Ok, an, uhm, not so short list then of the things that struck me most. As said I was playing with Portugal, so I start with a bug, a tailed one as well
1. The event that should move Portuguese capitol to Brazil during Napoleonic wars has a bug - it checcks ownership of Niteroi (211) but tries to put the capitol in Corrientes (221) which POR won't normally even own. However, 211 is in itself not very consequent capitol imo. At least based on names of colonies Rio de Janeiro ought to be in Salvador (209), which looking on the rl map seems also more likely to me.
The funny 'tail' here is that when the capitol moved I suddenly noticed that my Portugal had now for some reason gotten the whiteman penalty - I could not build fleets/cavalry. Also the manpower dropped by 90% as now I had only the mp from Brazil (in P'gal I had CC's). It gave me possibility however to build CC's in Brazil. Peculiar event thus, one you might at least fix, or even remove (not that the French do ever attack Portugal in these years in the earlier scenario's but still).
2. Colonial revolters in the America's
Here some problems, inconsequencies and possible improvements:
In general the revolts suck. It is a miracle if any American country appears with more that 2-3 provinces and then manages to keep them. The problem is that the revolters have no troops and cannot normally speaking get a peace that will give them all their cores. Eventually Latin America ends in a mozaic of Spanish/revolters provinces that make no sense at all.
Best solution (which pdox apparently failed to provide here) would be similar to how USA creation was handled - simply once a revolter appears, Spain is forced to give them all their cores. Then it is Spain that has to beat the crap out of the revolter if it wants to keep these lands, and not the other way.
Some stuff about revolters is not consequent either. I see you made the new revolters here being per defalt catholic/iberian but the old one's like Argentina and Mexico are lacking that. In consequence I got a reformed Argentina and Pagan/Aztec Mexico. I'd say either make them all catholic/iberian or none.
The cores are quite inconsequent as well here. Again I guess this was caused by merging of pdox and non-pdox revolters. Peru, Bolivia and Chile have no cores on eachother while Great-Columbia has with Peru and Argentina has with Chili. This does not represent the historical conflicts consequently. Either make all their cores unique for a separate country or add for example conflicting cores to Chili (on Tucuman/Jujuy) and Bolivia/Peru (on Moquega - 'Arica' conflict).
Some revolter area's are imo wrong. Brazil misses Amapa in its revoltercode, as it does Mirim (which fits better Brazil than Columbia to which the last has no connection on this map anyway). Also originally Ecuador was much bigger, meaning that Great Columbia should also revolt with Pastaza, which ought to be initially removed from Peru's minimum list. Then also Ecuador ought to get Pastaza when it breaks away from Great Columbia. Peru ought to have core on it. Uruguay has also Artigas as 2nd revolterprovince which is kind of weird. I'd say you better put Paraguay there and let Uruguay stick to the Uruguay province. It is not a great solution as the map really sucks here, but originally Paraguay indeed owned lands more to the south anyway so that's not that wrong...
You should also do some work on the colonial revolters ai, for two reasons:
-it should actuall TRY to beat the Spanish (and perhaps fight with eachother a bit as well, as historically happen)
-it should try to colonize their area's in which Spanish ai generally always fails. For that last I editted ai's in the save by specifying their regions and setting their expansion to 1 or 2, which made them at least finish what Spain should have done
3. More general on the ai
Generally ai isn't great. Dunno if you editted it much or not but in any case the ai is quite agressive (starting useless wars on coward even) which ruins their economies which especially makes the colonial nations fail in colonizing the world. Also there is simply a lot of target countries on their lists which the ai cannot prioritize properly. In general it starts wars against someone, fights for 10 years and then makes peace for 25 gold, getting +10 inflation. So:
-make ai less agressive
-make preferably more ai-files and change them either time-specific or interactively (or both). For example let England concentrate on France in 15th century but not waste its resources on them in the 19th. Also colonial ai like Spanish should not be too much neighbour oriented imo - now when they manage to annex Aztecs they concentrate more on colonizing the poor north-Mexico instead of going for South-America for example.
Ai could be helped in (historical) wars anyway. Spain fails miserably on all fronts if it does not annex Aztecs/Inca's. I was thinking of 2 kinds of solutions here to help them:
-either make events for Aztecs that will force them to secede every province they own that gets controlled by Spain in their war (as Spain fails to make peace) and then maybe trigger for Spain additional troops to be created there.
