• We have updated our Community Code of Conduct. Please read through the new rules for the forum that are an integral part of Paradox Interactive’s User Agreement.
I like the communication and commitment. It is a huge step up from what came before.

It is still just text so time will tell how it will work out. But the plan of action and acknowledgements are good. Some free goodies are also nice after all that has happened.

I agree with all the others, as a gamer I don’t feel myself represented by content creators that are usually playing with unlimited money, destroy a building 30 times until they have the right asset they want and spend most of their time putting up trees, fences and props. I am here from the gameplay bits, so I hope there are also some representatives that advocate for us for gameplay systems, simulation, economy balance and providing us with better and more transparent tools to manage those things.

As for the beaches DLC… You had a great track record with providing a good balance between price and content value with Cities 1 DLCs. So you have good understanding of all these years what is acceptable and works to not have another fiasco in the future.
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As someone who bought the ultimate edition, this is fine with me. I bought it with the understanding that the game at launch would not be as full an experience as it is destined to eventually become, and to avoid getting nickel-and-dimed on the route there. I don't care about radio stations and content creator packs aren't nearly as important to me as actual DLC with gameplay, but I know you guys are in a hard spot so it is what it is, I'm not worried about it. Glad to hear you've been allowed to push the DLC schedule back, that should certainly help a lot.
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Dont get it why everyone is so excited with this message. Did they mentioned about any road map, what is actually their focus in details and when it will be done. What are priorities for this quarted next or quarter, did they provided any accurate information what will have content creator packs and when exatcly people with ultimate editions will receive it. besides somewhere in Q4. Its the same general crap we receiving since start but in more "sorry" fashion lol. What does it mean they focus on base game ? its another blant generalisation. I m amazed people really buy in to that message.
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Dear Cities fans,

We see and understand the disappointment many of you have expressed after the release of Cities: Skylines II and the recent release of Beach Properties. We asked for your patience and support, and you’ve shown those. In return, we let you down. We thought we could make up for the shortcomings of the game in a timeframe that was unrealistic, and rushed out a DLC that should not have been published in its current form. For all this, we are truly sorry. When we’ve made statements like this one before, it’s included a pledge to keep making improvements, and while we are working on these updates, they haven’t happened at a speed or magnitude that is acceptable, and it pains us that we've now lost the trust of many of you. We want to do better.

The very first thing we’re doing is to compensate those who purchased Beach Properties. We will change the pack to be a free addition to the game, refund it to the extent possible, and provide additional content within the Ultimate Edition. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to offer refunds for Ultimate Edition buyers. This is due to the distribution of the Ultimate Edition across digital and physical storefronts, which create significant complexities for executing a partial refund. We realize that this is far from ideal, especially given the dedication those who have stayed with us since launch have shown. We are committed to repaying that loyalty, and therefore, we will compensate Ultimate Edition holders by adding 3 Creator Packs and 3 Radio Stations which, together, sum up to a value of USD 39.99. This solution hopefully ensures that you, regardless of purchase method, feel you receive fair compensation.

Looking ahead, we also want to make immediate and meaningful changes in the way we approach the game’s development and our communication with you. Firstly, this means a complete focus on improving the base game and modding tools, and secondly, we want to better involve you, the community, as we choose our priorities going forward. We will focus on additional free patches and game updates in the coming months before Colossal Order spends time on new paid content, resulting in a move of the Bridges and Ports Expansion to 2025. In addition, the aforementioned Creator Packs are being produced independently, and will not take any focus away from the work on improving the game. To make sure we focus on the right things, we’re putting together an advisory meeting, where a small group of player representatives, together with Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive, will discuss the development plan for this year. The people in this group are chosen for the size of their following within the community to represent as many people as possible. The teams from Colossal Order and Paradox Interactive will provide them with full transparency and answer any questions and critiques voiced. Our hope is that together with you, our community, we can make sure that we do not repeat the same mistakes we have made in the past and bring this game into a bright future.

