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Perfect! :) Great work. :)
Have question. 2.6.1 patch greatly improved speed and performance of vanilla CK2, will it also improve speed/performance in AGOT mod? Because in pre-2.6.1, in AGOT and vanilla version, game went more and more slower as you played.

It will improve the speed of the mod yes.

Is Sweetport Sound going to be county level for playable House Sunglass, or is it just being added cosmetically as an island?

It is a count level title in the dejure duchy of Dragonstone.
  • 7
Oh WOW I just read those notes and it looks like this is gonna be a great one and a big one, on top of adding Reapers stuff it looks like half the sub-mods I use won't be needed anymore! :D
I love the changes you have in the notes but i was kinda hoping you' have put in the R+L for Jon even though this is going off the books more than the show. It was just a hope though. Cant wait for the update.
I love the changes you have in the notes but i was kinda hoping you' have put in the R+L for Jon even though this is going off the books more than the show. It was just a hope though. Cant wait for the update.
It exists as a game rule to enable like it used to be a submod
  • 8
Huzzah for stronger White Walkers!

EDIT: Do they get a Game Rule of their own? Might be interesting to have the option to set them to show up around the canonical time (first harsh winter after 8290 maybe?).
  • 1
Wow, that's an amazing list with lots of cool stuff. Having Sweetport Sound as a county and Renly's increased chance of survival are my favorites so far. So first of all. Wow, thank you folks, for a freaking great job!

May I ask about a few particular characters?

1) Kevan Lannister: having his own wife Dorna Swyft as a lover just like his own brother Tiwyn as a friend, Content and Family Person as Kevan traits;

2) Wyman Manderly: being Charitable (the whole housing and feeding hundreds of refugees when the winter is almost upon White Harbor deal) instead of Kind (his plan hinges on him not being Kind to the Freys and the trait Kind is certainly to be lost by most any action course deemed lore friendly for him to take);

3) Wylla Manderly: is Brave, ok, but in game have the same all-Manderlys-encompassing Deceitful trait, while in the book seemed way more likely to have Honest and Honorable as her other traits instead (her father's safety be damned, she would have joined Stannis and told so in full view of the Freys);

(also given Wyman told her sister about his plan, but not her)

4) maester Aemon Targarien being "Quick", since from the entire universe, he was the only person to actually catch on the fact that Lightbringer doesn't emit any sort of heat, besides sort of manipulating both Jon and Sam so they pulled the strings of power at the Wall without Aemon ever having to confront his own superiors himself in order to have Sam "graduate" and Jon ellected.

I may be wrong, but I always felt like "Genius" meant an overall gift, while "Quick" represented quick thinking and the resulting fast learning and shortened reaction time to chalenges presented.


Also, also, also!
Any chance of the Manderly girls having green hair?
Maybe their non appearant grandmother was hm... Tyroshi?

Yeah, I'm kind of annoying, sorry.

Of course we always want even more, but don't think we aren't grateful for the amazing job, because this mod rules!
Last edited:
Huzzah for stronger White Walkers!

EDIT: Do they get a Game Rule of their own? Might be interesting to have the option to set them to show up around the canonical time (first harsh winter after 8290 maybe?).
There is a game rule to them on/off, but not a canon option. Will have a look at perhaps adding that though!

Wow, that's an amazing list with lots of cool stuff. Having Sweetport Sound as a county and Renly's increased chance of survival are my favorites so far. So first of all. Wow, thank you folks, for a freaking great job!

May I ask about a few particular characters?

1) Kevan Lannister: having his own wife Dorna Swyft as a lover just like his own brother Tiwyn as a friend, Content and Family Person as Kevan traits;

2) Wyman Manderly: being Charitable (the whole housing and feeding hundreds of refugees when the winter is almost upon White Harbor deal) instead of Kind (his plan hinges on him not being Kind to the Freys and the trait Kind is certainly to be lost by most any action course deemed lore friendly for him to take);

3) Wylla Manderly: is Brave, ok, but in game have the same all-Manderlys-encompassing Deceitful trait, while in the book seemed way more likely to have Honest and Honorable as her other traits instead (her father's safety be damned, she would have joined Stannis and told so in full view of the Freys);

(also given Wyman told her sister about his plan, but not her)

4) maester Aemon Targarien being "Quick", since from the entire universe, he was the only person to actually catch on the fact that Lightbringer doesn't emit any sort of heat, besides sort of manipulating both Jon and Sam so they pulled the strings of power at the Wall without Aemon ever having to confront his own superiors himself in order to have Sam "graduate" and Jon ellected.

I may be wrong, but I always felt like "Genius" meant an overall gift, while "Quick" represented quick thinking and the resulting fast learning and shortened reaction time to chalenges presented.


Also, also, also!
Any chance of the Manderly girls having green hair?
Maybe their non appearant grandmother was hm... Tyroshi?

Yeah, I'm kind of annoying, sorry.

