• We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement.
This is good. Personally, I've been holding off on this game until the console release, so I've been avoiding judging any of the progress along the way. Even though I'm a PC player, I figure the console release will mark a point of no return where the game will either be in a good state to start playing... or be a lost cause.

Please do your best!
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You cant change the past and the strange decisions already made - rightly people are angry.

What you can do is work on the present and future, this is a good start.

However, we have heard it all before and I can't truly believe what is being said until it is delivered, as so many of these sort of posts have already been made and promises not delivered. You have to deliver tangible results now, and fast. It's the only way to get the community onside after what we have had to put up with so far.
if no announcements satisfy you and only updates to the game will, why still read announcements? just wait for steam to tell you the game has an update and then read the patch notes
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Thank you for listening to the players and providing free content in response to our feedback, it’s greatly appreciated I look forward to the increased communication and hope that more details will be released about this fan boards and when communication will resume.

I also hope that proper mechanics will come with the additional content for Beach Properties, as well as the promises of hard mode for CS2 with proper simulation and removal of guardrails are focused on, so that the promises that were given to us at release would be fulfilled.

There needs to be no delay and transparency over when these will be delivered. I would really like all these promises (with communication, boards, hard mode, bug fixes) to start being delivered, rather than yet more promises. A lot of things have now been promised but hasn’t manifested quickly enough. Please give us an update on the state of game rn, and honest.

But a big thank u for communicating with us and I hope this is a start of something better and the CS2 we wanted.
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I'm also UE buyer and find this acceptable. I do t loose any money. I even save money in the future.

Calm down. This post is even a promise that there is more coming. ... They apologised, as many wanted, now it's out turn to let them do there job.

I honestly Don't understand this complaint

Fair enough. I don't find it acceptable — obviously.

A monetary refund doesn't compare to compensation through the distribution of community-made DLCs and music packs that hold no value.

As I mentioned, I have defended them throughout this entire ordeal, and I haven't lodged any complaints since the release. Certainly, I wasn't pleased with the situation, but framing these three community-made packs and utterly worthless music packs as compensation for premium edition buyers is just... I fail to comprehend how this could be remotely considered comparable to a refund. I'm sorry.
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Dear Cities fans,

We see and understand the disappointment many of you have expressed after the release of Cities: Skylines II and the recent release of Beach Properties. We asked for your patience and support, and you’ve shown those. In return, we let you down. We thought we could make up for the shortcomings of the game in a timeframe that was unrealistic, and rushed out a DLC that should not have been published in its current form. For all this, we are truly sorry. When we’ve made statements like this one before, it’s included a pledge to keep making improvements, and while we are working on these updates, they haven’t happened at a speed or magnitude that is acceptable, and it pains us that we've now lost the trust of many of you. We want to do better.

The very first thing we’re doing is to compensate those who purchased Beach Properties. We will change the pack to be a free addition to the game, refund it to the extent possible, and provide additional content within the Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers. This is due to the distribution of the Ultimate Edition across digital and physical storefronts, which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund. We realize that this is far from ideal, especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown. We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation.

Looking ahead, we also want to make immediate and meaningful changes in the way we approach the game’s development and our communication with you. Firstly, this means a complete focus on improving the base game and modding tools, and secondly, we want to better involve you, the community, as we choose our priorities going forward. We will focus on additional free patches and game updates in the coming months before Colossal Order spends time on new paid content, resulting in a move of the Bridges and Ports Expansion to 2025. In addition, the aforementioned Creator Packs are being produced independently, and will not take any focus away from the work on improving the game. To make sure we focus on the right things, we’re putting together an advisory meeting, where a small group of player representatives, together with Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive, will discuss the development plan for this year. The people in this group are chosen for the size of their following within the community to represent as many people as possible. The teams from Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive will provide them with full transparency and answer any questions and critiques voiced. Our hope is that together with you, our community, we can make sure that we do not repeat the same mistakes we have made in the past and bring this game into a bright future.

We also want to address the pending Console release. As you know, our plan was to release in Spring of this year. We have been hesitant to communicate an actual release window because of the uncertainty we are facing, and to not make further promises we might not be able to keep. We have been struggling to get Cities: Skylines II to the necessary level of optimization for a console release, but are now hopeful that an upcoming build delivery in April will demonstrate sufficient progress for us to progress with a release candidate, and then a release build targeted for October. Before we have seen and evaluated the progress made in these builds however, we will not be able to confirm the release date, and even then, some uncertainty always remains. Our ambition is to deliver the experience that you all deserved at launch, but it will take time. It’s important to note that the team working on the console release operates separately from our PC development team, so it will be progressing without splitting our focus or time.

In closing, we want to reaffirm our dedication to making Cities: Skylines II the best city builder it can be. We appreciate your support and feedback, and hope we can regain your trust going forward. It’s our responsibility to earn it, and we hope these actions are a first step in the right direction.
We are deeply grateful for your continued passion for our game. Please stay tuned for further updates on the game and the refund process, and thank you for being a part of our community.

