Some number I found on the net. Please correct if you know otherwise.Originally posted by Wasa
What do you mean? Greenland had 3000 inhabitants in 1000?
Some number I found on the net. Please correct if you know otherwise.Originally posted by Wasa
What do you mean? Greenland had 3000 inhabitants in 1000?
Originally posted by Havard
Some number I found on the net. Please correct if you know otherwise.
Some helpful IDs:Originally posted by Captain Krunch
The scenario Editor isn't finished yet, but it will certainly help figure out those sea province ids...
country = {
tag = U10
ai = ""
policy = {
date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
aristocracy = 3
centralization = 1
innovative = 5
mercantilism = 5
offensive = 7
land = 3
quality = 3
serfdom = 2
culture = { scandinavian }
badboy = 0
colonialattempts = 0
whiteman = 0
colonialnation = no
major = no
bank = no
stock = no
ledger = {
income = { 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 }
expense = { 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 }
thismonthincome = { 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 }
thismonthexpense = { 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 }
lastyearincome = { 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 }
lastyearexpense = { 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 }
lastmonthincome = 0.000
lastmonthexpense = 0.000
basevp = { 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 }
vp = 0.000
vp = 0.000
lastbankruptcy = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
war = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
lastpeace = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
cancelledloans = 0
extendedloans = 0
treasury = 0.000
income = 0.000
inflation = 0.000
beuraucracy = 1.000
revolt = 0.000
revoltrisk = 0
revoltriskdate = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
manpower = 10.000
landmaintenance = 1.000
navalmaintenance = 1.000
navalpercentage = 0.200
landpercentage = 0.200
tepercentage = 0.200
pepercentage = 0.200
stabilitypercentage = 0.000
treasurypercentage = 0.200
religion = {
type = catholic
catholic = 0.000
orthodox = 0.000
protestant = 0.000
sunni = 0.000
shiite = 0.000
pagan = 0.000
reformed = 0.000
counterreform = 0.000
buddhism = 0.000
hinduism = 0.000
confucianism = 0.000
diplomacy = { }
changedreligion = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
knownprovinces = {
865 834 832 833 864 835 836 837 838 839 873 840 841
872 871 931 932 934 933 874 939 938 935 930 929 1331
927 928 870 937 936 926 925 923 922 921 920 919 1362
875 876 877 878 880 881 879 882 842 979 980 982 983
984 985 986 987 988 989 992 991 990 993 994 995 996
997 998 1001 1000 999 1002 1003 1008 1010 1011 1613
1007 1004 1005 1006 1009 1012 1013 1014 1017 1015 1016
117 118 119 120 124 123 122 114 116 115 1537 1538 1466
256 255 258 259 257 253 252 254 251 308 309 307 335 337
339 247 248 250 249 243 245 246 244 241 242 240 239 237
236 238 233 231 232 235 234 415 413 414 384 382 380 340
336 306 304 305 416 417 418 424 425 431 432 433 434 1413
383 338 441 }
ownedprovinces = { 118 119 120 124 }
controlledprovinces = { 118 119 120 124 }
nationalprovinces = { 124 118 119 120 }
city = {
name = "Eriksborg"
population = 1000.000
location = 118
capital = yes
city = { name = "Ferjuvogur" population = 100.000 location = 119 }
city = { name = "Kongshavn" population = 100.000 location = 120 }
city = { name = "Borgarnes" population = 100.000 location = 124 }
technology = {
land = { date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 } level = 0 value = 0 }
naval = { date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 } level = 0 value = 0 }
stability = { date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 } level = 3 value = 0 }
trade = { date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 } level = 0 value = 0 }
infra = { date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 } level = 0 value = 0 }
group = latin
diplomaticdates = { }
wardates = { }
colonists = 0.000
diplomats = 0.000
merchants = 0.000
missionaries = 0.000
dynamism = 0
loansize = 200
Originally posted by Havard
One problem is that the Raven appears to be used ONLY by kings and powerful nobles at war. Greenland, and thus Vinland, was not settled by nobles or on under the government of the king and it was done peacefully, not by a war party... See here for some more info.
