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In pizza, and i guess in snails too, "Artificial Intelligence" is translated in "Intelligenza Artificiale", IA (pronoun before adjective, the opposite of bad breakfasts)
That may be true, but we are talking in tea, not in pizza or baguette. In pierogi, AI translates to SI (sztuczna inteligencja if anyone gives a sheet), but I am still using AI
That may be true, but we are talking in tea, not in pizza or baguette. In pierogi, AI translates to SI (sztuczna inteligencja if anyone gives a sheet), but I am still using AI
Just to argue, as a Polish Ukrainian mutt, пироги should be Ukrainian.

Polish can be gołąbki or borszcz. Really shows off the "beauty" of the language :p

Edit: oh, or just kielbasa. That was staring us right in the face.
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To just throw my hat into the ring: in german its "künstliche Intelligenz". künstlich being artificial and Intelligenz being intelligence. So it would be KI but still using AI so please don't mix abbreviations ^^
It is confusing enough that German mixes in English words and makes abbreviations of them. Even more languages just makes it more confusing :p

(fun fact i like how in german its made of kunst=art and -lich=like,made of. (basicly -lich is like -ly in english in term of making adverbs) and in english it is also made of art :D )
To just throw my hat into the ring: in german its "künstliche Intelligenz". künstlich being artificial and Intelligenz being intelligence. So it would be KI but still using AI so please don't mix abbreviations ^^
It is confusing enough that German mixes in English words and makes abbreviations of them. Even more languages just makes it more confusing :p

(fun fact i like how in german its made of kunst=art and -lich=like,made of. (basicly -lich is like -ly in english in term of making adverbs) and in english it is also made of art :D )

OT I started studying recently Sauerkraut because I like the country and the culture and it could be useful in the future, for now I know Ich habe Brot

That may be true, but we are talking in tea, not in pizza or baguette. In pierogi, AI translates to SI (sztuczna inteligencja if anyone gives a sheet), but I am still using AI

I told that only to show that the guy didn't write wrong AI, just in another cheesy language. It's always funny to share culture.

Alright, I should stop pretending to be Xenophile, time to get back to PURGE
The worst case of this was always in Europa Universalis, where there also is Imperial Authority, abbreviated IA in tea. When there are baguette abbreviations, texts can become pretty confusing.
Wich is why I pointed it out. As a native sauerkraut I know the problems of translating to tea.
Strange, I don't remember the Big Mac originating in England.

So what does that make English? The crumpet? The boiled chicken? The... curry?

Actually it is rather like curry, in that it's originally foreign, made with a lot of leftover ingredients, and people think it's either great or absolutely awful with no in-between.
In england they speak tea.
In america they speak the dialect Big Mac.
I shouldnt have cracked those holy world, now the spiritual AFE stole some planets from me in the resulting war and created an vassal out of them.

Wait a Minute, ist that vassal another AFE?

Yup - i have now 2 spiritual AFE....



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This is also crazy. The unbidden purged one of my planets and turned it barren.

But somehow i start to believe my Pops just wanted to get rid of me and copyed Parydayda. Terraforming my desert world into a gaia and hiding it with a hologram.

This was the first contact with another empire, at least they are friendly.

In some older playthrought, after the Khan died, a revolt happened in a Khan-related empire (and their homeworld means "to kill" in spanish, really odd) :
There's almost a thousand pops on that lifeless rock! How did they get there?
That used to be a gaia world. Notice it still shows the surface of one.
Apparently something with the unbidden "murder planet" code is wrong.