Reapers/Patch 2.6:
- Added many mod related game rules, and adapted many vanilla game rules
- Added event giving choice of execution method, replacing reapers automatic choice
- Reduced tax and reinforcement bonus from prosperity
- Added scripted effect to apply Reaper's prosperity effects on startup
- Winter province modifiers can effect prosperity
- Ruins and winter provinces are depopulated
- Localisation of depopulated changed to match their use in ruins and winter provinces
- Expanded one handed duel retraining event
- Revised new nomad agitation: tribal holdings are not usually built, instead unccoupied provinces usually revert to nomads
- Learning skill of recruited physicians lessened to better match recruited maesters. Also lowered learning thresholds in treatment events.
- Added more death reasons and integrated them, and new vanilla ones, into the mod
- Setup some canon epidemics
- Adapted vanilla plague events to The Great Spring Sickness
- Adaped many Reapers event for AGOT
- Renamed hospitals to refuges for now, and removed tech related buildings
- Renamed essosi Healer job to Court Physician
- Changed all references in localisation to Court Physician to dynamically use name of the Physician title (i.e. Maester in Westeros)
- Adapted leper related buildings/events to greyscale
- Added new traits to red god healing
- Restricted some decisions whilst in seclusion
- Changed all instances of maimed and illness traits to account for reapers
- Updated duel engine for new Reapers traits
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Added an alternative branch of events for the valyrian sword quest
- Improved the localisation of the existing valyrian sword quest, also made various other tweaks/improvements
- Added a decision for the player to go on a foreign tour to different continents of varying lenghts or go on a manual tour
- If Aegon loses his dragon mid conquest he can now still choose a capital if at least three kingdoms have been conquered
- Triarchs for Life may now name their heir Co-triarch for Life to ensure continued dynastic succession
- Some provinces now have a chance of becoming ruins after liberation from The White Walkers
- Whilst improving diplomatic relations, the Master of Laws/Justiciar can now try and repair tyranny/dishonour for their liege
- Added a new method to murder someone
- Warlock healing now uses the same system as Rhllor healing. Healing is now also more difficult when dragons aren't around and magic is less powerful.
- Added council voting for many decisions
- Bastards who somehow legitmise their own bastard now start a new cadet dynasty
- Updated Reaper's torture decision to have AGOT outcomes and confession ability
- Crown laws can now be changed every 20 years
- Adjusted/improved Horse Lords mercenary events (including reduced probability of random eloping)
- Added a handmaiden minor title a male ruler can give to friends/family members of their wife
- Added an event where ironborn can get upset with their liege having the business focus
- Added tooltips to the duel engine making the new rock-paper-scissors effect more clear
- Women with the certain traits can now go on sword quests
- Adjusted become knight ambition and event
- If a non-direct vassal avoids imprisonment, another vassal can now sometimes be sent to enforce justice
- Added options to burn Godswoods and infidel temples to the red priest sacrifice event
- Females with the hunting focus can go hunting
- Wards can now be force trained
- Added 'A Blood Feud Truce' opinion modifier between recently reconciled blood feud houses, which makes the feud restarting more likely
- A marriage may now trigger a blood feud truce
- Landless wealthy nobles may now sometimes offer a daughter for marriage in exchange for a large dowry
- Plot backers may now ask for rewards for services
- A knighthood is now a possible reward for services
- Torturing a prisoner may now sometimes yield a confession
- Made some Tower of Joy fixes/adjustments
- Added an event where a ruler can get cut on the Iron Throne
- Increased magic gain from sacrificing priests to Rhllor
- Added an event for Dany to go to Pentos with Viserys as a child from 8297 onwards
- Added the three different Princes of Lorath
- Enabled regent declare war decision in Conclave
Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added many Wiki of Ice and Fire character links
- Purged mod of long character ids, hopefully fixing some stability issues
- Added pirates to Dagger Lake
- Added a Valyrian Steel Armour trait for Euron (trait icon by kuczaja from Armours and Weapons submod)
- The Blackfish may now escape from Riverrun if the Tullys lose in AFFC
- Added chain-event for Renly, allowing him to escape from Shadowbaby in Clash of Kings
- Robar Royce and Emmon Cuy are now killed by Loras after Renly is killed
