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No events in my version, but I am scripting World War One Major events right now and later I plain to make events for all of the minors to enter the war on either side they wish or to stay neutral if their situation permitted (Turkey could have been on either side is a good example). I also plain on doing random attrition events for the biochemical use during the war, and maybe if my friend gets Photoshop in time I will make new graphics for the city screen.
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If you plain on changing all of cultures to make them more vague so that conquering lands and keeping revolts down is easier then their should be done a little different, their should be: Mediterranean, Balkan, Central European, West European, North European, African, Mid-Eastern, Indian, Asian, Indonesian, North American, Central American, and South American. I like the idea of doing this it takes away the infuses on culture. The imperial countries with more than 5 provinces in a certain cultural land should get that culture and then when the second wave of nationalism hits (Africa is a good example) the culture is lost. And I had to get ride of all of the alliances so that each country could choose witch side to be on without having to drag their entire alliance into it. They are just added to the two alliances as time goes on and they get their events. Vassalization is another thing that needs to be worked out (some of those countries are not even on maps around this time) a good example is the Philippines should be a vassal of United States, and South Africa should be a vassal of the United Kingdom. Also maybe religions should be changed to political forms and just leave out catholic so that we can change Italy's tag without anyone getting CBs on them for owning Rome. It gets really annoying that no one can have a Royal Marriage with Italy. If political Ideals are used (I really think they shold be) they to should be vague such as just making, Communist (Shiite), Republic (Sunni), Imperial (Hindu), Dictatorial (Buddhist), Militant (Confusiast). Using these Religions would allow no change without events and also keep the Republics and the Communist at ends with each others while allowing Royal Marriages between every one else. Examples of each of the governments I listed are: (in same order) Soviet Union, United States, World War One Germany, World War Two Germany, World War Two Japan. This is the best way to handle Religion and Culture in my opinion. I also do not want to get into some large discussion about political theories because it is not needed. Like I said these are vague and need to stay that way because if we make up any more then we will have to use Christian religions(or paganism, even worse) and that may lead to CBs on Rome from the most unlikely of places. Besides I think almost every government on earth can fit into one of these classes if you are not to picky about the name. If I get the time I will do this my self and save any one else the trouble, although it may set me back on sending in all the events (only a couple days at most) I think it is well worth the time.
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I have finished placing the political ideals and cultures. I have also assigned each country accordingly using this page but the actual province needs to be done still. I am not sure according to the page where some of the governments are to be placed, so please look the page over and tell me what the ones in yellow and pink are.
Here is the list I used:

Politicial Ideal (religion)
Communist (shiite)
Republic (sunni),
Imperial (hindu)
Dictatorial (buddhist)
Militant (confusiast)

Culture (nationality)
Mediterranean (italian)
Balkan (slavonic)
Central European (german)
West European (french)
North European (scandinavian)
African (bantu)
Mid-Eastern (arabic)
Indian (dravidian)
Asian (hun)
Indonesian (indonesian)
North American (creek)
Central American (aztek)
South American.(adean)

I also need help with the cultures of some of the 'jaded' places such as Russia, I am not sure weather Balkan should be renamed Eastern European and Given to Russia instead of North European. Also is Greek to be considered Balkan or Mediterranean, I am not sure what they fell they are (some Greek input please) but to me it is really a toss up. Same can be said for Turkish are they going to be Mediterranean or Mid-Eastern?

PS I have made the MOS tag Soviet Union
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Whoah, have you changed it all already? please wait a bit before you rewrite the cultures... i would likke to see the file modified...

How can you have done that all so quickly? took me a while to gothrough and manually change cultures...

CHeers for all the work man...
Send me your e-mail address (sorry AOL likes to delete that sort of thing after so many days:( ) and I will send you my revised addition. You can change it however you fell fit, but I did put the cultures in already so mitt as well send them to you. I have changed the culture but not the religion of every province because I did not know what governments to put in the pink and yellow according to that map I have. So I will leave it up to you to tell me what the more 'foggy' politics are before editing that.

