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Just to ask, do we now have a fixed religious setup or is it still open for discussion? If we have than please tell me how it looks like. ;)

And who is doing the Arabs, the very essence of the scenario? :D
Venislav2 said:
Basileios we have do make some event chains for Bulgaria and Byzantium

Yes. Perhaps we can collect ideas first and then make events. We can make plenty of interaction events if they are at war to represent crucial battles and so. And we must simulate the Arab sieges and the Bulgars aiding the Romans. But I don't know how to simulate this sieges in EU2. :confused:
Venislav2 said:
and why Basileios II has 7 in administrative-i think we can give him 9,when he conquered Bulgaria he organized the new possesion very well

I read that he was a good administrator, not a superb one. But I'm open for a change. After all he did leave a full treasury after his wars.

@ Cool-Toxic:

If you have copied the Roman Emperors already please make Basileios II 9 admin.

Or if you haven't copied them it is not a problem, I edited my post.
Another BYZ/MEX Event

Here it comes. One for BYZ, one for MEX:

# Monothelitism #

event = { 
	id = 10001
	random = no
	country = BYZ
	name = "Monothelitism"
	desc = "Monothelitism was the christological doctrine that Jesus had one will but two natures (divine and human). Under the influence of the Patriarch Sergios (of Constantinople), Monothelitism was developed during the reign of Herakleios (610-641) as a response to the failure of Monoenergism as an attempt to reconcile the Monophysites with the Chalcedonians. However, it was rejected by the Church, and was never accepted by most of the Monophysites either. Over time they alienated themselves further from the Empire."
	style = 1 
	date = { day = 1 month = january year = 638 }
	offset = 300
	action_a ={ 
		name = "Proclaim Monothelitism."
                command = { type = revoltrisk which = ALEPPO = 5 }         
                command = { type = revoltrisk which = JUDAEA = 5 }            # Monophysites don't accept
                command = { type = revoltrisk which = ALEXANDRIA = 5 }
                command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = 2 }    
		command = { type = stability value = -2 }
                command = { type = removecountryculture which = syrian }      # Alienation of the East
                command = { type = removecountryculture which = indian }
                command = { type = trigger which = 14001 }
	action_b ={ 
		name = "Leave it as it is."
		command = { type = domestic which = innovative value = -1 }
                command = { type = removecountryculture which = syrian }      # Alienation of the East  
                command = { type = removecountryculture which = indian }

MEX (triggered by BYZ):
# Monothelitism #

event = { 
	id = 14001 # triggered by BYZ10001
        trigger = { owned = { province = ROME data = MEX }}
	random = no
	country = MEX
	name = "Monothelitism"
	desc = "Monothelitism was the christological doctrine that Jesus had one will but two natures (divine and human). Under the influence of the Patriarch Sergios (of Constantinople), Monothelitism was developed during the reign of Herakleios (610-641) as a response to the failure of Monoenergism as an attempt to reconcile the Monophysites with the Chalcedonians. However, it was rejected by the Church, and was never accepted by most of the Monophysites either. Over time they alienated themselves further from the Empire."
	style = 1 

	offset = 300
	action_a ={ 
		name = "The Emperor has spoken!"
                command = { type = revoltrisk which = ROME = 5 } # West unhappy        

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 301 }
name = "Kotrag"
startdate = {

year = 660
deathdate = {

year = 683
DIP = 5
MIL = 9
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 302 }
name = "Bat Timer"
startdate = {

year = 683
deathdate = {

year = 700
DIP = 5
MIL = 5
ADM = 5

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 303 }
name = "Sulabi"
startdate = {

year = 814
deathdate = {

year = 831
DIP = 6
MIL = 2
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 304 }
name = "Ajar"
startdate = {

year = 727
deathdate = {

year = 759
DIP = 7
MIL = 4
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 305 }
name = "Tut Jutag"
startdate = {

year = 759
deathdate = {

year = 787
DIP = 5
MIL = 5
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 306 }
name = "Karandjar"
startdate = {

year = 787
deathdate = {

year = 805
DIP = 6
MIL = 5
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 307 }
name = "Budim"
startdate = {

year = 805
deathdate = {

year = 806
DIP = 4
MIL = 2
ADM = 3

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 308 }
name = "Urus Ajdar"
startdate = {

year = 806
deathdate = {

year = 855
DIP = 4
MIL = 6
ADM = 7

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 309 }
name = "Barys"
startdate = {

year = 855
deathdate = {

year = 865
DIP = 3
MIL = 3
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 310 }
name = "Gabdula Shilki"
startdate = {

year = 865
deathdate = {

year = 882
DIP = 5
MIL = 5
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 311 }
name = "Bat Ugyr"
startdate = {

year = 8882
deathdate = {

year = 895
DIP = 6
MIL = 6
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 312 }
name = "Almush"
startdate = {

year = 895
deathdate = {

year = 925
DIP = 8
MIL = 3
ADM = 8

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 313 }
name = "Hasan ibn Djafar"
startdate = {

