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Tinto Flavour #5 - 7th of February 2025 - Aragon

Hello, and welcome to one more Tinto Flavour, the happy Friday in which we take a look at the content of the new, super-secret Project Caesar. This week we will take a look at the Crown of Aragon, the lands where, centuries later, a certain video-game studio would be situated… But, in 1337, its situation is different:

The Crown of Aragon stands proudly as a significant power in the western Mediterranean region thanks to its maritime prowess, diplomatic weight, and flourishing trade networks.

The stabilization of the Kingdom of Valencia and the ongoing conquest of the newly-created Kingdom of Sardinia and Corsica might ensure it a dominant position in the seas. However, despite its relative stability, challenges loom on the horizon. To the East, the Kingdom of Mallorca faces economic difficulties and its ruler's animosity towards King Pere IV ‘the Ceremonious’ might convince him to act foolishly. In the peninsula, the threat of the Crown of Castile is more and more real as the Reconquista comes to an end. To the north, the Kingdom of France has consolidated its domain over the Languedoc in the last century.

How would the young King Pere IV face the challenges to come? Will he focus on the Mediterranean Sea and rule the waves from Barcelona to the Holy Land? Will he turn around and claim dominance over Iberia? Or will he try to get revenge from the Battle of Muret in 1213, and recover its ancient holdings north of the Pyrenees?

Country Selection.png

The young King Pere IV ascended to the throne in 1336. As usual, please consider the UI, 2D and 3D art as WIP.

These are the lands of Aragon:

And this is the starting diplomatic situation, the Kingdom of Mallorca being a vassal, and the Military Order of Montesa being sponsored by Aragon (something we will talk about in a future Tinto Flavour, with other Catholic Military Orders):

These are the lands of the Order of Montesa, which is a Building Based Country; the first screenshot is what you see when you hover over the country flag in any panel (such as the Diplomatic one shown just above), while the second is the BBC map mode - both show in which locations is the Order present through a building:


Oh, yes, and there are also some Florentine bankers present in Barcelona and Palma…

The Crown of Aragon starts with a major government reform of the same name:
Crown of Aragon.png

And also another unique one, that portrays the traditional fueros used in most of the Pyrenean towns and cities for their government; it is unlocked by a functional Culture Group called ‘Pyrenean’, shared by Aragonese, Basque and Gascon cultures (because, as we mentioned in a past Tinto Talks, a culture may belong to multiple culture groups, which are fully scriptable, and thus, moddable, so they can be created and used for multiple purposes):
Pyrenean Fueros.png

Beside these reforms, the Nobility of Aragon starts with this unique privilege, which is one of the most important cornerstones of the realm:
General Privilege of Aragon.png

This privilege may be relevant in the future…

Aragon also has a unique Maritime policy, the Consulate of the Sea:
Consulate of the Sea.png

And starts with some Works of Art, of which I’m going to show a couple, the Virgin of Montserrat, most widely known as ‘La Moreneta’:
La Moreneta.png

La Moreneta2.png

And the Basilica del Pilar of Zaragoza:
Basilica del Pilar1.png

Basilica del Pilar2.png

There are some unique advances for Aragon, so let’s show some of them:

The Almogavars is a unique Levy unit unlocked through an advance:



Related to the former:
Desperta Ferro!.png

Aragon has another unique land unit, the Catalan Crossbowmen:
Catalan Crossbowmen.png

Catalan Crossbowmen2.png

And also a unique naval unit, the Catalan Galley:
Catalan Galley.png

Catalan Galley2.png

There’s also a couple some more advances related to the Maritime prowess of Aragon, as this one:
Fleet Ordinances.png

And a couple more advances from the Age of Discovery:

It might be dangerous to oppress the remenças, though…

Valencian Golden Age.png

There are some events related to Joanot Martorell and Ausiàs March, so you might be able to hire them as artists, and also sponsor the famous novel, Tirant lo Blanch!:

Ausias March.png

Tirant lo Blanch.png

About the narrative content for Aragon, there’s an event chain that can trigger early on, about the fate of the Kingdom of Mallorca:

The Mallorcan Issue.png

There’s also a unique disaster, the War of the Aragonese Union, that may trigger in the case that Jaume, Peter’s younger brother, is no longer the heir:

The Union Reignites.png

War of the Union.png

The purple section in the disaster tooltip is from the debug mode, so it wouldn’t be present in a regular game; I added it to show that there’s a chance for some additional events to trigger.