We also want to address the pending Console release. As you know, our plan was to release in Spring of this year. We have been hesitant to communicate an actual release window because of the uncertainty we are facing, and to not make further promises we might not be able to keep. We have been struggling to get Cities: Skylines II to the necessary level of optimization for a console release, but are now hopeful that an upcoming build delivery in April will demonstrate sufficient progress for us to progress with a release candidate, and then a release build targeted for October. Before we have seen and evaluated the progress made in these builds however, we will not be able to confirm the release date, and even then, some uncertainty always remains. Our ambition is to deliver the experience that you all deserved at launch, but it will take time. It’s important to note that the team working on the console release operates separately from our PC development team, so it will be progressing without splitting our focus or time.

In closing, we want to reaffirm our dedication to making Cities: Skylines II the best city builder it can be. We appreciate your support and feedback, and hope we can regain your trust going forward. It’s our responsibility to earn it, and we hope these actions are a first step in the right direction.
We are deeply grateful for your continued passion for our game. Please stay tuned for further updates on the game and the refund process, and thank you for being a part of our community.

Mariina Hallikainen
CEO, Colossal Order

Mattias Lilja
Deputy CEO, Paradox Interactive

We have created an FAQ Page with information on how your refunds will be processed and further information about release timelines.
You tried to inflict another blow on players with this paid DLC. It turns out that the level of dissatisfaction was so high that the sales were shameful. Now they are going to offer the DLC for free so as not to make the situation even worse. I think it's horrible, something that affects someone's character, charging money for DLC for a game that isn't even ready. How about we think about the players' pockets next time? Why don't you take some time off, focus on finishing the game you sold to others and come back with good news?
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Yes the new Content Creator Packs are a replacement for Beach Properties, and are separate from the ones already announced as part of Ultimate Edition
Can you give us any indications as to the size and scope of these upcoming packs? And is there any indication that you are pushing these creators to certain quantity benchmarks in light of the Beach Properties Reception? Because while I appreciate that you're adjusting Beach Properties to be A) free, and B) get some additional content as I understand it, I don't see how this cycle won't happen again unless the scope of each content creator pack is expanded on significantly. And just what does that intended scale actually look like?

I'm mostly concerned because while I know Beach Properties was an in-house production, the way it was always presented was that it was supposed to bea prototypical Content Creator Pack, one made in-house to show off the size, scope, price point, and generally be the ur-example of an "ideal" DLC of this sort. ANd if we're just going to be expecting 3-5 more of these DLCs, but this time made by modders at your behest...I don't see how this can be acceptable.

As a reminder, Beach Properties had 70 total assets (60 buildings, 4 trees, 6 unique structures) Are we looking at 70 items, again, as the expected baseline for these? 100? 200? 300 assets? I ask because I worry that despite the acknowledgement of underdelivering with Beach Properties, that this kind of scope enhancement (ideally to a 140-210 asset range, so 2x and 3x the scope and size of Beach Properties, minimum, and preferably in the 280ish range) for future packs might just be coming too late in the development cycle to really do anything about it.

And in that case, you've just found yourself right back at square one, but now with all the extra disappointment from even more unfulfilled promises weighing on the community.
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The least we can expect is that something like this doesn't happen again. It's impressive how such a good game and with such a good community can be ruined by some bad managerial decisions. We hope that the game continues to improve, as that has been the summary of the latest patches; the game is getting closer and closer to the standards it should have had initially at its launch

Congratulations to all the developers and modders of the game, they have done a great job in recent months. And much encouragement for the months ahead regarding the game, we need them to continue their work to keep achieving the quality that a $50 product deserves.