year = 925
deathdate = {

year = 930
DIP = 6
MIL = 7
ADM = 7

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 314 }
name = "Mika'il Yalkau ibn Djafar"
startdate = {

year = 930
deathdate = {

year = 943
DIP = 5
MIL = 7
ADM = 5

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 315 }
name = "Muhammad ibn Djafar"
startdate = {

year = 943
deathdate = {

year = 976
DIP = 7
MIL = 7
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 316 }
name = "Talib Mu'min ibn al-Hasan"
startdate = {

year = 976
deathdate = {

year = 980
DIP = 4
MIL = 4
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 317 }
name = "Timar ibn Muhammad"
startdate = {

year = 980
deathdate = {

year = 1004
DIP = 6
MIL = 7
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 318 }
name = "Masgut ibn Muhammad"
startdate = {

year = 1004
deathdate = {

year = 1006
DIP = 2
MIL = 3
ADM = 3

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 319 }
name = "Ibrahim ibn Muhammed"
startdate = {

year = 1006
deathdate = {

year = 1025
DIP = 5
MIL = 5
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 320 }
name = "Ashraf Baluq ibn Timar"
startdate = {

year = 1025
deathdate = {

year = 1026
DIP = 7
MIL = 7
ADM = 8

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 321 }
name = "Azgar ibn Masgut"
startdate = {

year = 1026
deathdate = {

year = 1028
DIP = 4
MIL = 4
ADM = 6

historicalmonarch = {
id = { type = 6 id = 322 }
name = "Ashraf Baluq ibn Timar"
startdate = {

year = 1028
deathdate = {

year = 1061
DIP = 7
MIL = 7
ADM = 8
Last edited:
leaders for Danube Bulgaria:

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = monarch
	name = "Krum"
	startdate = {
	year = 803
	deathdate = {
	day = 13
	month = april
	year = 814
	rank = 0
	movement = 4
	fire = 3
	shock = 5
	siege = 2

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = General
	name = "Onegavon"
	startdate = {
	year = 814
	deathdate = {
	year = 824
	rank = 1
	movement = 3
	fire = 2
	shock = 3
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = General
	name = "Okorsis"
	startdate = {
	year = 810
	deathdate = {
	year = 827
	rank = 1
	movement = 3
	fire = 2
	shock = 2
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = General
	name = "Isbul"
	startdate = {
	year = 800
	deathdate = {
	year = 836
	rank = 3
	movement = 4
	fire = 2
	shock = 4
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = Monarch
	name = "Simeon"
	startdate = {
	year = 893
	deathdate = {
	year = 927
	rank = 0
	movement = 5
	fire = 5
	shock = 5
	siege = 4

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = General
	name = "Marmais"
	startdate = {
	year = 900
	deathdate = {
	year = 923
	rank = 1
	movement = 2
	fire = 2
	shock = 3
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = General
	name = "Teodor Sigrica"
	startdate = {
	year = 902
	deathdate = {
	year = 923
	rank = 3
	movement = 4
	fire = 3
	shock = 2
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = monarch
	name = "Asparuh"
	startdate = {
	year = 654
	deathdate = {
	year = 700
	rank = 0
	movement = 5
	fire = 2
	shock = 4
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = monarch
	name = "Tervel"
	startdate = {
	year = 902
	deathdate = {
	year = 923
	rank = 0
	movement = 5
	fire = 5
	shock = 5
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = monarch
	name = "Samuil"
	startdate = {
	year = 976
	deathdate = {
	year = 1014
	rank = 0
	movement = 3
	fire = 3
	shock = 3
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = General
	name = "Aaron"
	startdate = {
	year = 970
	deathdate = {
	year = 976
	rank = 2
	movement = 2
	fire = 3
	shock = 2
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = General
	name = "Ivac"
	startdate = {
	year = 1000
	deathdate = {
	year = 1018
	rank = 2
	movement = 3
	fire = 3
	shock = 3
	siege = 0

historicalleader = {
	id = { type = 6 id = ****** }
	category = monarch
	name = "Pressian"
	startdate = {
	year = 831
	deathdate = {
	year = 852
	rank = o
	movement = 4
	fire = 2
	shock = 2
	siege = 0
What is the highest strenght you can give to leaders? (to not make them too strong).

The Arabs should have lots of very strong leaders in the beginning to ensure their expansion.
Hmmm. This thread is growing fast. How about we open two threads? One "Arabia Universalis - Roman Empire" and one "Arabia Universalis - Bulgaria", where we post all our stuff? :)
BasileiosII said:
I read that he was a good administrator, not a superb one. But I'm open for a change. After all he did leave a full treasury after his wars.

@ Cool-Toxic:

If you have copied the Roman Emperors already please make Basileios II 9 admin.

Or if you haven't copied them it is not a problem, I edited my post.
Basileios II is set to 9 ADM.
TAG--IDs to monarchs--IDs to event--IDs to leaders


I've edited your "event 10000" "event 10001" the names are now 10001 and 10002 the mex event is also fixed.