There’s also some regional content. The first is an event that may trigger a chain about the most important institution in the Kingdom of Aragon, the Justicia (‘Chief Justiciar’):
Justicia de Aragón1.png

Justicia de Aragón2.png

Justicia de Aragón3.png

Not all are troublesome, as some more pleasant may trigger, this also related to Valencia:
Llotja Seda.png

Llotja Seda2.png

And much more, but that’s all for today! Next week we will travel to the Holy Roman Empire, to take a look at the Kingdom of Bohemia! Cheers!
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Why hide it? It's important information that disaster can spawn additional events. Well, unless every single disaster does that, but even then something somewhere should tell the player that this is the case.
We aim to show it in the disaster panel. ;)
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Are a lot of those flavor locked behind specific tag?
In my opinion, most of them should be locked behind culture/localization of the country, goverment reform etc, not by the tag itself.

Because playing with minor nations has never had as much flavor as playing with the main ones. The French minor did not have as much content as France. The same applies to some smaller countries in Anatolia compared to the Ottomans, etc. It would also make it less painful to add tags to the game (if, for example, we create an alternative tag for Poland in mods, you will not have to edit all events/reforms/decisions, etc. to still have access to them with the new Polish tag.)
Additionally, it would make it possible to "jump between tracks" of countries, so, for example, converting to Islam while playing Castile would give us access to content for Andalusia, etc.
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@Oglesby, it has to be per capita - in the Mali TF, the levy units with a size of 100 and the regular unit with a size of 1000 have roughly the same creation and upkeep costs listed, even though the latter is more advanced and ten times as large as the former one. I do still would like a confirmation from Pavía, though.
I would think that what the cost/maintenance of the unit would be the value that is pertinent. I would not like to have to calculate the actual cost of the unit in my head every time to see the real cost.

I hope that it is a case of 'values aren't final', but if you are correct then I hope that they change what it listed to the costs of the unit.
If you indulge me in a small, pedantic note:

He should be either Peter III of Barcelona or Peter IV of Aragon. The first one refers to its linage and his order in the list of counts of Barcelona and, if I recall correctly, is the one that matches how he himself wrote in family documents. The second refers to his order in his main title, king of Aragon, and is the one used by aragonese historians after Jerónimo Zurita (again, if I recall correctly).

The difference is due to Pedro I de Aragon, of the Jimena dinasty. He was king of Aragon and Pamplone before the House of Barcelona got to the aragonese throne. Since he is related to the counts of Barcelona by a feminine line (being an great-great... uncle by Petronila of Aragon) he was not a direct ancestor of Peter the Ceremonious. He wasn't either a count of Barcelona or a part of the House of Barcelona.
We know, and since his main title is King of Aragon, and he is the 4th -> [name_peter]* IV.

* This is how his name is technically scripted, as it's the way we do dynamic name. So if the character would change his main culture to Aragonese, he would be 'Pedro' instead of 'Pere', and so on with any culture with a scripted variant of the name.
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ah alright, can you show the control map for aragon(and the previous TFs would be nice as well) please?
This is a matter of constant rebalance, and not something very useful to show right now. In this specific exampme, some proximity sources were rebalanced a couples of weeks ago, so the control map would have been different in TF #5 compared to TF #3, not making very useful the country comparison.
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Because Aragonese is an accepted culture of the country, giving it access to the reform.
But shouldn't Catalan and Languedocian be also part of the Pyrenean group since they have pops that live there? Also I was Checking the culture tinto talk and noticed that Catalan isn't part of the Occitan group, even if it's just geographical they are close to South France so why not?
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Have you thought about creating some vassals to represent the largest territorial domains? Even though the political system of the Crown of Aragon was not as dependent on autonomous territorial domains like the Kingdom of France, still some existed by 1337. The most powerful was probably the County of Pallars Sobirà, which was ruled as an autonomous realm by a very influential dynasty within Aragon until the last ruler picked the wrong side in the Catalan Civil war and was ultimately ousted by Ferran II.
The autonomy of Aragonese feudal lords could not be compared to that of the French or German lords, so we need to portray differently in the game.
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The Fueros not affecting any societal values is odd to me, especially with how important they were to the governance of the states in the region.