Of course we always want even more, but don't think we aren't grateful for the amazing job, because this mod rules!
Consider all this noted, but it wont be in the upcoming update as we have a large backlog of database issues/suggestions.
  • 4
  • 2
This is absolutely the most excited I have been for an update since...oh man how long have I been playing this mod? Since way before Sunset Invasion even I remember playing when it was just Westeros
  • 4
if only vanilla has the same logic...

nice patch notes BTW, can't wait to try it :)

Yeah, right?
Just yesterday, in vanilla, my 16 years old duchess (being playing as her since age 0) became an adult. Not a single romantic interaction, or "you dreamed about the stable boy" event. Practically a nun.
I started to search for a proper husband. She coughed twice, had an itchy feeling and BAM Great Pox.
From what? Miasmas?
Lucky her, the court phisician took out her left eye and that cured her.
Like... whaaat?
  • 3
Updated Reaper's torture decision to have AGOT outcomes and confession ability

Sweet All the patch Notes look very Sweet. Cant wait for the Mod to update now !. Ooo how I am going to enjoy capturing the Lannisters and getting Confessions out of them :D

Added many mod related game rules, and adapted many vanilla game rules

How many Mod Related Rules are we talking about ?
Added many mod related game rules, and adapted many vanilla game rules
How many Mod Related Rules are we talking about ?

The new mod rules are (default setting is first):
CK2 Version/Submod Warning: On/Off
Dance of Dragons Spoiler Remover: Off/On
R+L=J (Spoiler Warning): Off/On
Education Costs: Normal/Low/None
Mega Wars: On/Off
White Walkers: On/Canon/Off
Non-Lore Invasions: On/Rare/Off
Dragon Hatching/Taming: Normal/Easy/Less Hard/Hard/Valyrian Only
High Valyrian Cull/Restriction: On/Off
Duel Randomness: Normal/Very Low/Low/High
Nomad Invasions: Normal/Unrestricted
High-Lordship Creation Province Requirement: On/Off
Disinheritance Decisions: Normal/Unrestricted
Abdication: Off/On
Colonisation Cost: Normal/Cheap/Expensive
Colonisation Time: Normal/Short/Long
Battlefield Duels: Normal/More Frequent/Rare
Shattered Realms: Off/Counties/Duchies/Kingdoms
Symmetrical Start: Off/On
Invasions (Ambition Type): Ambition Only/Off/Unrestricted
AI Female Marriage Enhancement: On/Off
Traditional Dynastic Claims: On/Off
Dynastic Stability: Off/On
  • 13
  • 6
The new mod rules are (default setting is first):
CK2 Version/Submod Warning: On/Off
Dance of Dragons Spoiler Remover: Off/On
R+L=J (Spoiler Warning): Off/On
Education Costs: Normal/Low/None
Mega Wars: On/Off
White Walkers: On/Canon/Off
Non-Lore Invasions: On/Rare/Off
Dragon Hatching/Taming: Normal/Easy/Less Hard/Hard/Valyrian Only
High Valyrian Cull/Restriction: On/Off
Duel Randomness: Normal/Very Low/Low/High
Nomad Invasions: Normal/Unrestricted
High-Lordship Creation Province Requirement: On/Off
Disinheritance Decisions: Normal/Unrestricted
Abdication: Off/On
Colonisation Cost: Normal/Cheap/Expensive
Colonisation Time: Normal/Short/Long
Battlefield Duels: Normal/More Frequent/Rare
Shattered Realms: Off/Counties/Duchies/Kingdoms
Symmetrical Start: Off/On
Invasions (Ambition Type): Ambition Only/Off/Unrestricted
AI Female Marriage Enhancement: On/Off
Traditional Dynastic Claims: On/Off
Dynastic Stability: Off/On

that is awesome additions

I can not wait for the update
  • 5
The new mod rules are (default setting is first):
CK2 Version/Submod Warning: On/Off
Dance of Dragons Spoiler Remover: Off/On
R+L=J (Spoiler Warning): Off/On
Education Costs: Normal/Low/None
Mega Wars: On/Off
White Walkers: On/Canon/Off
Non-Lore Invasions: On/Rare/Off
Dragon Hatching/Taming: Normal/Easy/Less Hard/Hard/Valyrian Only
High Valyrian Cull/Restriction: On/Off
Duel Randomness: Normal/Very Low/Low/High
Nomad Invasions: Normal/Unrestricted
High-Lordship Creation Province Requirement: On/Off
Disinheritance Decisions: Normal/Unrestricted
Abdication: Off/On
Colonisation Cost: Normal/Cheap/Expensive
Colonisation Time: Normal/Short/Long
Battlefield Duels: Normal/More Frequent/Rare
Shattered Realms: Off/Counties/Duchies/Kingdoms
Symmetrical Start: Off/On
Invasions (Ambition Type): Ambition Only/Off/Unrestricted
AI Female Marriage Enhancement: On/Off
Traditional Dynastic Claims: On/Off
Dynastic Stability: Off/On

Do you know the feeling of excitement and expectation of a child waiting for Christmas or his birthday? That's exactly how i feel, everyday, for many times i check here, on the forum and on the subreddit if it has been released. With the speed improvements and those game rules i'll finally completely abandon vanilla and play your mod as if it is the main game.
I just can't wait to create a different westeros with Aegon, or rebuild and expand the old Valyrian Freehold(which it's something i never managed to do further than half of a century because the game was to laggy after that).
  • 4
^Right??? This is the first time I've been like "damn can we sign up to be beta testers?" xD
Well, for me it's more like
  • 17
Can you explain the dynastic stability and abdication work? Does it work by legitimizing bastards/merging cadet dynasties and having rulers "retire" to the Night's Watch/Citadel and having your heir now you?