- Brienne now escapes North with Catelyn after Renly is killed
- Altered Jeyne Poole's disguise, also added a decision for Starks to discredit her
- Young Griff is no longer present in Robert's Rebellion
- Reduced quantity of formidable warriors present in Essos at the start of the game
- Harren the Black gets architect trait if WoL enabled
- Added some new canon reapers injuries to database
- Doran Martell has Gout for Reaper's users
- Fixed Stoneheart's courtiers
- Added cruel trait to Rhaenyra
- Updated traits of Daeron the Drunkard, Aliandra Martell, Marence Martell, Rhodry Martell, Lewyn Martell, Elia Martell, Rickard Stark, Steffon Baratheon
- Made Egg friends with Aemon and rivals with Aerion
- Made Brandon Stark and his companions friends
- Mace Tyrell and Paxter Redwyne are now friends
- The Mountain and Sandor are now rivals
- Updated Blackfyre birth dates and traits
- Updated Maron and Mariah Martells birth dates
- Added Maester Myles, Gascoyne of the Greenblood, Garin the orphan, Joss Hood, Garibald Shells, Maester Kedry
- Made Meleys, Sunfyre and Tessarion older
- Donnel Arryn now rules until After the Spring scenario
- Jon Snow now has dark brown Stark hair
- All Blackwoods now follow the Old Gods
- Added Rainbow Guard colour nicknames to all members and made them Renly's bodyguards
- Added organiser trait to Roose Bolton
- Updated history/stats of Symon Santagar/Pyat Pree/Ellaria Sand/Fowler Twins/Ashara Dayne
- Added Maester Toman and Wylla (Jon's wetnurse)
- Fixed Archibald Yronwood's wiki link linking to a Pope
- Added Marla Sunderland's rebellion and update her history
- Moved Reyne rebellion to Ninepenny Kings scenario, also updated Reyne/Tarbeck history
- Updated/fixed darksister holder history
- Added Bennard Brune who killed Harren the Red
- Added Daemon Velaryon, Maegor's Master of Ships
- Added Morgil Hastwyck
- Updated House Paege
- Added nicknames to Walda the Fat and White
- Robar Baratheon is now Lord from Maegor's reign
- Added unnamed Sarsfield squire killed by Arya
- Updated Osha and Hodor's traits/history
- Corrected Daella Targaryen history
- Added disfigured trait to Jacelyn Bywater
- Corrected Daemon Sand's birth date
- Gave Euron some piety so he can launch Ironborn invasions
- Added drunkard trait to Cersei from AFFC
- Added some canon braavosi characters
- Fixed Aegon wrongly holding Blackwater Bay in Bleeding Years
- Added missing base value building to Seal Shore
- Added various flagships mentioned in the books, e.g. King Robert's Hammer, Iron Victory, Silence
- Added a connection between Brienne and Dunk
- Better dna for Mya Stone and Edric Storm
- Made Otto Hightower and Daemon Targaryen rivals
- Corrected Loras' birth date
- Added House Whitehead as Lords of Weeping Town, moved House Horpe to Lockport
- Added a non-canon wife to Robert Reyne so their kids are properly related and not half siblings
- Gave Roger Reyne 100 piety so he can declare war against Tytos
- Changed Margaery Tyrell's birth date to 8283, and added a lroe child event for her in Robert's Rebellion
- Fixed Lyonel Lefford being a women
- Fixed King's Landing history error causing problems in later bookmarks
- Fixed up some dragon history
- Loras now has the vengeance opinion of Stannis and Brienne
- Fixed Nagga the Sea Dragon's death, portrait and made visible as a "child" of The Grey King
- Updated Bellegere Otherys history, now playable in Conquest of Dorne bookmark
- Added Braavosi bankers Noho Dimitis, Tycho Nestoris
- Added Aethon Velaryon and Salassor Saan
- Updated Red Priest Benerro and Moqorro history
- Added Aurion, historic Emperor of Valyria
- Added Allard Seaworth's braavosi lover
- Added trade war betwen Tyrosh and Myr in 8276
- Added Syrio Antaryon, son of Braavosi Sealord betrothed to Laena Velaryon
- Updated Greyjoy book era family, including details from new WoW sample
- Theon is now crippled in AFFC
- Updated traits of Craghas Crabfeeder
- Updated Alequo Goldentongue's history
- Added Racallio Ryndoon as a Pirate King of The Stepstones
- Correct Three Daughters downfall to 8131, also added war for this
- Andalos is now sworn to Pentos
- Karyl Vance is now sided with Lannisters in AFFC scenario
- Cleos Frey is now prisoner after Whispering Wood
- Changed Lord Andros Brax death date, so he is now alive before Whispering Wood
- Arbor is now neutral beetween Renly's crowning and his death
- Florents are now sided with Renly before his death
- If Renly chooses to help Stannis in parley at Storms End, after war realm changes to agnatic as Stannis promised
- If Stannis chooses to help Renly in parley at Storms End, after war he is named Lord Paramount of Stormlands
- Fixed day of Mace Tyrell joining to fight against Brotherhood Without Banners so Rose and Lion event can launch
- Made some title history fixes
- Other misc character updates
