Reputation. Love it or lose it
Welcome, Class.
It has come to my attention that certain students have been using the simulators to great effect, yet seem unable to make and display screenshots. Now, you know who you are, so let me not belabour this point, but might I suggest you either care2 or read the sticky on the subject? Enough said.
The topic of todays lecture is reputation. You know how it is. Honourable one moment, hated throughout the world the next. To simulate the hardships of doing world conquest under adverse conditions, this simulation has one hard rule: When you become dishonourable scum, every nation in your vicinity declares war on you. Love it or loathe it, but learn to live with it.
This means that it is essential to keep your reputation above dishonourable scum until you are finally ready to make your move, and take on the world.
Reputation increases with time, when you lose provinces, and when you create a vassal state out of your nation (thus, effectively, ceding provinces). This is an abstraction (except in the case of the Kraiin-world of the High Autarch Ze'Photec), live with it.
Reputation decreases when you declare war, take provinces, or annex. Generally speaking, it is more reputable to diplomatically annex a nation, rather than to do it by the sword.
So if you are expanding, but not yet ready to face every single country in your vicinity, be ready to shed a few provinces, if you inadvertently conquer too much.
Returning to the simulation, you will notice that though we got peace with Austria in 1525, we are still at war. At now the Mamelukes declare war on us. They've got 60,000 troops in Egypt. We have 8,000 in Alexandria. War exhaustion is at 4% RR and we are still suffering from the unhappiness amongst the peasantry.
Without a single battle fought, I offer the Mamelukes Syria for peace, which they, astonished though they may be, gratefully accept.
Better to cut your losses, remember? With the ending of our other war as well, we got rid of a muslim province (expensive to pacify), gained a bit of reputation, and didn't waste our armies in a futile war that would have lasted for at least a year or two.
Let us be peaceful for a while, as we turn ever more narrowminded. Well, relatively peaceful. Our ally Poland seems to be fighting all the time, and it would be a shame not to join, at least in name. And vassalising Georgia in 1527 is nice as well. But the protestants are becoming annoying. Our empire contains only one single protestant province, Banat. It costs too much to convert (and that might fail), and is nearly worthless. Time for a zero tolerance policy towards the despised protestants! There's nothing like intolerance. It allows us to pacify our larger religious groupings, the catholic, orthodox, and muslim populations. And Banat will probably revolt and defect to our ally Siedenbürgen (who recently gained Hungary as vassals). Siedenbürgen itself is staunchly catholic, though a majority of its population is protestant. Let us hope they manage to convert the heretics.
Ok, not quite peaceful. 1530 sees our declaration of war upon Naples. Now, how many of you think I want to force-vassalise Naples with those rich provinces and a brewery? Raise your hands.
A shame on you! Didn't you notice that Naples was already vassalised by Aragon? Being already vassalised they can't be force-vassalised. That is damned annoying, but we will have to live with it. Let us take Albania, 180 ducats, and make them accede to military access (just in case), and let it be quits. A small gain for three years of war. Let that teach you to notice such small details as a vassal-lord relationship in advance!
Yes, being peaceful is hard, despite Banat finally defecting to Siedenbürgen, so let us declare war on the Mamelukes again it being now 1534. With their widespread holdings gained from the time of the Timurid empire, they are a constant threat on our southern flank. And the wars go well - pretty soon all of their provinces are under our control. All? No, a single brave province surrounded by Persia and Baluchistan is utterly unreachable for us. I refer, of course, to Hormouz. Fortunately a solution presents itself, as Persia joins the Mameluke alliance. Time to raise more troops.
Funky, man. A meteor. Time to waste one or two years of investment regaining stability... Again. And the Russians (who until yesterday were named Muscowians) want to take over the Byzantine Mantle. Sorry, guys. It is already in use. And then, damn, look at that. Siedenbürgen just turned protestant, breaking the royal marriage and vassalage. Sometimes, life's a bitch.
So let us end these ridiculous wars. Persia suffers the loss of Awaz, Hamadan, and Isfahan (their rich centre of trade), while the Mamelukes lose Delta, Syria, and 250 ducats.
Our reputation is now extremely bad for the first time, Austria annexes one province Hungary, and, to make my day, some bloody idiot assassinates a noble. Again. And now the protestants split creating a reformed faction. Bloody wonderful. Topped only by the alliance of some stupid nobles with a major foreign power. As you may have noticed, restoring stability can be a huge drain on your resources, even with our increased income. Especially multiple stability hits in a short time.
So the diplomatic annexation of Georgia in 1545 is of immediate help, stability-wise, as is the conversion of Sivas and Kurdistan.