PS I also have an idea for the Nazi flag thing. Perhaps we can make two versions one with it and one without, and then put down that one has it and the other doesn't so that people can choose weather or not they find it offending. Also we might want to make Germanys Tag ENG so that we can use the union jack trigger to change flags. The rest of the countries just need new tags altogether. Also after World War Two so many countries are dismembered (such as Germany) that it might be best to just give them new tags altogether and just leave things at that. We also have another Flag changer in France, just something to think about. I just found out I do have MSN (I think) and I am making my name the same as it is on this forum (DelinquentRock). Do not ask me how I got it because I do not know but in any case I am there and if some one will send me a link to the chat or tells me where it is at I will put it in a place where I can remember where it's at.
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Originally posted by Delinquent Rock

PS I also have an idea for the Nazi flag thing. Perhaps we can make two versions one with it and one without, and then put down that one has it and the other doesn't so that people can choose weather or not they find it offending.
Just remember, any links to download scenarios containing swastika flags are not allowed here...
Oh yea, forgot about that. Oh well, I suppose I can make it for my own personal use or just go with out. Either way is fine with me:)
email is just a few posts before...


The first few govt map tings are a little fidgetty, I mean who cares about tiny diff betweem democracies.

Good work, and where are the rest of you lot, hmm...?
i would accept greek as being mediterrenean, as well as balcan (most of greece is in the balcans, apart from crete and some other islands) however there must be a greek culture, we arent italian or slavonic :)
as for turks mediterrenian would signify their non turkik blood, if you want to go with pure turkik then the obvious choise is central asiatic (turkestan)
Hey all,

this is on another topic. I want to import some dreamcast games form eb games in the US. They don't ship to New Zealand so I was wondering whether it would be possibl for someone involved with the scenario or who is reading this to accept this item for me and then I pay them to ship it to New Zealand.

Cheers, Bart
Iwannhs the only problem is if we use the culture set up I made then there will be no Greek culture just North, South, East (Balkan) European, and Mediterranean. It is supposed to simplify things. So I was asking of the two witch would Greek people prefer. What I am trying to do is make it easier for countries to take land in their own region of the earth. So it is not really a question a true ethnicity but a question of the region of the world that ethnicity settled down. It is a whole lot better than having down 5 cultures like Turkey has in the original game.
since this starts at 1914 greece historically tried to take back thrace, smyrna, and controled at 1921 anatolia as well. so i guess either balcan or mediterrenian would work ok. in matters of ethnicicity greece certainly is far closer to italy (especially south italy) than anything else, so having the same as italy possibly is better that way. i dont know, you make the scenario, you choose :)
Actually Vonsson makes the final say, but that was my idea. Greece was very aggressive with to my understanding rightful claims (they wished to be a New Byzantium Empire). As was the rest of the Balkans and giving all these people three to four cultures seems to be a bit much as compared to giving one culture for the whole region. Same with the rest of the world. Imperial countries only needs one culture to keep the land with little resistance and all that need to be done is when those people wish to free themselves from imperial rule all they have to do is loss the culture and raise the revolt risk through events. It is working really well in my scripting so far.
PS I will need another two days or so to work out the kinks in my events. So it might be Monday (depending on weather I can get into a couple parties). Sorry for the inconvenience.
It is great to see people debating the scenario.

Just a comment D Rock, I am a little concerned that you are, perhaps, over culturalising the scenario, only slightly but maybe a bit too much?

I lowered the number of European cultures to 3 core cutural groups in europe i.e, the germanic, romantic and slavonic. as to make it easier and (in my opinion) more accurate in the 20th century. Don;t feel you must change this yet as I will look at what appear to be fantastic alteration and work on your part before we move on.

I have little knowledge on Greece but what I do know is that they write in Cyrillic, and live in balkans thus I originally made them slavonic howver I see that my choice is probably wrong.

Good work all!
Greek isnt written in cyrillic of course, it is written in greek letters. Cyrillic is the alphabet devised by Cyrillos and Methodios, two priests from Thessaloniki, for the slavs to write their language (which up to then, ie the 7th century ad, didnt have a written form). Cyrillic has some greek letters, which is reasonable due to its byzantine origin. Certainly greece isnt slavonic, and as i said in a previous post is closer to italy (especially the south) to any other ethnicity. "one face, one race" as the saying goes :)
I more than likely am over culturing the senario, but thats why you have the final say:)
Sorry it is taking so long. I ran into about 5 gigs this weekend, and they took up most of my time (not to mention the hangover :( ) but give me until Tuesday or Wednesday. Did you want it to be posted here or given to you in a download? It will be about 50 events so you might just want it to be in a download, because that is a lot of space on this thread.