- Characters can now only catch gonorrhoea if lustful or have the seduction focus (except if a lover or spouse has the disease)
- Pirates will now have a difficulty kidnapping certain characters
- Added ai aggression modifiers to some ambitions
- Made some opinion modifiers related to law changes non-stacking
- Made AI going into hiding less likely
- Reduced chance of divine blood AI incest marriages
- Certain characters will no longer legitmise bastards of older siblings
- Improved empire AI vassal limit maintenance event
- Adjusted wildling/pirate weak heir realm break up events (pirates will sometimes not lose non-pirate vassals)
- Nationalist rebels will no longer appear against pirates in The Stepstones or Basilisk Isles
- Characters on foreign tour will no longer try to marry into pirate realms
- Any character imprisoned as result of defeat in war is no longer considered to be captured in battle, and so can be called for trial if else eligible
- Field of Fire decision mountain/desert terrain prohibition now applies anywhere on the map, not just Dorne
- Ironborn are now less likely to take business focus
- Can no longer invite people to court who have been recently promoted to a higher liege
- AI may now sometimes renounce piracy in certain circumstances
- A Dayne may now be able to claim Dawn if the house has converted away from The Seven
- Finding darksister beyond the wall is now much rarer
- Reduced chance of gaining lovers pox
- Nomad faction AI is no longer really docile
- Lovers in line to inherit or related to their liege can no longer be taken as concubines
- Lord Commander of the Kingsguard will no longer ask the king for payment to educate somebody
- Only loyal Drowned God vassals are now needed to launch Ironborn Invasions
- Added 15 year cooldown for re-legalising slavery after an emancipation war
- Children under house arrest can now receive childhood events
- AI may now try to imprison plotters who fail and are discovered
- Larger settlements are now more difficult to convert
- Added a minimum maester training time
- AI slavers should no longer slave raid their own allies
- Revised childhood religion/culture conversion in Conclave
- Regents can no longer be loyalists or malcontents
- Added minimum combat rating requirements for bodyguards (4 for non-relatives, 6 for relatives)
- Overthrow Monarchy faction ultimatum can now only be issued to non-independent rulers if crown authority is less than medium
- Revised faction ultimatum AI
- Rulers are now more likely to legitimise bastards if they go on to marry the mother
- Slightly reduced how much the AI values prestige when evaluating marriages
- Merged divine blood marriage AI event with 'courtier gets married' maintenance event to make one event which manages AI marriages, making sure they eventually marry
- Nationalist rebels will now only appear in Volantene provinces with Valyrian lieges if revolt risk is 10 or greater
- Added opinion modifiers to Red Priest healing
- When a War for Dawn is lost the White Walkers now take all occupied holdings
- A pirate defeated in an anti-piracy war will be unable to crown themselves pirate king for 5 years
- With the Conclave DLC, selecting the lowest cost for unrelated, unlanded courtiers now costs 0
- The anti-nomad CB can now be used against Dothraki/Jogos Nhai who have united all tribes
- Restore Nightswatch CB can now be used against indepedent low rank wildlings on The Wall
- Increased White Walkers Starting troops
- Valyrians will no longer legalise slavery in Westeros, unless they are lunatics
- Reduced prestige loss for yielding in a friendly duel
- When a consort/concubine cheats on her man, apprpriate opinion penalties are now added
- Reduced chance of buildings being destroyed in a siege
- Added more AI logic restrictions to landless adventurers
- Adjusted yield outcomes in friendly duels
- Resurrected characters are now more resistant to old age afflictions like infirm and blindness
- Characters now less likely to join the Warrior's Sons
Graphics and portraits:
- Naathi now use new East African portraits (also used for Summer Islanders/Sothoryi if West African portraits DLC is inactive)
- Asshai characters use new masks
- Replaced old eye patch injury graphics with the new
- New Coats of Arms for North and Crownlands
- New Dornish coats of arms, with round shield
- Added pre-conquest Toland CoA
- Added improved White Walker portraits from Congenital Overhaul by LancelotLoire
- Removed the low quality Ghiscari headgear and replaced it with the Dornish headgear
- Fixed Baelish coa change
- Changed flag of Lordship of Duskendale so it matches the High Lordship
- Updated Jogos child portraits to be the updated mongol ones
- Changed Bloody Gate flag
- Fixed forest road/bajys valyrian road mixup