Mariina Hallikainen
CEO, Colossal Order

Mattias Lilja
Deputy CEO, Paradox Interactive

We have created an FAQ Page with information on how your refunds will be processed and further information about release timelines.
Thanks <3
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I'm also UE buyer and find this acceptable. I do t loose any money. I even save money in the future.

Calm down. This post is even a promise that there is more coming. ... They apologised, as many wanted, now it's out turn to let them do there job.

I honestly Don't understand this complaint

you only really saved money if your are already planning on buying those dlcs. If your not interested in radio stations where is the value you paid for.
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Fair enough. I don't find it acceptable — obviously.

A monetary refund doesn't compare to compensation through the distribution of community-made DLCs and music packs that hold no value.

As I mentioned, I have defended them throughout this entire ordeal, and I haven't lodged any complaints since the release. Certainly, I wasn't pleased with the situation, but framing these three community-made packs and utterly worthless music packs as compensation for premium edition buyers is just... I fail to comprehend how this could be remotely considered comparable to a refund. I'm sorry.
The refund is $10 or local equivalent
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Anyone but Biffa please.
I was dismayed that apparently he found the Beach Properties assests “more than u bargain for”, and hinting on Twitter he found people disagreeing with his opinions as toxic.

We need people that are balanced on both sides. City Planner Plays seems like the ideal candidate for that, as his play style combines storytelling, general simulation with transport planning and is level headed in his opinions.

And less content creators on this board in general I agree.
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Ooookay. This was not on my bingo card.

As a UE owner I can live with three extra free DLCs if it means palm trees for the masses. Free extra radio stations don't mean much though.

Aaiiee, I'm still a bit in shock that it wasn't a hoax. Pleased, not disappointed, but nonetheless Stunned_Mullet.gif.
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The refund is $10 or local equivalent
Which is of more value than some overpriced asset packs I may not like and music I don't need? More importantly, I could freely choose to spend it how I want.
What's not to understand about these two options being incomparable?

They would actually "save" money if they refunded me $10 instead of providing $40 worth of digital goods. Wouldn't that be beneficial for them?
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Dear Cities fans,

We see and understand the disappointment many of you have expressed after the release of Cities: Skylines II and the recent release of Beach Properties. We asked for your patience and support, and you’ve shown those. In return, we let you down. We thought we could make up for the shortcomings of the game in a timeframe that was unrealistic, and rushed out a DLC that should not have been published in its current form. For all this, we are truly sorry. When we’ve made statements like this one before, it’s included a pledge to keep making improvements, and while we are working on these updates, they haven’t happened at a speed or magnitude that is acceptable, and it pains us that we've now lost the trust of many of you. We want to do better.

The very first thing we’re doing is to compensate those who purchased Beach Properties. We will change the pack to be a free addition to the game, refund it to the extent possible, and provide additional content within the Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers. This is due to the distribution of the Ultimate Edition across digital and physical storefronts, which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund. We realize that this is far from ideal, especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown. We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation.

Looking ahead, we also want to make immediate and meaningful changes in the way we approach the game’s development and our communication with you. Firstly, this means a complete focus on improving the base game and modding tools, and secondly, we want to better involve you, the community, as we choose our priorities going forward. We will focus on additional free patches and game updates in the coming months before Colossal Order spends time on new paid content, resulting in a move of the Bridges and Ports Expansion to 2025. In addition, the aforementioned Creator Packs are being produced independently, and will not take any focus away from the work on improving the game. To make sure we focus on the right things, we’re putting together an advisory meeting, where a small group of player representatives, together with Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive, will discuss the development plan for this year. The people in this group are chosen for the size of their following within the community to represent as many people as possible. The teams from Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive will provide them with full transparency and answer any questions and critiques voiced. Our hope is that together with you, our community, we can make sure that we do not repeat the same mistakes we have made in the past and bring this game into a bright future.

We also want to address the pending Console release. As you know, our plan was to release in Spring of this year. We have been hesitant to communicate an actual release window because of the uncertainty we are facing, and to not make further promises we might not be able to keep. We have been struggling to get Cities: Skylines II to the necessary level of optimization for a console release, but are now hopeful that an upcoming build delivery in April will demonstrate sufficient progress for us to progress with a release candidate, and then a release build targeted for October. Before we have seen and evaluated the progress made in these builds however, we will not be able to confirm the release date, and even then, some uncertainty always remains. Our ambition is to deliver the experience that you all deserved at launch, but it will take time. It’s important to note that the team working on the console release operates separately from our PC development team, so it will be progressing without splitting our focus or time.

In closing, we want to reaffirm our dedication to making Cities: Skylines II the best city builder it can be. We appreciate your support and feedback, and hope we can regain your trust going forward. It’s our responsibility to earn it, and we hope these actions are a first step in the right direction.
We are deeply grateful for your continued passion for our game. Please stay tuned for further updates on the game and the refund process, and thank you for being a part of our community.

