It is a big AI problem. I wish we could program certain moves into the German AI, as in demand belgian access, taked all of north-eastern france by assault and then attack Ill De France. The scenario, despite all my efforts (with resources etc...), is quite unrealistic when played by computer, even France can fight Germany to a draw in 1vs1!. With Britain and Russia as Frances allies, Germany and Austria (who can only take Italy on) get CRUSHED. Also the dumb russians send their men accross France instead of assualting easter germany.
Perhaps I should take away all fortification except for those on the immmediate western front. This is more like modern warfare anyway isn;t it? I also want to MASSIVELY lower the manpower re-growth of all the countries, is their an event to manually give a country an x amount of manpower growth? This change would allow France do be quickly put on the defence and almost certainly to be defeated by the Germans without immediate British assistance.
Also anyone have any clues on how I could best lower the province income while maximising the number of troops a province can support. For example An ideal would be Ille De France being worth 20 tax income while being able to support 100 untis.
I feel that my first assesment of the beta scenario was correct, this scenario is far better played as a big MP game. Austria, Italy, Japan and even perhaps Russia and France don't reallly need humans to play as them because they are either small (the first three), or a almost solely land based power as Russia is. France has only one real enemy and so has a single main focus. The AI aint too bad at playing these guys.
Germany and especially Britain and the US certainly require Humans becasue their war was far more complecated. Germany foiugt 2 fronts and played a precarious nava war against the British. Britain and US cannot really be played correctly by AI in a World War situation (they have to fight against large enemies who are in different land massses) becasue they computer doesn;t understand the idea of sending their armies for a combined effort, say in France, where the countries shared the burden They choose to leave most of their forces on at their home bases instead of joing in the fight. The US is funny to watch when I set upa war between her and the rest of the Americas. Single handedly Crushes the whole 12 or 15 nations of Latin AMerica (though it does take a large number of years for her to wind up).
We still need to correc the problem of game speed... I want units to move much faster much, a province to province movement should take 5 days or so.
p.s. I didn't get Del Rocks's new email at the time of writing this message. Can PDS send them to me is he has them or if Del Rock hasn;t re sent them canhe please do so now.
p.s.s. I was thinking that it would be cool, if, after we have finished the scenario, we (all those involved with the scenario and anyone else who might be interested) write a pbem aar of together. I think it could be fun for us to round the thing off like that... Anyone else like that idea. ( I would have said a real time game but we are all in different countries and eu2 is buggy.