PS Did you like the religious (political) changes?
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Yes, I did, I thought I sent it to you? Here is an example of my work. This is only the events for England and Belgium entering the war. My Europa Universalis is acting kinda funny right now so would someone please test the events out.

event = {
id = 48001
random = no
country = PRU
name = "Germanys Ultimatum"
desc = "On August 2nd, 1914 Germany sent an Ultimatum to Belgium demanding military access through their country, and claiming that if they where denied this Ultimatum they would be forced to consider Belgium an enemy and formally declare war on them. This action of course undermined Britain's position and antagonized them quite considerably. Of course this all could have been avoided by merely not sending the Ultimatum..."
style = 1

date = { day = 2 month = august year = 1914 }

action_a ={
name = "Send it, Immediately"
command = { type = trigger which = 16001 }
action_b ={
name = "Perhaps we should think about this"
command = { type = stability value = -1 }
command = { type = domestic which = offensive value = -3 }

event = {
id = 16001
random = no
country = BUR
name = "Belgium's Reply"
desc = "Belgium received Germanys Ultimatum on August 2nd, 1914 demanding free access through their country. They of course denied access and demanded that they leave at once. This of course forced Germany to go through Belgium and thus declare war on them. Of course we could always accept Germanys offer and allow them to pass through the country."
style = 1

date = { day = 2 month = august year = 1914 }

action_a ={
name = "Deny them access"
command = { type = trigger which = 48002 }
action_b ={
name = "Allow them access"
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -200 }
command = { type = relation which = RUS value = -200 }
command = { type = relation which = PRU value = 100 }

event = {
id = 48002
random = no
country = PRU
name = "Belgium's Answer"
desc = "Belgium has refused us access to their country, and has forced us to declare war on them or find a new strategy against France. Of course ignoring Belgium is in the best intrust of our army it might be worth letting them be to keep Britain out of the war. Should we accept their wishes or not?"
style = 1

date = { day = 2 month = august year = 1914 }

action_a ={
name = "Lets stick to the original plain"
command = { type = trigger which = 26001 }
command = { type = trigger which = 24001 }
action_b ={
name = "Lets find a new plain"
command = { type = relation which = BUR value = 50 }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 50 }
command = { type = domestic which = offensive value = -3 }

event = {
id = 24001
random = no
country = ENG
name = "England's Entry Into the War"
desc = "After German advances through natural territory on the continental shore of the English Channel England had only two choices. The fist would be to hold true to their foreign policy and declare war on the Central Power, and end up in an already devastating war. The second would be to disregard their former policy and stay out of the war at the expense of their pride."
style = 1

date = { day = 2 month = august year = 1914 }

action_a ={
name = "Our pride must not be tainted"
command = { type = trigger which = 26002 }
action_b ={
name = "Look the other way"
command = { type = relation which = BUR value = -250 }
command = { type = relation which = FRA value = -250 }
command = { type = relation which = RUS value = -250 }

event = {
id = 26001
random = no
country = FRA
name = "Belgium Enters the War"
desc = "After denial of access German troops invaded Belgium and we now face invasion on our northern flank. The good news is of course that Belgium has entered the war on our side."
style = 1

date = { day = 2 month = august year = 1914 }

action_a ={
name = "Great"
command = { type = alliance which = BUR }
command = { type = relation which = BUR value = 250 }

event = {
id = 26002
random = no
country = FRA
name = "England's Entry Into the War"
desc = "After the German invasion of Belgium it is now apparent to England that they can no longer remain neutral and have decided to ally them selves with us. In retrospect this is a wonderful day for France, but unfortunately we have no time to be joyous because the German army is on its way."
style = 1

date = { day = 2 month = august year = 1914 }

action_a ={
name = "Great"
command = { type = alliance which = ENG }
command = { type = relation which = ENG value = 250 }

The reason France got events it because the only way the alliance command works is if the leader gets it. The history in the French events is kinda lame, I think, so if someone else wishes to change it that is all right by me. Some of the repercussions for choosing the ahistorical choice needs to be more sever so that the human player will not take advantage, but this is still in early stages and can be changed.
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