hello again. i am glad to say that i dont have problems anymore. in fact, i didnt do anything, not even reinstall, but it became to be more and more stable with time, and now it hardly ever crashes to desktop. maybe it just needed to settle down a little bit and feel comfortable with a new computer
anyway, i am playing france in the 1337 scenario, and after winning the hundred years war by 1342, and diploannexing all my vassals by 1357, i found the game a little boring. i didnt want to fight in europe because i didnt want wrong culture provinces and i wasnt technologically advance enough as to start improving all my territories.
this is my first game with this mod, so i took it like a training and learning game. so, i decided, as i was not having any action in europe, to use the columbus cheat, so that at least i could learn the colonizing basics. it turned out quite interesting, being the first (and the only one for more than 80 years) european country in america. at some time around 1400 i conquered the zapotecs and the mayas, and i am planning how to do the same with incas. well, i just reached level 3 trade, so i can have monopolies (in 1457), so i first gained a monopoly in ile de france and flanders (i could only maintain them for 5 or 6 months each time, before someone kicks out my sixth merchant), and after some time i tried to do the same with the zacatecas ctd. i didnt have a lot of problems, since i sent six merchants in febrary 1459, actually getting three places, and then i sent six more on november, and that way, the glorious day of december 2 of the year 1459 i adquired a monopoly in zacatecas.
oh man, i was so happy... :rofl:
but then, something strange happened. the 3rd of december, one of my merchants was thrown out by a navajo. i was very upset, since i thought that most countries send their merchants on january (when they get the money) and they arrive the first of febrary to the ctd. well, i thought it was bad luck.
the 4th of december one shawnee merchant kicked out another of my merchants. whats going on? there is no way they still have both money and merchants in november, and my trade level is 19 points higher than theirs, so i shouldnt be the one thrown out.
the 8th of december two creek merchants killed two more of my merchants.
the 11th of december, a lenape merchant send out one of the only two merchants i still had...
so i was very very angry. i decided to reload the game. i had a saved game at the 2nd of december, just after the message saying i adquired a mopoly.
and this time, it was even worse. by the 10th of december all six of my merchants were out.
i reloaded again. the same story.
i reloaded again. the same story.
i reloaded again. ctrl -(game speed above normal), ctrl - (game speed normal), crtl - (game speed below normal), crtl - (game speed slow), ctrl - (game speed very slow). then i watched everything in bullet time. from the 3rd of december to the 14th of december, 6 merchants arrived (maybe more, but failed), and 6 of my merchants were kicked out. incredible, 100 % success.
so, it is not such a big deal. i will try again in some years. but it is annoying. so i just wanted to ask hive, or anyone, if this is meant to be that way, or if it was just very bad luck. or maybe american countries get their money in november and then send all their mechants like crazy. maybe it is just that i shouldnt be in america at this time, and i have a penalty. i dont know, and i hope someone can explain me why this happened more than 8 times in a row.
thanks in advance.