-or make a 2nd ai-file with Spain being ferocious=yes that will become active once they are at war with Aztecs and only get changed back when Aztecs are annexed. Ferocious ai can really help in wars that should last longer and be more decisive. I simulated it very nicely on my Napoleonic wars, for which I triggered events which created 2 alliances in Europe (Napoleonic and anti-Napoleonic). On non-ferocious the alliances wp'ed after a few months, on ferocious the war lasted for 6 years, till French government fell in 1815.
The last example is perhaps not that easy to achieve under normal game conditions (I had to remove all alliances manually from the save to enable the alliances at all, lacking a breakalliance command). But situation could be prepared by adding events of 'reaction' to the French revolution making its historical allies improve their relations with France (and with eachother) and their enimeis worsen them (and improve with eachother). The France ought to be 'encouraged' to actually start its wave of attacks, which ought to break down the unhistorical alliances which would make it possible to recreate the alliances that work best here. Similar thing could be tried with other similar wars (Crimean war, Polish partitions, 30 years war etc)
Ai might also make use of different ai-files for more historical colonizing. Daywalker made nice mods on that already iirc, no reason to not use stuff like that
4 Empires that should disappear...
I was quite irritated about Moghuls, who first fail to succeed taking out Delhi (same story as with Spain vs Aztecs in many aspects, though also Moghuls seem to lack the will to attack Delhi at all). I eventually triggered their event in console so I got some stronger Mughals that made my overrunning of India as Portugal at least a bit more exciting
. But then Mughals also should fall apart. The old pdox revolt-events are not good enough. Also some revolters are actually lacking here. Maratha-state never really appears (and lacks the Malwa core as well). There are no states in eastern India to appear. There is also no way for England to ever conquering Delhi before taking out for example all of Afghanistan and Bukhara region. Meaning: Mughul empire should get good events that make them really fall apart and (preferably) also losing Delhi when a colonial nation gets close to them here. You lack tags for revolters here I guess but that can be always 'fixed' by making revolt-area's for Marathen, Hyderabad, Bengal and Orissa bigger (myself I added Nagpur, Bundelkhand and Bukhara as revolters in my game and changed Moghuls to AFganistan by event which triggered when Moghuls lost control of all their important provinces, but that's just an idea
Similar stuff could be used in regard to Mongols and Ilkhans (these of course if you will start so early that these are still existing). Also would help with Russians and OE underperforming...
5 Colonial pagans populations
Well, I'm very much against having N-Americal native states. They suck, they make colonial powers waste their money and troops and their lands get soon such huge popoulations that AI fails at converting them. Not surprisingly Zacatecas and Cuzco ended the game with 999.999 populations being still pagan/native. More surprising was that also half of USA was still pagan/native, among which Delaware and Manhattan, who had by 1800 200k populations, almost impossible for USA to convert anymore.
So I'd say for best just remove them. Otherwise add events that will lower their populations (or even make them start with much lower populations). Give them less provinces (perhaps make them also colonize like Inca's/Aztecs, assuming they don't do that already, did not really pay attention to that...). Even add events for (US) ai that will convert them to anglosaxon/protestants when Americans get them... no reason to cripple USA just because English ai fucked it up
6 Finally some nitpicks
-Why exactly did England need to be split into three different tags? Couldn't the tags be better used for some more nice revolters?
-Polish monarchs after 1798 are 'weird', what did you use here?
![Confused :confused: :confused:]()
Hapsburgs would have never ruled in Poland, if it survived. After 1798 (=dead of Stanislaw August), then the next rulers would have been Wettins (Friedrich August III of Saxony to be more precise, who was the royal position 'offered' in the 1791 constitution, he also ruled Duchy of Warsaw during Napoleonic wars). Alternatively the Poniatowski's could have inherited the throne (through last king's nephew) or the Czartoryski's... as Poland generally does manage to survive (I really hate it that Polish partitions were handled by pdox in such a lame way...) it is kind of a thing to fix imo
-Germany has no ai, and if it uses the Prussian the Prussia might use also a colonial ai - after all ze Germans HAD some colonies
Had something more to add but forgot that right now...
EDIT: I forgot no. 7 - tropical revolters. African countries revolting from colonial nations with 50+ on techlevels are not cool. They can field 200k armies which colonial ai cannot beat. These are a problem however as revolts in Africa with its pupulations are high already and ai cannot fight revolts here well, so such countries reappearing, with general high ai-agressivity (meaning probable high WE most of the time) is more than likely. In America's these are nice and historical (unless these are Indians), in Africa and (generally) Asia they are not. Countries as Benin, Ashanti, Dahomey, Congo, Zanj and Zimbabwe should not be able to reappear once taken out. Preferably ai should also not try to attack them till 1700's anyway (again plea for more variable ai thus).