The problem with your argument is that 1444-1789 is not a single era. EU4 combines at least four different eras into one playable mega-campaign. If you want the game to be better tailored to suit the mechanics of the renaisance, reformation, absolutism and enlightenment, then Paradox has to divide EU4 into four new games instead of one!
It has already been explained to you that it is impossible to simulate both the diplomatic and militaristic interactions of Napoleonic era states. It just isn't doable. Why do you still go on about it?
If I am going to be perfectly honest, then I would like a much shorter game with a much better representation of the time. For example a game between the start of the reformation and the end of the thirty years war, including a whole load of detail would be a fantastic insta-buy for me. It is for reasons like this that I am far more hyped for the release of MoE and prefer games such as Darkest Hour and Victoria 2.