up the great work.
ok! european leaders are done, so they game in now play-testable. only problem is that i have two leaders with 30263 ids and two with 2156 ids...anyone know of any way to find those without searching every file by itself? i tried using the windows search feature but it wouldn't even look at the files.

i am going to playtest during the week and then add colonial revolter leaders and regional nation leaders next weekend.

in the meantime, i am uploading the current version, Beta 2. THE GAME IS NOT DONE - THERE ARE BUGS! however, you can actually PLAY IT now, which is a lot better than the version i released earlier. if you liked the small glipse that you got a few weeks ago please download this one and help spot what bugs still remain... thanks a lot to everyone for their help, interest, and support!

I checked your files and it seems that the errors are not yours. The 2156 error is caused by you using it in AYU or something and vanilla EU uses it another leaderfile that you haven't overwritten yet (a solution to this is to add all leaderfiles in your mod, either empty or complete).
This could be the same with 30263.

And how permanent are those monarchnames? ;)

Nice icon btw, I should make a similar one for IES
ok, i was wondering what the deal was :^D i still have to add 109 colonial revolters and 28 or 29 (don't remember at the moment) regional nations, so hopefully that will clear it up (or i can just rename one tag to make it work)

the monarch names are permanent unless i get the gumption to go through and make up my own names... pretty obvious what i did, i think, using leadernames for everything, as that was the simple way to go. didn't make much sense for every nation to have the same monarch names repeated over and over throughout their culture. it just got a bit cluttered.

glad you like the icon :^) i kept trying to make nsis fit inside the trim but finally just gave up and cheated

and since i'm posting: i will TRY to get some time this weekend but it looks like i'll only be able to do the regional nation leaders. no new version until i get all leaders done and ANTI's NAMES!! which i still have not received yet. anti, try sending them to lonetaco@ufl.edu if you already sent them to matt_goren@hotmail.com. thanks again!

TheLoneTaco said:
the monarch names are permanent unless i get the gumption to go through and make up my own names... pretty obvious what i did, i think, using leadernames for everything, as that was the simple way to go. didn't make much sense for every nation to have the same monarch names repeated over and over throughout their culture. it just got a bit cluttered.
Well, those monarchnames would still be a bit different, as long as you have more than 10 names. And yes, some names will be the same (the same case with everything, unless you have 500 or more names), but at least a different digit.

One thing that struck my eye was monarchs such as Hohenzollern I or von Aschberg IV.

A few bugs as well:
Angora province (482 I believe) is "sunni" religion
Savolaks is north culture, but owned by a scandiland nation
The opposite with Finland province
It seems that ABB is no longer a migrant nation, they still have migrant graphics though
ANJ has no culture at all
thanks for the tips. i spotted the flag and deleted it (that is, didn't include it in the install...everyone will have to delete it on their own to get rid of it). when i get home i'll bugfix those things

Sorry for being so mind-blowingly late with the names... I had been busy with RL issues, so when I d/l the latest patch to see if any names needed changing I forgot to backup text.csv... :( :( :(

Anyway, I'll do my best to rebuild it and I should be able to redo much of it from memory, I might have it done tonight (to-NIGHT, that is)...
sorry to hear that :^( best of luck with that, i guess...

in other NSIS news, i fixed all the bugs kaigon listed earlier and also decided to change how i make culture and regional nation leaders...now culture nations get all leaders with stats equal to or greater than 15 (that is, 5/5/5 or some combination) from their nations and regional nations get the best leaders from culture nations, i have not checked to see exactly what stats those will have.

Well, I've done all the European starting nations, if you'd like to see them... The colonial ones take much longer since they both cover larger areas (what do you call a revolter which covers Mexican southern California and Hawaii?) and since I have to constantly switch between revolt.txt, the maps, and text.csv. Still, I have redone America and I am slowly working my way across Asia. Should I send you a copy so you can see what I have done for Europe?
Woohooo! I'm done! I've redone all 59 gazillion names in just 4 hours! :rofl:

I am sending them your way, TheLoneTaco. :)