I've made bug reports for proved problems. Here Im going to write bugs I think the game has but Im not sure the reasons behind.
1) I and other family members had broken arms and wounds sometimes without any given reasons. Please add memories for injuries
2) Tournaments UI for asian culture is still designed as european ones.
3) In hunts there is an event where your lover gives to u an artifact. Inside the bad options, it's reported that your love secret will be public if u refuse the present. But in my own case, my (only) lover was the spouse and I didnt have secrets.
4)A couple of Tournaments and hunts achievements are still completely bugged and impossible to complete.
5) Hunting artifacts UI should completed. Sometimes you have a bear hand to describe a wolf or lynx,
6) When are you going to use a bigger font? My eyes will thank you.Stop with this stupid and useless game rules and bring something useful,
7) Currently, tribal culture game for TeT is boring as hell. Please update with peculiar tournaments possibilities.