- Reorganised the Qarth dejure setup, so that moraqi nationalists cannot take over the qartheen duke title
- Moved Temple of the lord of light to its correct position on the east bank of the Rhoyne
- Moved location of Darry and gave it its own High Lordship
- Moved location of Dunstonbury/New Barrel to border The Mander
- Renamed Peakes's thrid castle Whitegrove
- Added missing base value castle to Kanet
- Removed The Thousand Islands as an active realm. Added a natives related event in its place
- Move Kingsgrave into the Prince's Pass
- Corrected Silverhill's name
- Added godswood buildings to many provinces
- Sept in Kings Landing is now known as Sept of Remembrance post conquest
- The Gates of the Moon are now a military command
- Swapped the position of Barrowtown and Spearmouth
- Renamed Lord Paramount of Riverlands to be Lord Paramount of The Trident
- Raindwood is made part of Dragonstone when Davos or his children hold it to stop Renly being a dick and declaring war for it
- Added a temple holding to The Fist of the First men
- Lorathi peninsula is now a forest
- Added Sweetport Sound as an island west off Massey's Hook
- Added the Weeping Lady as a religion in Lys
- Added healers back to the Jogos Nhai
- Utilised the new is_incapable trigger
- Optimised Hedge Knight events
- Optimised pirate events
- Optimised some 'Sons of Abraham' events
- Optimised maester events. Portrait of employed maesters now also appears on arrival event
- Optimised kingsguard maintenance
- Optimised handmaiden events
- Removed the cold_winds_rising flag, merged its effect with cold_winds flag
- Mother Rhoyne religion now allows river movement
- Added new pre-triggers to many events/decisions
- Assasins tax and dragon strength calculations now use export_to_variable effect
- Used the new (?) set_truce command in 'command to stand down' events
- Added is_crippled_trigger and add_crippled_trait_effect
- Made traits without an icon into hidden traits
- Player characters with multiple provinces may now get season modifiers added/removed in bulk to reduce event spam
- Only courtiers in active player regions will usually now get married/acquire lovers (to reduce world population/optimisation)
- AI will now sell useless slaves (to reduce slave population)
- Optimised some casus bellis
- Optimised Royal Privilege modifier
- Converted most triggered modifiers into scripted event modifiers for optimisation
- Replaced many only_rulers = yes pre-trigger with the more optimal only_playable = yes
- Swords and eggs of unlanded characters should now be inherited by their oldest child when the owner dies
- Updated Dawn's description
- Made the titular kingdom creation tooltip clearer
- Prohibited some locations from being in contextual battle/siege nicknames
- Removed all instances of add_betrothal command, which I suspect may cause CTDs
- Adjusted wildfire outbreak events
- Added a is_weak_khal_trigger = yes scripted trigger
- Adjusted propose foreign tour AI and events
- Revised regent liege murder event chain
- Regents are no longer removed in the post mega war council re-shuffle
- Adjusted/fixed up the decisions to request aid against the White Walkers
- Characters in need of a regent themselves can no longer be Lord Protector in an interregnum
- Capturing prisoners in a siege should now always happen against vengeance or blood feud targets
- Added a tooltip to the mega war events
- Rulers with no crown law title can now slave raid if slavery is legal in their top liege's realm
- Renamed "Slave" to be "Enslaved" to slaves can be distinguished more easily from former slaves, slave traders and slave owners
- Added is_voter condition to all scripts that use is_councillor (they are not considered the same in conclave for some reason)
- Made lots of validator fixes
- Fixed bug where junior Triarchs couldn't plot to get a council position
- Fixed bug where the slaves gained on a raid would always be the same stats/age etc
- Hyrkooni gelding mechanics now take the brawny trait into account
- Fixed problem with women having bastards by unknown fathers (e.g. centaur event)
- Fixed problem where Dirk would get a game over in AFFC
- Fixed Faith Militant Uprising from 8045
- Aegons Conquest events should no longer happen for someone else who happens to form Westeros/New Valyria during the conquest
- Friends who are at war will no longer offer each other wards
- Fixed all instances of 'should of' in the loc files
- Adventurers should now always be able to lead troops
- Fixed bug where Maesters with existing parents would have a new father scripted to avoid culling
- Fixed bug where tyranny/dishonour added in the database to historical characters did not decay
- Fixed Rogue prince event where Viserys gave coin to the wrong brother
- Fixed Aegon bleeding years choice event triggering even if Volantis war had ended
