Hello, and welcome to one more Tinto Flavour, the happy Friday in which we take a look at the content of the new, super-secret Project Caesar. This week we will take a look at the Crown of Aragon, the lands where, centuries later, a certain video-game studio would be situated… But, in 1337, its situation is different:
The young King Pere IV ascended to the throne in 1336. As usual, please consider the UI, 2D and 3D art as WIP.
These are the lands of Aragon:
And this is the starting diplomatic situation, the Kingdom of Mallorca being a vassal, and the Military Order of Montesa being sponsored by Aragon (something we will talk about in a future Tinto Flavour, with other Catholic Military Orders):
These are the lands of the Order of Montesa, which is a Building Based Country; the first screenshot is what you see when you hover over the country flag in any panel (such as the Diplomatic one shown just above), while the second is the BBC map mode - both show in which locations is the Order present through a building:
Oh, yes, and there are also some Florentine bankers present in Barcelona and Palma…
The Crown of Aragon starts with a major government reform of the same name:
And also another unique one, that portrays the traditional fueros used in most of the Pyrenean towns and cities for their government; it is unlocked by a functional Culture Group called ‘Pyrenean’, shared by Aragonese, Basque and Gascon cultures (because, as we mentioned in a past Tinto Talks, a culture may belong to multiple culture groups, which are fully scriptable, and thus, moddable, so they can be created and used for multiple purposes):
Beside these reforms, the Nobility of Aragon starts with this unique privilege, which is one of the most important cornerstones of the realm:
This privilege may be relevant in the future…
Aragon also has a unique Maritime policy, the Consulate of the Sea:
And starts with some Works of Art, of which I’m going to show a couple, the Virgin of Montserrat, most widely known as ‘La Moreneta’:
And the Basilica del Pilar of Zaragoza:
There are some unique advances for Aragon, so let’s show some of them:
The Almogavars is a unique Levy unit unlocked through an advance:
Related to the former:
Aragon has another unique land unit, the Catalan Crossbowmen:
And also a unique naval unit, the Catalan Galley:
There’s also a couple some more advances related to the Maritime prowess of Aragon, as this one:
And a couple more advances from the Age of Discovery:
It might be dangerous to oppress the remenças, though…
There are some events related to Joanot Martorell and Ausiàs March, so you might be able to hire them as artists, and also sponsor the famous novel, Tirant lo Blanch!:
About the narrative content for Aragon, there’s an event chain that can trigger early on, about the fate of the Kingdom of Mallorca:
There’s also a unique disaster, the War of the Aragonese Union, that may trigger in the case that Jaume, Peter’s younger brother, is no longer the heir:
The purple section in the disaster tooltip is from the debug mode, so it wouldn’t be present in a regular game; I added it to show that there’s a chance for some additional events to trigger.
There’s also some regional content. The first is an event that may trigger a chain about the most important institution in the Kingdom of Aragon, the Justicia (‘Chief Justiciar’):
Not all are troublesome, as some more pleasant may trigger, this also related to Valencia:
And much more, but that’s all for today! Next week we will travel to the Holy Roman Empire, to take a look at the Kingdom of Bohemia! Cheers!
The young King Pere IV ascended to the throne in 1336. As usual, please consider the UI, 2D and 3D art as WIP.
These are the lands of Aragon:
And this is the starting diplomatic situation, the Kingdom of Mallorca being a vassal, and the Military Order of Montesa being sponsored by Aragon (something we will talk about in a future Tinto Flavour, with other Catholic Military Orders):
These are the lands of the Order of Montesa, which is a Building Based Country; the first screenshot is what you see when you hover over the country flag in any panel (such as the Diplomatic one shown just above), while the second is the BBC map mode - both show in which locations is the Order present through a building:
Oh, yes, and there are also some Florentine bankers present in Barcelona and Palma…
The Crown of Aragon starts with a major government reform of the same name:
And also another unique one, that portrays the traditional fueros used in most of the Pyrenean towns and cities for their government; it is unlocked by a functional Culture Group called ‘Pyrenean’, shared by Aragonese, Basque and Gascon cultures (because, as we mentioned in a past Tinto Talks, a culture may belong to multiple culture groups, which are fully scriptable, and thus, moddable, so they can be created and used for multiple purposes):
Beside these reforms, the Nobility of Aragon starts with this unique privilege, which is one of the most important cornerstones of the realm:
This privilege may be relevant in the future…
Aragon also has a unique Maritime policy, the Consulate of the Sea:
And starts with some Works of Art, of which I’m going to show a couple, the Virgin of Montserrat, most widely known as ‘La Moreneta’:
And the Basilica del Pilar of Zaragoza:
There are some unique advances for Aragon, so let’s show some of them:
The Almogavars is a unique Levy unit unlocked through an advance:
Related to the former:
Aragon has another unique land unit, the Catalan Crossbowmen:
And also a unique naval unit, the Catalan Galley:
There’s also a couple some more advances related to the Maritime prowess of Aragon, as this one:
And a couple more advances from the Age of Discovery:
It might be dangerous to oppress the remenças, though…
About the narrative content for Aragon, there’s an event chain that can trigger early on, about the fate of the Kingdom of Mallorca:
There’s also a unique disaster, the War of the Aragonese Union, that may trigger in the case that Jaume, Peter’s younger brother, is no longer the heir:
The purple section in the disaster tooltip is from the debug mode, so it wouldn’t be present in a regular game; I added it to show that there’s a chance for some additional events to trigger.
There’s also some regional content. The first is an event that may trigger a chain about the most important institution in the Kingdom of Aragon, the Justicia (‘Chief Justiciar’):
Not all are troublesome, as some more pleasant may trigger, this also related to Valencia:
And much more, but that’s all for today! Next week we will travel to the Holy Roman Empire, to take a look at the Kingdom of Bohemia! Cheers!