Thanks for info Harvard
I recently managed to play a MP game of the new version of the scenario (very close to complete now) and on msn i wrote a short crappy little aar of is to pds. I though it might be interesting to a few of you so here is how our game went:
SOrry about the format but i am soo lazy and can;t be bothered re writing it but shoufl do one day...
Vonsson says:
he went Britain and I went Germany
Vonsson says:
we decided to ally and ten immediately declear war on France
Vonsson says:
The first 6 months of the war was dominated by me and France dukeing it out in Eastern and Northern Farnce
Vonsson says:
The French fought a dogged fight with their strategy of avoidence, harrying and retaking provinces
Vonsson says:
Then the British finally landed forces in Brtanny and Normandy
Vonsson says:
are you reading?
Master Bassist says:
so did you take paris?
Master Bassist says:
Vonsson says:
yes, anyway, he took al of north estern france and I take south east-north
Vonsson says:
He sues for peace, taking Britanny and Nordy in the deal
Vonsson says:
I offer France the chance to regain some pride and choose not to take any more provinces off the hapless French, I offer a vasilisation
Vonsson says:
they accept
Master Bassist says:
Vonsson says:
This War was dogged but always the victory was going to happen
Master Bassist says:
so was there a second war?
Vonsson says:
We then turn East!
Master Bassist says:
hehe russia or is poland in existance by this point
Vonsson says:
The RUssians by this time outnumber ou combined armies 2x but have no allies
Vonsson says:
We use the post Franco war to rebuild our troop numbers...
Vonsson says:
I then request the the bitish field anarmy 1/4 the size of mine, in Easteern Germany, I also ask thme to group men ia ships in malaysia for a surprise attack on Siberia!
Master Bassist says:
thats a good strategy
Vonsson says:
I ready my navy to blockade the Russian fleet in St Petersburg so they will not feature
Master Bassist says:
ive only played a war against russia once
Vonsson says:
at all
Master Bassist says:
in an mp
Master Bassist says:
Vonsson says:
The rest of my fleet in divided into 3, roughy 3x20 warships
Vonsson says:
I load armies onto these sub-fleets and station them off finland, ingermanland and kurland
Vonsson says:
The rest of my armies are on border with Russia, aswell as 25,000 British
Master Bassist says:
the brits will need more men im telling you
Vonsson says:
I then ask my ally o declear war o don;t lose stability (and you are correct!)
Vonsson says:
He does (with some reluctance..)
Master Bassist says:
from experience
Vonsson says:
Vonsson says:
The russsians quickly ssend 40,000 available poles charing into prussia
Vonsson says:
siezing the opportunity to avoid this force slip an army into poland as they are leaving and then divide this force and move towards the ukraine
Vonsson says:
I this goup all avalable men and attack head on against the russians who number 50,000 or so aganinst my 40,000
Vonsson says:
The british shrewdly move thir forces into poland to stop any possible russian move there
Vonsson says:
the battle in prussia is close fought (much closer thana i though it would be)
Vonsson says:
the russians are driven to memel
Vonsson says:
Still there?
Master Bassist says:
Vonsson says:
I then follow them
Vonsson says:
I now remember those troop fleets and land me in finaland and the russian capital
Master Bassist says:
Vonsson says:
Finalnd is lightly defended and i have 4 provinces quickly
Vonsson says:
the russian capital is apparently unwanted as they decide not to retake it with an available 40,000 man force vs my occupying 20,000
Vonsson says:
The british make there long awaited attack upon siberi
Vonsson says:
The available russian forces with away into the inerior as the british start optimistically
Vonsson says:
The British are however unprepared for the comming winter in the harsh snoe enviroment and masses of Britons are lost in the wastes of eastern russia
Vonsson says:
the Russians then move all forces for a retaking of lost siberian provinces
Master Bassist says:
Master Bassist says:
i lost 80% of my army in the crimea
Master Bassist says:
France lost 50%
Master Bassist says:
and Sardinia lost 95%
Vonsson says:
They quickly wipe the Britsh out of Eastern russia (i hate atrrition) and so ends the involvement of my allly in this war (he now has italy declear war on him)
Vonsson says:
The russians now have renewed vigour in the epic struggle for the motherland
Vonsson says:
I have so far gone thewhole war without producing more men, I quickly order 50,000 men to be assembled near the eastern front
Vonsson says:
The russians have (unknowingly to me) being stockpiling men around Iran and the Black sea (expecting the persian and turk to take adavantage?)
Vonsson says:
These 200,000 plus men are now heading for the front
Vonsson says:
This force alone is more than my entire army
Master Bassist says:
oh crap
Vonsson says:
I quickly gather all my men and spread them thinly so as to control as many provinces in as short a time as possible
Vonsson says:
I Only have 2-3 large forces existing in russia now and are set to finsh off the russians there at that point in time
Vonsson says:
I have shortly taken large parts of West Russia and Finland, the Russians must be thinking that this was only the beginning rather than the actual truth (it being my final roar in the face of overwhelming numbers that will be bearing down on me in 3 moths or so
Vonsson says:
They offer me peace wwhich inlcudes 3 finninsh provinces and 2 polish ones
Vonsson says:
I accept with joy and then release two vassal states, Finaland and Poland
Vonsson says:
During this time my fiend has fough a marvellous campain against the Itallians and thei balkan allies and now controls almost every island in the mediterrainian.
Cheers, Bart