But the raven IS cool though:
# Vinland AI
# preferred areas for expansion
continent = { North America }
region = { "North America" Carribbean }
area = { America Acadie Greenland Labrador "Hudson Bay" Quebec Maine Newfoundland Bermuda }
# The amount of provinces we try to colonize at the same time
expansion = 5
# % of the time we prefer to establish a tradingpost if both are good.
tradingpost = 5
# Bonus for areas to establish colonies adjacent to previous ones.
neighbour = 50
# Bonus/Penalty for establish colonies adjacent to other countries.
enemies = 5
# 100 = max trader rate, lesser means slower focus on sending a trader.
traders = 100
# 100 = Total monopolist, will refuse trade as much as possible.
monopoly = 20
# 100 = Total warmonger, 0 = absolute pacifist
war = 80
#Which countries to conquer if possible. (to guide nation historically)
Not reallyOriginally posted by Captain Krunch
That shield looks cool.
Is it really any less realistic than the type o negative music album cover?
Iceland was a republic until they submitted to the Norwegian king in 1262. I don't know about Greenland (or Vinland), but I assume they would work very similar. This is based on the old traditional (pre-unification) governments of Norway, with relatively small areas acting as a self-governed republic. The hersir was basically an administrator of the thing (assembly), where all free men could have their say. Mostly the dignity as elected ruler (hersir) stayed in the same family though...
Does this mean Vinland would be a Republic rather than a Monarchy? If so, that means the monarchs could probably be replaced by presidents or just a senate or something...
I've put in high plutocracy, high naval, high offensive, low quality and low serfdom. I'm not sure about the rest...
They should get high plutocracy low aristocracyon their DP settings. This makes sense for gameplay reasons too, as it would give them cheaper warships, which the Vikings are famous for.![]()
It's snipped from the file saved by the scenario editorOriginally posted by Captain Krunch
Is this an .inc file? I have looked through many .inc files and I havent seen one with so much information....
I'd suggest removing Bengal & Carnatic (India) and Botany (Australia)...
I copied the ai file for England and edited it a bit for a Vinland ai file. How does this look:
# Vinland AI
# preferred areas for expansion
continent = { North America }
region = { "North America" Carribean }
area = { America Maine Georgia Newfoundland Cuba Bengal Carnatic Botany }
Lenape = DEL, Iroquis = OHI, MAA = Maya. Why Ireland and England, and not Scotland?
# The amount of provinces we try to colonize at the same time
expansion = 5
# % of the time we prefer to establish a tradingpost if both are good.
tradingpost = 5
# Bonus for areas to establish colonies adjacent to previous ones.
neighbour = 50
# Bonus/Penalty for establish colonies adjacent to other countries.
enemies = 5
# 100 = max trader rate, lesser means slower focus on sending a trader.
traders = 100
# 100 = Total monopolist, will refuse trade as much as possible.
monopoly = 20
# 100 = Total warmonger, 0 = absolute pacifist
war = 80
#Which countries to conquer if possible. (to guide nation historically)
I put the major colonial powers as the targets for conquests, as well as the north American native countries. I don't know if the tags are right, I just spelled out the first three letters. And I gave them 80% warmonger, just like it is in the IGC Vinland ai file.
The colonial areas should probably be adjusted somewhat....
Originally posted by Havard
Not really
Hm... is there any way to get that triangle banner as a flag?![]()
Originally posted by Havard
I've put in high plutocracy, high naval, high offensive, low quality and low serfdom. I'm not sure about the rest...
It can be done triangular too...Originally posted by Captain Krunch
Yes, I suppose it could be made into a flag. But it may have to lose the triangle shape....![]()
Yep. I forgot decentralized... This is a suggestion I made (in the *.inc above):
They'd probably be highly decentralized, if the towns and cities were each mini republics. The only other thing is free trade/mercantilism I'm not sure about this one....
policy = {
date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 }
aristocracy = 3
centralization = 1
innovative = 5
mercantilism = 5
offensive = 7
land = 3
quality = 3
serfdom = 2
Originally posted by Havard
I'd suggest removing Bengal & Carnatic (India) and Botany (Australia)...
The question is - should the AI Vinland even try to colonize? If so I'd rather see them hit Acadie and Labrador than Georgia and Cuba (or Bengal)
Originally posted by Havard
Lenape = DEL, Iroquis = OHI, MAA = Maya. Why Ireland and England, and not Scotland?