As it's a free reform that gives always useful bonuses, you will basically never remove it regardless of your gameplan - strong unique bonuses are good, but perhaps they shouldn't be 100% universal.

I would suggest it gets a small shift towards Free Subjects and towards Decentralization. This makes sense in the context of what it historically meant, as well as the direction Aragon historically moved towards.

Also, someone who wanted to turn Aragon into a unitary, despotic state, would have some reason to change out of the overall strong reform, and I think the balance of trading progress towards free subjects (something most players would want) for progress towards decentralization (something most players probably wouldn't want) makes it quite balanced as well.
Good suggestion!
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So, now going in with the deeper suggestions.

I first want to say that I miss mentions to the Mudejar art (part of which is World Heritage). I think that there should be an advance that give some construction bonus, as long as Aragon keeps a muslim minority (seen in Tinto Maps). It would later lead to some effects if the player expels the moriscos later on. Ideally there could be a lot of flavour regarding this minority but I don't want to ask too much on the initial release. However, I feel like forgetting a World Heritage element will be too much, specially when it can easily reinforce existing mechanics. It can also be linked to the proposed alabatro resources in the Pina de Ebro location. I don't know what the final RGO good in Pina is, but they could get a mine building to give a bonus to construction.

Antother World Heritage element I missed is the St. James road. There should be some mention to them and get some type of bonus in Jaca.

I also think there should be more content regarding burghers. There was not only a powerful nobility, but the Consell de Cent in Barcelona and the municipal power in Zaragoza and Huesca was quite relevant. Not to be self-centered, but Zaragoza for example could start with a Privilegio de los veinte advance that gives its burguers extra power. It should be something the player has to challenge later on with things like this or this.

Peasants can also have some content with an advance regarding the Comunidades de aldeas. There could be additional events linked to them during the War of the Two Peters .

I already suggested some points about the Seo/Pilar issues. But the difference between archbishops (Tarragona, Zaragoza, Valencia) and bishops may be modelled somewhat in game. I also miss any reference to universities, Lleida should start with one and Valencia and Zaragoza should get events to fund one in the right era.

Aragon also should have a Casa de Ganaderos de Zaragoza advance that give bonus to its wool and meat productions but malus to other economic aspects. I'm thinking of this. I also proposed some event chains for EUIV regarding the Canal Imperial de Aragón that could happen in the late game in that context (link in my signature).

Then, I also miss some references to Alcañiz Humanism. Its slightly later than game start, but Alcañiz could see some flavor like Valencia is shown. Pavía has already said that St. John will be explained later on but I think we should also have the Calatrava Order in Aragon in this area. I also miss mention to the Papa Luna, which should be a major event in the early game for the Crown of Aragon.

Another advance I miss is the Generalidades system (Crown of Aragon tax system: https://ifc.dpz.es/webs/atlash/indice_epocas/moderna/70.htm). It would give name to regional institutions so I think can add some flavor. It is a later system, so the tag should start with the Sobrecollida system

We have been given only a glimps about the Justicia flavour, but I strongly suggest to add something about privilegio de Manifestación. I also think the game should start with references to the Lugartenientes Generales and Bailes Generales. Later eras should advance (if the requirements are met) the Lugartenientes to Virreyes and then to Capitanes Generales. The Bailes could evolve to Intendentes.

I'm sure there is some content about the 1591 Alteraciones. However, I should note they were concurrent with other issues like the War in Ribagorza and other internobility conflicts (Cetina-Contamina, Jimenez de Urra-Guerrea y Aragón...). Since I already talked about them in other threads, I fear to repeat myself.
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Thanks for the answer.

