Narvik has no influence to the AI switch for Barbarossa.Regarding Norway & # of divisions, future rebalances, OOB, etc.
From my multiple games with Japan, I've noticed that the German AI is often (in 3 games out of 7-8) unable to capture Narvik by mid-1941 and refuses to launch Barbarossa in '41 (I am assuming the Narvik failure is related).
Maybe the 1 Cav division can become 3 Cav brigades instead of 3 MP-capped divisions?
The "AI switch" for the buildup is linked to the global power releation, loses and army ratios. Not getting Narvik would end in a front drop by AI switiching to an "ignore Norway" stand. The entire AI is difficult to balance because there are not many switches and triggers OR u would need so complex triggers that they could go wrong very fast.
I will think about the "brigades"
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