"Man this AI is steamrolling this guy surprisingly well, what's going on here- oh. OH." *starts mass producing corvettes*

Wow. My first comment ever, and this is the response I get?
Ah the Fennecian Divine Monarchy. Truly the most enlightened Empire. I am in no way biased."Man this AI is steamrolling this guy surprisingly well, what's going on here- oh. OH." *starts mass producing corvettes*
They are one of my custom empires. Its a fennec fox joke. They are also tomb world survivors and have slaver guilds, with a backstory that makes those not as bad as they sound!Ah the Fennecian Divine Monarchy. Truly the most enlightened Empire. I am in no way biased.
Climate is entirely arbitrary with no game effect.Dry Climate? Every ecumenopolis has this type. Even if original type before arcology project was not dry. So, Dry Climate is the default climate type. Could it be a basis for bugs?
View attachment 498624
View attachment 498670
I am the most well protected patch of parking lot that will exist in about 150-ish years.
(This is a modded game featuring a non-scaled grand admiral skynet ai. I need every little edge I can get + cheating).
I hope so.Climate is entirely arbitrary with no game effect.
Yeah, I know. Own planet habitability + habitability from traits + from techs + from whatever. Plus special flag, 'ideal', for planet types with forced 100% habitability for everyone.You do not have 60% Habitabiltiy on those plants because the are in the same climate. But because you habitability trait gives you 60% on those planet types.
To be honest? I can't wait. I'd love to see what War in Heaven looks like when Skynet gets involved.Sure you can only be approached from one angle, but God have mercy on you if a War in Heaven happens.
I thought they fixed this...View attachment 498748
Fun one, ish.
This is a modded 2.2 game (from the previous screenshot, too). The corvettes in this shot are constantly moving back and forth from the starbase to the shown transports, because the transports, I guess, jumped into the starbase and got game-positioned near the center of the screen while their visual positions were at the edge of said screen.
Somehow, drones of former machine fallen empire become smuggler before get scrapped.
Cybrex Warforge is serious business. Building my third and fourth ringworlds (I have all the other wonders except Art Installation which is in progress). 16.8 robot growth on planets with the 80 pop capital building. It's insane, between early Megaengineering and super-charged robot growth you just explode. The only conquering I've done was of my Fanatic Purifier Life Seeded (lol) neighbour. That's the north part of my empire. I have a bit over 1.5 million fleet power.
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