Regarding the first point, the fuero de Jaca is definitely the most widespread. However, I should note it dates back from times of Aragones-Pamplonese union and was the basis of the navarrese fueros (Lema Pueyo wrote more in detail). I think that the fuero advance should then also be open to Navarra. I asked about the Sobrarbe one since they are more ahistorical but usually part of how the aragonese nobility later justified themselves.

Regarding the Seo-Pilar issue, thanks. If I can help draft a couple of events to persuade you to add it, let me know.

If you allow me for some suggestions for starting buildings in the kingdom of Aragon:
  • Cathedrals in Huesca, Roda de Isábena, Zaragoza, Tarazona and Teruel
  • Colegiatas in Borja, Daroca, Alquezar and Calatayud. There should be some event for later addition of one in Alcañiz
  • Monasteries in Montearagón, San Juan de la Peña, San Pedro el Viejo, Alaón, San Victorían, Veruela, Piedra, Rueda, Sijena and Casbas
  • palace in la Aljafería and torreón de la Zuda en Zaragoza. I would also add the Casas del Puente en Zaragoza, to model the high local power of the city
  • Castle in Borja / Calatayud / Tarazona / Teruel (thinking ahead of the war of the two Peters)
  • If there is any building for irrigation, there should be along the Ebro and Jalón locations as well as in the lower Gallego and lower Huerva representing the old network of acequias.
  • I have my doubts about the papers describing the armour industry in the period, but I'd add metalworks in Calatayud
  • textil works in Zaragoza and Huesca, most likely
  • saltworks representing Arcos de las Salinas and Naval?
  • Ceramics works in Naval / Calcena / Muel
  • Hospitals for the St. James road in Jaca
  • Toll buildings in Canfranc and Escatron (main tolls in the kingdom)
Regarding some aragonese people, I'll try to compile a list of proposals but it may take me the weekend.
Navarra already has access to that reform. And thanks about the rest of suggestions!
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I still really think that iberian crowns should be represented as personal unions (maybe a unique form), feels like a underutilization of the system.
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The 3D models are looking slowly but surely better as time goes on. The painted backdrops are beautiful, so the more painterly the 3D model textures are, the better they look.

Still wondering if they should have animation or not, cause if they are still, you might end up with a really dumb generated expression on a character you can't get away from lol
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I would think that what the cost/maintenance of the unit would be the value that is pertinent. I would not like to have to calculate the actual cost of the unit in my head every time to see the real cost.

I hope that it is a case of 'values aren't final', but if you are correct then I hope that they change what it listed to the costs of the unit.
I agree with that sentiment, although it would also be practical to see both the fully price and the price per soldier, as it seems "incomplete" regiments can exist.
A comparison of different units:

Mandekalu Infantry.png

Catalan Crossbowmen2.png

Different "light" infantries with 100-150-200 soldiers; and Farari with 1000 soldiers but the same cost:
Farari Infantry.png

@Pavía, are the prices meant to be taken "per soldier"? Or are they merely in huge disbalance?

Edit: went back to check in previous Tinto Talks, Johan confirmed here that at least the upkeep cost is meant to be per kopf.
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Are a lot of those flavor locked behind specific tag?
In my opinion, most of them should be locked behind culture/localization of the country, goverment reform etc, not by the tag itself.

Because playing with minor nations has never had as much flavor as playing with the main ones. The French minor did not have as much content as France. The same applies to some smaller countries in Anatolia compared to the Ottomans, etc. It would also make it less painful to add tags to the game (if, for example, we create an alternative tag for Poland in mods, you will not have to edit all events/reforms/decisions, etc. to still have access to them with the new Polish tag.)
Additionally, it would make it possible to "jump between tracks" of countries, so, for example, converting to Islam while playing Castile would give us access to content for Andalusia, etc.
It depends on the type of content. Situations are widespread, while advances are a mix of country, government, religion, sometimes culture, etc., and events are usually tag-related. In general terms, there's more conteng for the 'Great Powers' of the period. So, a way for a French minor to get more content is to end up re-forming France.
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I still really think that that should be represented as personal unions (maybe a unique form), feels like a underutilization of the system.
More than underusing the system, take it as WIP. Since it's such a new system, we're still testing its working limits, and we consider that it's better to make things work step by step, than overdoing it, and releasing a half-broken feature.
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