Mariina Hallikainen
CEO, Colossal Order

Mattias Lilja
Deputy CEO, Paradox Interactive

We have created an FAQ Page with information on how your refunds will be processed and further information about release timelines.
Please just fix the crash bug which means many of us can no longer play this beautiful game I want to play and love this game again but even a new map crashes in minutes before you have even put a road in.I was loving this game please fix it
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We have been struggling to get Cities: Skylines II to the necessary level of optimization for a console release, but are now hopeful that an upcoming build delivery in April will demonstrate sufficient progress for us to progress with a release candidate, and then a release build targeted for October.
I believe this what should have happened in the first place. This game was in no state to be released in 2023, it just wasn't ready and you guy knew that when you posted about the performance issues and raised the system requirements. And when it released, even the top of the line PCs were not able to run it, that is where problems started. Well that is what has happened in the past, and I'm glad you are taking steps to fix them.

Listening to your community is not bad at all, blaming them or calling them toxic has never turned out well as far as I remember. I'm glad you have started communicating, and I hope you will not go quiet this time around. Even if there is no big news, people would love if you provide short updates that this what currently working on, and how its been improved. This way you will not only gain trust from your community, it will also keep them involved and provide their own points as well.

This is a great first step from you guys, and I hope it continues in the future as well. Making the base game as best as possible is the core priority currently. Heck you can delay the DLC till Q4 of next year if needed, till the base game has not reached its goal. Wish you all the best!
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Though I don't agree to KingHenryVIII.s posting, you don't know his motivation for buying the Ultimate Edition. Maybe he just wanted to support CO/PDX?

Best regards,

That's precisely why I pre-ordered it: to support CO and C:SII.

Well, up until now. They lost me with this - unfortunately, for me. There's obviously enough sand on the beach to keep them going, I suppose.
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Dear Cities fans,

We see and understand the disappointment many of you have expressed after the release of Cities: Skylines II and the recent release of Beach Properties. We asked for your patience and support, and you’ve shown those. In return, we let you down. We thought we could make up for the shortcomings of the game in a timeframe that was unrealistic, and rushed out a DLC that should not have been published in its current form. For all this, we are truly sorry. When we’ve made statements like this one before, it’s included a pledge to keep making improvements, and while we are working on these updates, they haven’t happened at a speed or magnitude that is acceptable, and it pains us that we've now lost the trust of many of you. We want to do better.

The very first thing we’re doing is to compensate those who purchased Beach Properties. We will change the pack to be a free addition to the game, refund it to the extent possible, and provide additional content within the Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers. This is due to the distribution of the Ultimate Edition across digital and physical storefronts, which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund. We realize that this is far from ideal, especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown. We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation.

Looking ahead, we also want to make immediate and meaningful changes in the way we approach the game’s development and our communication with you. Firstly, this means a complete focus on improving the base game and modding tools, and secondly, we want to better involve you, the community, as we choose our priorities going forward. We will focus on additional free patches and game updates in the coming months before Colossal Order spends time on new paid content, resulting in a move of the Bridges and Ports Expansion to 2025. In addition, the aforementioned Creator Packs are being produced independently, and will not take any focus away from the work on improving the game. To make sure we focus on the right things, we’re putting together an advisory meeting, where a small group of player representatives, together with Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive, will discuss the development plan for this year. The people in this group are chosen for the size of their following within the community to represent as many people as possible. The teams from Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive will provide them with full transparency and answer any questions and critiques voiced. Our hope is that together with you, our community, we can make sure that we do not repeat the same mistakes we have made in the past and bring this game into a bright future.

We also want to address the pending Console release. As you know, our plan was to release in Spring of this year. We have been hesitant to communicate an actual release window because of the uncertainty we are facing, and to not make further promises we might not be able to keep. We have been struggling to get Cities: Skylines II to the necessary level of optimization for a console release, but are now hopeful that an upcoming build delivery in April will demonstrate sufficient progress for us to progress with a release candidate, and then a release build targeted for October. Before we have seen and evaluated the progress made in these builds however, we will not be able to confirm the release date, and even then, some uncertainty always remains. Our ambition is to deliver the experience that you all deserved at launch, but it will take time. It’s important to note that the team working on the console release operates separately from our PC development team, so it will be progressing without splitting our focus or time.

In closing, we want to reaffirm our dedication to making Cities: Skylines II the best city builder it can be. We appreciate your support and feedback, and hope we can regain your trust going forward. It’s our responsibility to earn it, and we hope these actions are a first step in the right direction.
We are deeply grateful for your continued passion for our game. Please stay tuned for further updates on the game and the refund process, and thank you for being a part of our community.

Mariina Hallikainen
CEO, Colossal Order
Mattias Lilja
Deputy CEO, Paradox Interactive

We have created an FAQ Page with information on how your refunds will be processed and further information about release timelines.
Nuts! I was hoping for Bridges and piers in the coming months. I see 2025 now
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