Wow, that's an amazing list with lots of cool stuff. Having Sweetport Sound as a county and Renly's increased chance of survival are my favorites so far. So first of all. Wow, thank you folks, for a freaking great job!
May I ask about a few particular characters?
1) Kevan Lannister: having his own wife Dorna Swyft as a lover just like his own brother Tiwyn as a friend, Content and Family Person as Kevan traits;
2) Wyman Manderly: being Charitable (the whole housing and feeding hundreds of refugees when the winter is almost upon White Harbor deal) instead of Kind (his plan hinges on him not being Kind to the Freys and the trait Kind is certainly to be lost by most any action course deemed lore friendly for him to take);
3) Wylla Manderly: is Brave, ok, but in game have the same all-Manderlys-encompassing Deceitful trait, while in the book seemed way more likely to have Honest and Honorable as her other traits instead (her father's safety be damned, she would have joined Stannis and told so in full view of the Freys);
(also given Wyman told her sister about his plan, but not her)
4) maester Aemon Targarien being "Quick", since from the entire universe, he was the only person to actually catch on the fact that Lightbringer doesn't emit any sort of heat, besides sort of manipulating both Jon and Sam so they pulled the strings of power at the Wall without Aemon ever having to confront his own superiors himself in order to have Sam "graduate" and Jon ellected.
I may be wrong, but I always felt like "Genius" meant an overall gift, while "Quick" represented quick thinking and the resulting fast learning and shortened reaction time to chalenges presented.
Also, also, also!
Any chance of the Manderly girls having green hair?
Maybe their non appearant grandmother was hm... Tyroshi?
Yeah, I'm kind of annoying, sorry.
Of course we always want even more, but don't think we aren't grateful for the amazing job, because this mod rules!