Originally posted by ws2_32
Which brings up another question for the professor... What about taking provinces that you know the AI is a sucker for and then letting him suffer big attrition? Is intentionally exagerated attrition an "exploit?" Whatever rule you'de make about it, I'd just go up to the edge of the line without crossing it. Is that an exploit in and of itself? I have a good sense of humor about it all; but it really is a serious matter about exploits. With so many exploits only the mission impossible countries are fun for WC for me. I could propose ways of fixing them. But would they ever be fixed?
Exploit rule one: If you consider that something might probably be considered an exploit, it probably will be
Exploit rule two: So what?
The AI forces are going to die of attrition no matter what you do. The Teacher couldn't care less which provinces you take, or in which order, so long as you take them all. Intentionally basing a strategy on maximizing the use of this aspect of AI stupidity does, however, deserve a mention in the report.
E.g. I've begun experimenting with Tibet and during the first many years most* enemy armies end up dying in the snows as they attempt to besiege my worthless provinces. Given my mighty manpower pool of 4K, there is no way I am meeting most enemies in battle. I certainly use the terrain to my advantage. Now, if I later on consistently suckered enemy armies into following me back to Tibet to deal with them, it would probably deserve mentioning.
* The exception being China which has a manpower pool sufficient to deal with 25% attrition per month.
OOC: I hope it is absolutely clear that I, Peter Ebbesen, personally, being a distinct entity from the Teacher (who, admittely,
just so happens to be named Peter Ebbesen, coincidence, I assure you), couldn't care less about what you do in your games so long as you have fun, and that when I shout exploit! it is mostly for purposes of teasing, because a player uses some feature of AI stupidity or bug, which I find makes the game too simple/easy.
The Teacher, on the other hand
Lost one already, I see.
Cares.... A lot.