Well, we ended 2022 by celebrating the end of a long-running series, so why not start 2023 by giving Kudos to someone just starting out?
@Killcrazy13 started an AAR called Land of the Kuzars this week. They were curious about the Kerch holy site in CKIII and things seem to be snowballing from there. The story is ahistorical at this point but that's part of the fun, just seeing where a strong steppe kingdom will take things.
Here's to the new Weekly AAR Showcase winner: Land of the Kuzars by @Killcrazy13!
@Killcrazy13 started an AAR called Land of the Kuzars this week. They were curious about the Kerch holy site in CKIII and things seem to be snowballing from there. The story is ahistorical at this point but that's part of the fun, just seeing where a strong steppe kingdom will take things.
Here's to the new Weekly AAR Showcase winner: Land of the Kuzars by @Killcrazy13!
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