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It's a few years old, but i still love the text.

I just conquered an AI empire that had 21 habitats and 2 planets named "Frippit" across around 20 star systems. They weren't a very original species...

Alien #1: "Let's go on that vacation you've always wanted. You know, to Frippit!"
Alien #2: "We're there right now, on Frippit."
Alien #1: "No, I mean the other Frippit".
Alien #2: "Which other Frippit. There are at least 23 and counting."
Alien #1: "The Frippit in the Ributt system."
Alien #2: "There are three Frippit's in the Ributt system"
*long pause*
Alien #1: "... maybe it's for the best that we have a devouring swarm at our borders"
Alien #2: "Perhaps indeed."
I just conquered an AI empire that had 21 habitats and 2 planets named "Frippit" across around 20 star systems. They weren't a very original species...

Alien #1: "Let's go on that vacation you've always wanted. You know, to Frippit!"
Alien #2: "We're there right now, on Frippit."
Alien #1: "No, I mean the other Frippit".
Alien #2: "Which other Frippit. There are at least 23 and counting."
Alien #1: "The Frippit in the Ributt system."
Alien #2: "There are three Frippit's in the Ributt system"
*long pause*
Alien #1: "... maybe it's for the best that we have a devouring swarm at our borders"
Alien #2: "Perhaps indeed."

Hahahahahahaha. This is why I always randomise my colony names, and rename any planets I take over.
There are so many things wrong with this picture. Why is this supposed Gaia world covered in metal?
I think that it's above 200 pops that the planet is considered so crowded it just defaults to cityworld-esque appearance. Similar to how you can see your cities on a planet grow from colony to proper size.
Very good public relations department.

I think the fact that you can designate a TOMB WORLD as a LUXURY WORLD proves that your pops can be happy with anything if you spin it the right way.
When the Worm event triggered, I took a look at my home system. It had a few planets, but nothing fascinating going on. Then I looked at the tomb world I had colonized with the lithoid race that's in my federation. It was a trinary system with an abundance of planets! All but the tomb world one were uninhabitable planets, but I knew the Worm would change that in due time. So I relocated my capitol and began making preparations.

When the time finally came to summon the Worm, I took a look at the results. It was amazing.

Quite a few had various special deposits too, including one with an... Isolated Valley.

I guess for a worm-blessed species, it could qualify as pristine - but I don't think most other races would see it that way too :)


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Were the Robot Friends rogue servitors and the gaia world their bio trophy stash?

No. I double-checked, and the machine empire is a vanilla machine empire. No servitors, just plain old robots. I had wondered if maybe the planet was an organic-populated ecumenopolis for some reason, because I don't know what happens when someone without the ecumenopolis perk conquers one... But, even then, 800+ population seems at least 2 to 3 times the amount an ecumenopolis can house. No other planet in the machine empire's area is above 90 population, so how and why did they cram 800+ onto this one planet?!
I just conquered an AI empire that had 21 habitats and 2 planets named "Frippit" across around 20 star systems. They weren't a very original species...

Or maybe their language allows for 20+ different pronunciations of Frippit.

I think the fact that you can designate a TOMB WORLD as a LUXURY WORLD proves that your pops can be happy with anything if you spin it the right way.

"Sign up today and you too could visit Fallout World and fight raiders armed with pocket knives while wearing genuine T-51b power armor!"
That would be somehow more annoying. It might deserve awarding visitation rights to my species' colossus instead (Comes with Frippit's choice of Neutron Sweep or World Cracker).
Neutron Sweep. Recycling is a thing!
I thought I found paradise... But then...

Took me a moment to realize the xenomorph blockers exceed the planet size. You couldn't even build anything there until you cleared out 4 of them!
I don't claim to know the behavior of xenomorphs but I think that many crammed onto a world that small would ravage that paradise pretty quickly...