- Fixed bodyguard title not being removed when a character is made into kings guard
- Fixed problem where regency wars would sometimes not trigger correctly
- It is no longer possible to hire the golden company if they are supporting an invasion of Westeros
- Faction coercion now works for loyalist factions
- Fixed bug where succession law would be incorrect after forming the kingdom of westeros
- Fixed elope disinherit event referring to wrong character
- Fixed problem where crownland vassals taken after usupring the iron throne would revert to wrong liege after wars are done
- Fixed problem where mega war events would trigger if merely allied with a foreign ruler in a war
- Fixed conclave event referring to the emperors of rome
- Inviting nightswatch, kingsguard and other special characters to court is no longer possible
- Fixed up red priest reveal plots decision (hopefully for good)
- Fixed bug where vassals would gain an opinion malus with liege if they failed in a raid
- Fixed Dosh Khaleen holder being removed on the start of the game
- Fixed problem where revealed murders were recorded as 'died under suspicious cirucmstances'
- Fixed bug where if baron tier patricians colonised a ruin they would become independent
- Cripples and incapables should now never win duels
- Any beyond the wall provinces somehow gained by the Nights Watch now always revert back to wildlings rather than relatives
- Fixed bug where Blackfyre Rebellion would not resolve correctly on a Targaryen victory
- Relatives of Lord Protectors will no longer gain prince titles
- Fixed bug where AI lords over the vassal limit would wrongly lose titles when changing their westerosi kingdom tier
- Resurrection now removes the correct amount of stored rhllor magic
- Anti-Piracy CB now properly shatters enemy pirate realms
- Prisoners can no longer form pirate kingdoms
- Fixed funeral text not matching the religion of the deceased
- Fixed council advisor reassignment post mega war
- Fixed mega war bug where all vassals of a rebel leader may sometimes of all gone independent
- When the Nightswatch is restored, the Nights Watch should no longer retain any wildling vassals
- Dothraki can no longer ask themselves to be Bloodriders
- Fixed CTD caused by Dosh Khaleen holding titles leading to nomads declaring war on them. (Added mainetnance to remove titles)
- Fixed a case of mega war event looping
- Fixed vassal Princes of Yi Ti not having Royal Privileges
- Fixed up forming Crownlands conditions
- Littlefinger should now remain guardian of Robert when he gains The Riverlands in AFFC
- Enemy war leaders should now always be captured when successfully sieging down their location
- Characters on quests overseas can no longer ask for titles and are prohibited from using certain plots
- Fixed bug where the White Walker invasions were not triggering correctly
- The character elected leader of the Dosh Khaleen is now always of the Dothraki religion
- WoL trade event will no longer allow Night's Watch to be a possible target
- Fixed High Sparrow nickname getting reset as he was missing nickname_event flag
- Fixed CTD which was caused by Edmure dying in AFFC
- Organise raid job action can no longer be used if raiding is not actually allowed
- Fixed incorrect magic reductions when healing non-believers with rhllor magic
- Fixed bug where player could enslave natives in any colony no matter the owner
- Fixed bug where you could try and seduce dead people
- Fixed bug with siege event where you are prompted to release prisoners in your own prison
- Properly fixed enemy relative in court event so it doesnt target related half siblings of the enemy
- First night babies should now get bastard nicknames
- Characters captured in battle by a bodyguard are now properly imprisoned
- Coalition calls to arms now restricted for small lords during Aegon's Conquest
- Fixed Crownlands formation in the Conquest when selecting Oldtown/Harrenhal as capital
- Fixed decay of Tyranical/Dynastic stain
- Added Syrio Antaryon, son of Braavosi Sealord betrothed to Laena Velaryon
- Updated Greyjoy book era family, including details from new WoW sample
- Theon is now crippled in AFFC
- Updated traits of Craghas Crabfeeder
- Updated Alequo Goldentongue's history
- Added Racallio Ryndoon as a Pirate King of The Stepstones
- Correct Three Daughters downfall to 8131, also added war for this
- Andalos is now sworn to Pentos
- Fixed missing Dragonstone shipyard
- Fixed Harrenhal ruins
- Fixed bug where salves would sometimes leave court when they were stopped from breeding
- Fixed rhllor magic addition sometimes stopping events
- The custom coin flip dynasty now has proper divine blood
- The custom coin flip dynasty changes any ruler designer generated spouses to be siblings of the character via a common mother and the children are given the abomination of incest modifier