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With the NSC mods, you have one who greatly boost crisis fleets (2M power in 5x crisis strenght) they realy feel like an existential treath! Add the multiple crisis mod, and you get a realy eerie endgame, where you quickly become the last bastion, seeing Contingency fleets fighting Prethoryn and Unbbiden, and casualy crashing into your worlds ;)
Does NSC make the crisis expand faster? Because you can make them 20M powerful, but they'll still be not that dangerous if they can't get more than 60 systems in half a century.
Does NSC make the crisis expand faster? Because you can make them 20M powerful, but they'll still be not that dangerous if they can't get more than 60 systems in half a century.

I must admit that in most of my game, I use a lot of console command to pilot crisis and make them realy agressive, because the show must go on ;)
Actually, it works that way: in the wiki they states, that if you kill the first wave fast enough, there is nothing else coming. The first wave is just an scout force. If the scout force gives back bad news or no news at all, the main force does not follow.
So.. main forces sitting in another galaxy, awaiting for news from scouts. If there are good news, main forces moving in.
Meaning, The Scourge could travel from one galaxy to another in a year. As well as they has fast communications between galaxies.

But still, that developed species strictly refuses to cooperate, even if communication is possible. Even when they getting beaten by locals.
So.. main forces sitting in another galaxy, awaiting for news from scouts. If there are good news, main forces moving in.
Meaning, The Scourge could travel from one galaxy to another in a year. As well as they has fast communications between galaxies.

But still, that developed species strictly refuses to cooperate, even if communication is possible. Even when they getting beaten by locals.

For me it's more like a bug or an oversight, bcs as you say, its quite stupid
So.. main forces sitting in another galaxy, awaiting for news from scouts. If there are good news, main forces moving in.
Meaning, The Scourge could travel from one galaxy to another in a year. As well as they has fast communications between galaxies.
You know you can change your course mid travel, right? You can picture it like Dragonball Z Abridged Episode 30 Part 2, 2:13:
You know you can change your course mid travel, right? You can picture it like Dragonball Z Abridged Episode 30 Part 2, 2:13:
I not understood this reference, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not familiar with Dragonballz series

I meant that even when The Scourge can't conquer eat the galaxy due to its dwellers, The Scourge still refuses to cooperate in beating those "hunters".
Look at it from the lore view. Via communication with The Scourge, we could learn what they escaping from some the "hunters", they are in desperate. In order to keep moving, they rushing through galaxies, eating everything in the way, because w/o this feeding they can't go to another galaxy. So, desperate rushing meaning there can't be scouts, this is just avant-guard before everything else. Once they moved forward, they can't go back or change the course.
Well, -if- there are scouts w/ main forces waiting for good news or capable to change the course, this doesn't change the next thing.
When The Scourge facing someone strong enough to kill The Scourge or at least to hold them back, meaning The Scourge stuck in the galaxy, they still refusing to cooperate, even if locals proposing their help.
So, ultimately, The Scourge rather will die, than try and pick some help and finally get rid of the "hunters". They are developed enough to roam from galaxy to galaxy, but aren't to change or add something to their strategy. Weird, IMO.
I not understood this reference, sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not familiar with Dragonballz series
I meant this part:
"Okay, not going there....."
TFS Vegeta was already in flight. And he decided not to go to the place where teh enemies are way to strong.

The scourge can do the same. If it's scout force is wiped out in less then 2 years it would simply go for another galaxy instead.
I meant this part:
"Okay, not going there....."
TFS Vegeta was already in flight. And he decided not to go to the place where teh enemies are way to strong.

The scourge can do the same. If it's scout force is wiped out in less then 2 years it would simply go for another galaxy instead.
Still, scouts that faced strong locals could ask for help pretending there are no more of them and remain as a lure for hunters, while main part of the swarm will go into another galaxy. Nope, they don't strategise their run ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Guess that I just found the "moment" when there are to many species for the game to handle...

For me it's more like a bug or an oversight, bcs as you say, its quite stupid

It is a bug, yes. Would be pretty easy to fix (just check whether the second wave has arrived before firing the "Scourge defeated" event), but perhaps the devs aren't aware of it.
Guess that I just found the "moment" when there are to many species for the game to handle...


This is why the Xeno Compatibility perk is cancer for the UI.
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If it takes us until the 23rd century to find fossils on Earth, I fear for the future of humanity.
View attachment 541696

Given that it's the CoM, I'm assuming they see a bunch of different human ethnicities as different species.

Either that or there was a serious time dilation effect in the wormhole the CoM colonists passed through, and the UNE rose and fell eons ago.
This is why the Xeno Compatibility perk is cancer for the UI.

Problem isn't the Xeno Compatibility Perk, only I (I also have no migration atm and only a limited number of species in my empire) and another empire has it, the culprits are Gene Tailoring + Targeted Gene Expressions. The AI trys in every empire to get every possible trait combination that there is! Each species, besides my own, has at least 15 gene modded sub-species...

Plus, how fast game handles list of colony ships if all of those are permitted for colonization..

Well... It takes me almost 2 minutes to switch between the "empire species" and "galaxy species" window... :cool:
But hey, "Diversity is a strenght"... :confused::rolleyes:

Well, currently we're all in the "War in Heaven", Endgame hasn't spawned yet and in about 20 years my empire gives birth to the End of the Cycle. So it will sort itself out eventually. :cool:
Well... It takes me almost 2 minutes to switch between the "empire species" and "galaxy species" window... :cool:
But hey, "Diversity is a strenght"... :confused::rolleyes:
DIverstiy is so strong, it is casually breaking the UI!

Personally I do not really blame Xenocompatibility. Using it for species, the trait system was already used way past it's intended purpose. It did not get any better with Ascension perks. That part needs a rework as badly as the economy did.
Personally I do not really blame Xenocompatibility. Using it for species, the trait system was already used way past it's intended purpose. It did not get any better with Ascension perks. That part needs a rework as badly as the economy did.

Well, it would be simple to control it by only allowing interbreeding in the same species group, e.g. humanoids only with humanoids, bugs only with bugs and so on.
Also needing either Engineered Evolution or Evolutionary Mastery to gene mod outside the own species group. I mean just because I know how to mod my own race a little bit (2 points) does not mean I also know how to mod an avian from the other side of the galaxy.

But it's all only hopes and dreams, iRL politics and certain lifestyle groups will block anything in this regard.
I even would go as far as to bet that this post will be deleted sooner or later.
Simple, maybe, but also nonsensical. The portrait groups are purely aesthetic; two avians are no more genetically similar to one another than to an arthropod.

I do know the basics of genetics, thank you.
I know that if I change 0.5% of your DNA you become an ape. 1% and you're a dolphin.

I'm just looking for ways how one can improve performance and that something like this won't happen anymore.