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Thank you so much for the frank and genuine update. As someone in IT but in a very different industry, I still have a deep appreciation for how difficult it is to make a system as complex as a city simulation. While It didn’t quite hit home on release, it was clear to me that there’s definitely a strong foundation. After the first DLC was released without a clear indication to me that there was going to be strong attempts to fix what is broken, I was a little concerned that this was going to turn into another Sims 4 kind of EA disaster game that is fundamentally broken but getting content all the time to squeeze money out of the dwindling player base. So glad that at least at this point, this does not appear to be the case! Thank you so very much again for the meaningful communication we were provided this morning. I’m a huge fan of Cities Skylines and will continue to be a cheerleader patiently waiting and hoping that CS2 meets and hopefully far surpasses its predecessor. Thank you so much!
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I know yall have a lot on your plates already but is there any info on Geforce Now users? Can't use code mods still, and i keep saying it would be great if we could upload screenshots taken with the screenshot tool through pdx mods or something. Considering the requirements for running this game, I can only really practically play on geforce now, and I think there are a lot of us out there with mid/low range pcs who would appreciate some consideration paid to this platform. Just want to say that, despite its problems, Steam workshop does work on geforce now.
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As UE owner and as fellow Finn i feel really scammed and im really disappointed of our lovely Finnish developer. Cities: Skylines (1) was beast, it was best, it's still best. Cities: Skylines 2 was promising and its still is. But promising things and then not keeping promises, changing content to free and refunding it only for people who wasnt stupid to order UE version is just pure bullshit. Im really mad for this. Promising 3 additional creator pack and 3 radio stations (when its even possible that none of them are even good) its scam. Finnish company scamming people worldwide?

That isnt great advertise for Finland, it really isnt. Its not that impossible to example send Steam etc. gift cards to UE owners, if you really wanted to compansate. Or promise couple full big DLC's for UE owners for free. It would be much better compensation than 3 creator pack and 3 radio stations, which is just showing middle finger to all UE buyers.

And real promised DLC "Bridges & ports" is delayed infinitely, which was part of UE. And i was stupid to trust you and pre-ordered UE 3 months before launch... Finnish company scamming Finns and other people around worldwide, well thats headline definetely!
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My only feedback at this stage is that I worry about the Advisory Council - or whatever terminology you're using.

YouTubers are typically NOT representative of the player base and how they play the games. The likes of Biffa were supposedly involved in pre-alpha and alpha phases, and we are where we are today.

I can't say I'm full of confidence that community influencers (let's be honest, that's who you're talking about) will be able to give feedback that represents the feeling of the wider community and effects positive change on gameplay and the game itself.
I personally didn't assume that they just meant YouTubers. I'm not sure why that would even be a concern either way, as CO can read feedback directly from players online, and they aren't going make major decisions about the game just based on talking to people from YouTube.
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Very clear and nice update regarding certain issues, but Asset Editor?
"When will asset mods be supported?
We are currently addressing technical issues with the asset import pipeline that must be resolved for the asset editor to function. We have dedicated resources that work on this, however, it is difficult to provide a precise timeline at this stage. We are working very hard to have it out in a patch before summer."
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I know I am somewhat unique in that I am in general willing to wait for a game to be ready to play so I have not personally felt the brunt of the pain of this. I often pre-order but do not play early access (with a few exceptions). I support vigorously indie developers, but there are few large publishers and development teams that I have any faith left in. Cities Skylines and Europa Universalis are two franchises that I have knee-jerk bought content for to support the teams regardless of my specific interest level in the dlc.

I do hope you fix this, and fix it in a way that is sustainable. I know I am in a privileged place that for me, the money is secondary. Losing this game would be a far greater tragedy.

I pre-ordered the ultimate edition and have as yet not really played as soon as I heard there were issues. I have been very afraid that this might be going the way of EA/SimCity and that would truly be heartbreaking.

Thank you for this statement, and your commitment to improve going forward. I will always fall on the side of transparency and delay over pushing out bad content. I hope that your commitment includes treating the people well who pour their blood, sweat and tears into these games I have loved for over a decade, also.
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That is something that we will continue to think about, thanks for bringing it up!

I think having content creators speak for the community can work, but they don't really represent the majority of players in my opinion. Most content creators focus on building very detailed cities: often with lots of focus on realistic looking cities that work great in videos. And while they have many hours in the game and are experts in the game, their point of view might not fully represent how most common folk play the game.

I would like it if — in addition to the content creators chosen by following — a few randomly selected community members have the chance to join the advisory meetings. Either randomly selected from members of this forum that actively take part in the discussion, or selected through paradoxes playtesting platform. This way would ensure the perspective and POV of more regular players being represented in the advisory board.

Overall, I like the idea of such a board and I really appreciate the effort you are making in bringing this game forward. As I said before: Cities Skylines 2 has a great foundation. But its potential has not been realized yet.
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