You should put quote marks around "Hudson Bay". Apart from that it seems ok...Originally posted by Captain Krunch
These were leftovers from the England ai file I edited it from. I fixed all that now. How do the target regions look now? I gave them the northern areas of america as the target areas. I also threw in Bermuda, just for fun.
I wasn't arguing agains Ireland, but in favour of Scotland
Fixed all that. Ireland was a prefered target for Vikings in that era. But I suppose those days are gone, so I removed that. Ireland would make an easy target for them though, as it has few fortifications.
I don't think they will convert, unless we hack the province.csv. Even then the colonised provinces will remain Catholic. Religion changes isn't such a no-brainer anymore... If you have only catholic provs. I would stay Catholic now.
What will happen when Luther comes along? Will Vinland turn towards Protestant like the other Scandinavian countries, or will they remain Catholic? If they are to become Protestant, is there a way for their provinces to automatically convert like the ones in Europe? I remember this from the IGC, turning Protestant was always a first priority, but I don't remember the provinces automatically converting...
Originally posted by Havard
It can be done triangular too...
Originally posted by Havard
Yep. I forgot decentralized... This is a suggestion I made (in the *.inc above):
Haven't tested how it will act with regards to troop moral, colonists etc. though ...Code:policy = { date = { year = 0 month = january day = 0 } aristocracy = 3 centralization = 1 innovative = 5 mercantilism = 5 offensive = 7 land = 3 quality = 3 serfdom = 2 }
I believe that should be possible. I think someone (MKJ?) have made some non-rectangular flags for the AoN (Nepal?)...Originally posted by Captain Krunch
Can it? Would be nice to see a triangular one for once.![]()
I set high offensive, low quality to reflect the "viking warriors" (they were great for attacks/raids=offensive, and usually part-time warriors with a farm back home=low quality). I'd like them to not get too good moral...
As far as troop morale goes, giving them a higher quality rating will help their land morale. It will compensate for the high Naval DP settings.... It will also limit the manpower Vinland has, which is probably the way it should be.
As for colonists, they will definitely get alot. But the provinces they have are relatively poor (nothing like the European provinces) so while they may get alot of colonists, they will probably be too poor to send out very many. Perhaps the amount of colonists they send can also be edited through the ai file, by limiting the amount of provinces they colonize at one time.
Originally posted by Havard
I wasn't arguing agains Ireland, but in favour of Scotland Scotland (and the isles in particular) were always norse influed, and Orkneys/Shetland were in fact Norwegian in 1419.
Originally posted by Havard
I believe that should be possible. I think someone (MKJ?) have made some non-rectangular flags for the AoN (Nepal?)...
I have put a request in the Graphics forum, btw.
Originally posted by Havard
I set high offensive, low quality to reflect the "viking warriors" (they were great for attacks/raids=offensive, and usually part-time warriors with a farm back home=low quality). I'd like them to not get too good moral...
Originally posted by Havard
Many colonists could be neutralized a bit by going mercantilistic and innovative (but going innovative doesn't feel right)..
I think that was from the "norse" parts of Scotland (and Ireland)...Originally posted by Captain Krunch
Okay, I put Ireland back and added Scotland.
Do you think Vinland should get Gaelic as a secondary culture? I thought I heard somewhere that Iceland was colonized by some families from Scotland along with the Scandinavians. And as you said, they Isles were heavily influenced by the Norse.
Of course, this secondary culture won't make the game any easier for them unless Vinland conquers Ireland/Scotland. At the very least, I don't think it is any less justifiable than England having French as a state culture at game start.
Hrafnin Flygur!
So you like the raven flag too, eh?
I was just thinking about not making it too easy... lower the moral a bit to give the players a challenge?
I thought the Vikings had very high morale, due to the belief in Valhalla.But, I suppose this would have been lost when they converted to Christian....
Can't morale also be affected by the serfdom setting? I thought I read that high serfdom means reduced morale....
Originally posted by Sharur
A couple of suggestions, you two
Don't make the AI aggressive towards Europe with the possible exception of Scotland, as it would suck to have Vinland invading Europe, however pathetically...
Originally posted by Sharur
About religion, definitely have them stay Catholic, since Lutheran ideas probably wouldn't spread to Vinland too quickly or effectively.
Finally, go with MKJ's layout for known/owned provinces, and limit their colonization heavily, so that the Euros still colonize most of North America. After all, I don't think that Vinland (as an AI) could have stood a chance of challenging them![]()