I agree with you. Personally I expect the threat of the Others is that they want to throw everything into disarray and make Ice victorious over Fire (dragons/the children).
The Children are most definitely not on the side of Fire. It was men with fire that came and burned down their Weirwoods and took their lands. The Children 3 times deployed continent shattering magical WMDs in order to stop men and fire.
Why people assume they are in anyway the good guys constantly baffles me.
For that matter, why assume Fire is the good side. Fire and it's servants have been more destructive in the series so far than anything Ice and it's servants have done. Benerro's idea of a Fire victory is that it will be an eternal Summer (even worse than the long Summer that devasted Westeros during Maekar's reign) and that all Fire loyalists will rise from the dead (as in that hellish existance that Berric Dondarrion found himself desparate to get out of).
It's about balance, both Fire and Ice must be brought into check, niether is the good and niether is the bad.