You think they didn't plan accordingly for release? You think they don't know releasing easy content would be a win? You think they like seeing the community hurt on things they worked incredibly hard on?
I am just taking this part of your posting.
No, they did not plan accordingly for release.
They mismanaged the whole project from start to end. They were three years late when the game was released. Three years.
Well, that's bad enough, isn't it?
But wait, there is more. Not only have they been late, but even with those additional three years they delivered something which barely worked, and is more than just flawed even now. Not to mention that major parts of the advertised software product are still in beta or even far from finished.
What about their first DLC? Advertised in a way which can very well be called "misleading". And poor content, to say the least. Even that they didn't manage correctly. And they knew what they would have to deliver and when. But no, they even weren't able to produce content which would meet the DLC's name.
And still it doesn't end there.
Have you even read the posting which started this thread?
Everything in there is an announcement of delays. Granted, they have tried hard to make it sound nice, but in the end it is just that: announcing that everything they are talking about will be late.
"Economy patch"? 50% more time till release than initially announced.
Next patch after that? Earliest in September, so at least three months from now.
Console version? Unlikely to be released in October.
And that is the only reason why they are showing up in the forums right now: to deliver that message.
The whole CS2 story is a story of unmet goals, late deliveries and even then in bad shape.
Well, you may be fine with having paid your money at a given point in time and then put to wait for an undefined amount of time for an adequate product in return. Good for you. Glad you don't have to care about it.
But it is people like you who allow gaming companies to go away with that kind of behaviour. And then even blaming the ones who point it out - that's bold, to say the least.