By now it should be obvious, that we can't really grow in the foreseeable future without becoming dishonourable scum, and yet we simply don't have the resources to fight a determined enemy the size of France or Castile, even with Poland on our side. So let us make some long term planning. Let us force-vassalise Austria and diplomatically annex them a decade or two from now. This will gain us the rich Dutch provinces (including the Flanders centre of trade) and remove the dangerous Austraians from the game, so to speak. The main problem is, that we have absolutely no way to get our troops to the Netherlands.
Don't despair.
Money can buy you military access through neighbouring countries any day, in our case Bavaria and Hessen should do. Wait a moment, Awaz spontaneously converted. Surely a good omen. Moving armies to stand ready in Hessen, the alliance of Byzantium, Poland, and the Golden Horde, declare war upon Austria and Bohemia on June 4th, 1548. Hessen (possibly eyeing the 50K troops visiting their capital province) dishonours their alliance with Austria.
On the coming dawn, our armies start pouring over the Austrian borders, while the monstrous Bohemia army begins entering the empire. Let us forthwith raise as many troops as we can every single month. We will need them.
At war with Austria, 1548
By October 1548 an estimated 100K extra troops have been raised. Don't watch the carnage too closely if you are squeamish. Fortunately Bohemia accepts a separate peace for 62 ducats. I would gladly have paid ten times as much (had I had the money)
By October 1549 our 78K manpower pool has been emptied.
By March 1550, we are gaining the upper hand. This, of course, is when France, Castile, Hessen, and Bavaria declare war upon Austria: They want a peace of the cake as well.
By January 1551 we've won 43 battles and Austria 34, but most of Austria is under our control, and France controls most of the remainder. This, of course, is when the peasantry rises in arms. Again. Considering our armies don't have all that much to do, all those sudden rebellions are, seen in a certain light, a boon. A somewhat disturbing light, I admit.
But finally, by August 1551, Austria agrees to become our vassals. Now our armies can be used to destroy rebels in the Austrian Dutch provinces, since Austria is having a hard enough time fending off the large French alliance. The war cost an estimated 120,000 lives.
Relax, now, as we keep gifting Austria, helping them out in minor wars, and steadily improving our conditions. The peasants are unhappy and so are the clergy, the latter being distinctly better than the former, since we are now completely narrowminded. With Austria our very good allies things are looking bright.... Until Hessen, France, Bavaria, Castile, and Sienna declare war on Ausrtia, Poland, Byzantium, Wallachia, and the Golden Horde.
Ouch. That hurt.
Austria didn't really need those provinces, anyway.
I didn't need those armies, either, really.
Were France somewhat smaller or not so technologically advanced, this wouldn't be the bloodbath you are currently watching. Oh, and our emperor died. Long live Michael X.
Don't tell me the Mamelukes and Oman declared war as well? Well, the
other war has only been going on for four years, so why not. Half a year is enough to take Nile and Judea. They are muslim, but provide much needed grain to field our armies. (And taking them really breaks up the Mameluke territory)
And finally we have peace in November 1564. But look at that. 1566: Austria, barely recovered from the wars, is suffering numerous large rebellions in the Dutch provinces, and is handling it badly. It seems a new spirit of independence has arisen amongst the Dutch, and pretty soon all the provinces, bar Flandern, are in rebel hands, and have been so for months. There is even rebellious talks of forming a separate Dutch state.
Their armies destroyed and half the nation in flames, the Austrian king gladly accepts our offer of annexation. Hastily our forces are dispatched to the new Dutch provinces. Will they be in time to prevent independence? Good question. In a fit of desperation I take out five loans and hire mercenaries in Flandern. They can begin besieging months before our other armies can arrive. Notice, however, that I first set free Hannover (which land was protestant anyway) and Serbia as vassals to increase our reputation. We were dishonourable scum for less than an hour, but that was scary enough.
March 1567 sees the union of our ally Poland with Lithuania. Good only one bothersome neighbour on our northern flank, and an ally to boot.
And in March 1568, the Netherlands forms in Friesen, angering the French, who used to control it. Fortunately the Byzantine netherlands are at peace - the armies of the empire preventing any thought of seceding from taking firm root.
As we continue pacifying the new and incredibly rich provinces, let us spend our money on investments. In time, it pays off, as you see. The exceptional year of 1577 reduced our inflation to 119% allowing us to reach trade3 technology in March, after finally having invested 65,000 ducats in it. We can now acquire monopolies in centres of trade, like certain other nations have been doing for a long time.
