I wish they hadn't expanded the timeline, it was unnecessary. The features don't fit. You can just mod it longer if you want. But I don't want them having to try to make the period more realistic, believable, for a few fans who can just change a file, since they don't seem to care how good the game models the period anyway.
The religious insanity of the reformation and the search for truth and science during the age of enlightenment, are both equally impossible to model perfectly in a single game.
Europa Universalis needs to be kept simple to portray all the different eras in a somewhat realistic way. That is why you should add both the revolutionary era, as well as the Napoleonic era from the beginning. Otherwise there will be expansions later which includes those eras, just as Paradox did in EU1, EU2 and EU3.
After all, March of the Eagles is only centered around Europe and it doesn't include the revolutionary era, as it beginns in 1804. What about 1789 to 1804 and the years from between the end of MotE (1815) to the beginning of Vic2 (1836). This means converters will be practically impossible.