I think it's the right decision to not give a date, even a general range for the game's release on console and should you guys think that you need even more time in order to have the game in a good state for console, that a delay would also be a good decision. I totally understand that console players may be upset and disappointed to not get the game or a date, but as someone that played the previous game very heavily, I wish that the PC version of the game had also been delayed. So while it suck, I think having patience and simply waiting if the best thing to do.
The rest of the comment doesn't really give any details and is just a general message that you will do better. I really hope that that is the case. I understand that you need money to keep things running, but I think going for money with poor releases will only end up in disaster, what good would it be if you got enough money to keep the lights on for 6 months if it means in a year you are out on the street.
While many in the community may be disappointed with the output you guys have given, I think most of those people still want to give you a chance, they want you to do better and they don't want to give up on you because you have shown that you can do such amazing work in the past and have done so in ways that I think respects the player. So I beg of you and the moneymen over at your company take your time and do the best you can do and if the community sees that you are putting a honest attempt into doing better they WILL reward you for it.
Just look at how beloved and defended No Man's Sky is and has been for years now and while you can't do anything with the awards, them winning the Labor of Love award voted by the community. While your game is nowhere near what NMS launched like, you are in a similar boat as they were when they launched, when they ended up in the terrible situation they put themself in, they went quiet and took the time and worked hard to improve their game. Now obviously I would prefer it if you guys did NOT go totally quiet while you improve the game, I do wish you take the other steps that they did and compiled a list of the complaints of the game and then focus hard on improving the game.
Now NMS doesn't have a method for the players to continue spending money while they play the game over the years, but you do. I assume you guys plan to have go for 8-10 years (maybe a bit less) and have DLC during that time, the only way to make sure the players are willing to buy your game's DLC 8 years down the line is to have a solid foundation, without that the players will just abandon the game and in 5 years it will just be a sad reminder of what could have been.
Please do your best, we want you to do your best, we want to praise you, we want to give you our money, you just need to give us a good reason to do it.