As you may have noticed, our armies have problems fighting even rebels. It is time for us to address that issue, as it is also time to start doing some serious converting.
The Council of Trend of 1580 allows catholic nations to turn counter reformed to fight the protestants. Definitely something to consider in future. By 1582 we have 13 conversions underway and have raised our army quality to equality on the quantity-quality scale. Being at a severe technical disadvantage with all our European neighbours, a more focused and dedicated army is needed. More expensive as well, but oh, what the hell. Inflation can't get much worse than it is (this is a lie).
Aaarrrghhhh, my head!
Dustman, will you stop thumping Maur13 during class? He is a very diligent student, unlike some, and...
WHAT!!!!! Stop bleeding in the simulator right away, Maur13! That simulator is expensive private property. Desist on pain of pain!
But I'm already in pain!
Then desist on pain of even more pain, don't you know what the taste of blood does to the artificial intelligence? Oh, shit! Too late.
Random Event 1585: Unhappiness Peasantry +5
The Byzantine netherlands rise in rebellion again and again. Need more troops!
Random Event 1587: Unhappiness Peasantry +5
I don't mind it. What does not kill me, makes me stronger.
Random Event 1590: Poor Government Politics
What do I care. You're just a jumped up calculator!
Survived it. That wiped out another 100K troops and a few years of investments. Random Event my arse, the AI did it on purpose, I tell you. And Maur13, I'm seeing you after class. And you too, Dustman.
Hmmm. As you see we have a new emperor, Ioannes X, who has great diplomatic talents, and we have also reached land4, increasing the morale of our troops, though decreasing the shock power of our cavalry. I guess issuing them with an extra blanket might have been going too far, but it is too late to cancel that privilige.
Random Even 1595: Assassination of Noble.
Cut it out, AI! I am trying to teach a class here!
Ahem. Notice how effective the Austrian takeover strategy was? Let us repeat it now... With France! France has, at present, 24 very rich and populous provinces in continental Europe, all of them catholic or reformed protestants, as well as an extended trading post network. The also have the armies to match. You may have noticed that the French and the English came to a peaceful policy of coexistance on the issue of the English possessions a century ago. This was unfortunate, since I had been expecting that particular sort of war to be a permanent drain on the French state. But alas, that was not to be.
For now, let us recruit as many soldiers as we can, and position them prior to the attack. This is done, eventually, by April 1598. Turned counter reformed catholic, Byzantium, Poland, the Golden Horde, and Ragusa declare war on the alliance of France and Russia. France has a landtech of 17 versus our 4 and Polands 5 (and Russia has 7). Our allies will have to keep Russia off our back.
Our attack involve multiple thrusts:
33/0 land in Armor,
34/106 come storming in from the Dutch provinces,
0/42 from Lombardia,
0/9 invade Firenze from Romagna,
0/28 march from Dobrudja, and
0/25 land in Languedoc a month delayed
Invasion of France, April 1598
Let me concentrate on maneouvering.
Besieging France, June 1598
And that's that.
France vassalised + Cyprus taken, 1599
Don't even think about the losses. Accept them. Let us forthwith send huge gifts to France to improve relations.
...And let us crush and force-vassalise the free Netherlands. The armies are near by, after all.
Now it is time to do nothing offensive whatsoever. We really don't want to give France any excuse to break the vassalisation. Let them become accustomed to it instead. Meanwhile, we can invest in landtech.
Oh dear. Poland just broke up ever so slightly. The winners are: Pommern, Saxony, Prussia, Mecklenburg, and Lithuania, all earlier victims of Polands success. Poland remains strong though. Unfortunately France keeps refusing to join our alliance, and it is probably because they hate Poland.
Some choices are easy. Poland is banned from the alliance and France joins it.
The English have been taking lessons in rebellion, I see. 1612 marks the defection of seven provinces in England proper to Scotland, which is by this sudden reversal of fortune become the mightiest power of the island.
But our investments bear fruit. By May, 1621 we reach land9. Now, if only France would stop fighting those silly wars with the natives of the New World, we might get down to annex them. Ioannes X is not getting any younger, you know. At least we can start raising armies.
March 1624. France is at peace. Ioannes X, valued in the simulation at 11 diplomacy (9+2 aristocracy bonus) proposes that France become part of the Empire. They accept March 12th.
France diploannexed, let the wars begin!
They begin...
The next lesson will focus on fighting multiple wars at the same time while handling monstrous revolt risks and 20+ provinces with high nationalism. Also we will be meeting the other purple menace, the Mughal Empire, for the first time.
Class dismissed.