Log scale. Lots of half-breeds at first, then trails off sharply. Vary some constants to balance it as needed.I'm just looking for ways how one can improve performance and that something like this won't happen anymore.
Log scale. Lots of half-breeds at first, then trails off sharply. Vary some constants to balance it as needed.I'm just looking for ways how one can improve performance and that something like this won't happen anymore.
That would only be a minor patch. I am think a rework.Well, it would be simple to control it by only allowing interbreeding in the same species group, e.g. humanoids only with humanoids, bugs only with bugs and so on.
namespace = species_cleaner
event = {
id = species_cleaner.1
is_triggered_only = yes
hide_window = yes
immediate = {
every_country = {
limit = {
NOR = {
is_country_type = fallen_empire
is_country_type = awakened_fallen_empire
country_event = { id = species_cleaner.2 days = 0 }
country_event = {
id = species_cleaner.2
is_triggered_only = yes
hide_window = yes
immediate = {
every_owned_pop = {
limit = {
NOR = {
is_exact_same_species = root
has_trait = trait_mechanical
change_species = root
The current version of events that I've been talking about. It should work with cybernetic-enhanced and psionic empires. Not sure about slugged or other even-modified species -- make sure to save your current game before trying the event.
Since every bio empire will end with just one type of bio pops, it might cause problems for xenophiles that rely on having multiple different species (e.g. through mods that give such empires bonuses)
Code:namespace = species_cleaner event = { id = species_cleaner.1 is_triggered_only = yes hide_window = yes immediate = { every_country = { limit = { NOR = { is_country_type = fallen_empire is_country_type = awakened_fallen_empire } } country_event = { id = species_cleaner.2 days = 0 } } } } country_event = { id = species_cleaner.2 is_triggered_only = yes hide_window = yes immediate = { every_owned_pop = { limit = { NOR = { is_exact_same_species = root has_trait = trait_mechanical } } change_species = root } } }
How should the code be changed that the pop is not "the same" but "a subspecies" of the root one?
# is_exact_same_species = exactly same subspecies as <species/subspecies> you're comparing with
# is_same_species = same species as <species> you're comparing with, or any of its subspecies
# root in context of species is your primary (sub)species.
# It may be different from what you started the game with.
I can not see how it would be more load then any other pop with those traits.Maybe this mess of countless subspecies is in part responsable of the lag, with the game having a hard time to choose wich pop take a job no?
Is that even possible without mods? I was under the impression there's a minimum distance empires can be from each other on generation?Sometimes random empire placement is truly random (my neighbor is the fallen Xenophobic Isolationist). Never knew they can't kill me off as this is my only colony and system. If Awoken, Namakians or Primitives emerge they get destroyed fast. Recently Namakians settled a holy world in one of my systems they survived for one month.
View attachment 543405 View attachment 543406
Is that even possible without mods? I was under the impression there's a minimum distance empires can be from each other on generation?
And the award for the fastest reset goes to:Sometimes random empire placement is truly random (my neighbor is the fallen Xenophobic Isolationist). Never knew they can't kill me off as this is my only colony and system. If Awoken, Namakians or Primitives emerge they get destroyed fast. Recently Namakians settled a holy world in one of my systems they survived for one month.
View attachment 543405 View attachment 543406
"Faster then Love" warp? Interesting measurement....
But Lithoids can also be born from Rocks. Especially impactfull ones in 2.6HEY ASTEROID! YOU'RE JUST A GIANT ROCK! LITHOIDS LITERALLY EAT YOU FOR BREAKFAST!