If you plain on changing all of cultures to make them more vague so that conquering lands and keeping revolts down is easier then their should be done a little different, their should be: Mediterranean, Balkan, Central European, West European, North European, African, Mid-Eastern, Indian, Asian, Indonesian, North American, Central American, and South American. I like the idea of doing this it takes away the infuses on culture. The imperial countries with more than 5 provinces in a certain cultural land should get that culture and then when the second wave of nationalism hits (Africa is a good example) the culture is lost. And I had to get ride of all of the alliances so that each country could choose witch side to be on without having to drag their entire alliance into it. They are just added to the two alliances as time goes on and they get their events. Vassalization is another thing that needs to be worked out (some of those countries are not even on maps around this time) a good example is the Philippines should be a vassal of United States, and South Africa should be a vassal of the United Kingdom. Also maybe religions should be changed to political forms and just leave out catholic so that we can change Italy's tag without anyone getting CBs on them for owning Rome. It gets really annoying that no one can have a Royal Marriage with Italy. If political Ideals are used (I really think they shold be) they to should be vague such as just making, Communist (Shiite), Republic (Sunni), Imperial (Hindu), Dictatorial (Buddhist), Militant (Confusiast). Using these Religions would allow no change without events and also keep the Republics and the Communist at ends with each others while allowing Royal Marriages between every one else. Examples of each of the governments I listed are: (in same order) Soviet Union, United States, World War One Germany, World War Two Germany, World War Two Japan. This is the best way to handle Religion and Culture in my opinion. I also do not want to get into some large discussion about political theories because it is not needed. Like I said these are vague and need to stay that way because if we make up any more then we will have to use Christian religions(or paganism, even worse) and that may lead to CBs on Rome from the most unlikely of places. Besides I think almost every government on earth can fit into one of these classes if you are not to picky about the name. If I get the time I will do this my self and save any one else the trouble, although it may set me back on sending in all the events (only a couple days at most) I think it is well worth the time.