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We have no name. We are simply the rebels... !

(That's obviously a bug, but other rebels empire have spawn without that problem, so... Yeah, here you have)

Edit : This event scientist have a really bad name for the situation we have IRL...
Half-Pliff-Plaff. There's a name that would be fun to say three times fast!


The base Pliff-Plaff species were in a federation with me, no idea where the Half-Pliff-Plaff's came from though.

Just met Mr. Warform here and he's already leading the egalitarian faction of my religiously communist rock people. ;) So proud...

Just met Mr. Warform here and he's already leading the egalitarian faction of my religiously communist rock people. ;) So proud...
Pfff, c'mon...my S875.1 Warform is ready to assume rulership over my military dictatorship

With National Purity agenda...can you imagine that?
PDX, sorry, but are you freaking trolling us here?:D
I decided to double down!

I'm playing a military oligarchy. S875.1 Warform the admiral is a leader. It wins an election against Kryydur and becomes the ruler of our Union. Stellaris' standard procedure here is to swap leaders as appropriate, so Kryydur, a former admiral, leaves office and becomes the admiral of S875.1 Warform the ship. S875.1 Warform the leader then loses an election to another admiral, and gets placed as admiral of that former admiral's fleet. Now Kryydur is stuck as admiral of S875.1 Warform the ship and cannot be moved, while S875.1 Warform the leader is free to come and go, taking any fleet posting it pleases. Except that of S875.1 Warform the ship, because winning that posting can only be done by losing an election to the current admiral...
