MateDow's Mod
Hello all;
Mate, I've been looking at your proposed mod with some interest. I like many of the things you've suggested, especially the following: Naval Architecture, Naval Engineering and many of your carrier operation applications. The applications I was most pleased to see, though, were the additions of MILITARY transports and amphibious warfare ships. I couldn't believe that the only transports in the game are generic, non-militarized commercial transports. I also liked the inclusion of more and varied types of ships within each class. I think this more accurately reflects the evolution of ship types. (I.E. 1000 ton DD's, 1500 ton DD's, 2000 ton DD's, etc...)
Some suggested changes.
- Some of your applications are more akin to Doctrines rather
than technical innovation/improvements. Therefore, I suggest
placing several in Naval Doctrines. Examples, Shore-based
Infrastructure, Naval Logistics, many of your carrier operations
suggestions. I'm also considering whether "training" apps
should be Doctrines instead. (Naval Infantry Training,
Amphibious Assault Training)
- Your question over whether some improvements should add
a '+1', or whatever versus only using them to allow improved
types. Most, notice the word 'most', new system types and
upgrades should NOT add an increase except upon upgrade,
and some, like major ship systems, should ONLY allow new
types. The reason is, that retrofitting a ship that was not
originally designed to employ a system was extremely difficult
and costly and thus should require a rebuild and a .
- I intend to modify the innovation 'Naval refueling ships' to
increase the range of all ships. Likewise, the resupply and
ammunition ships should slightly reduce supply comsumption
for all types. I'd really like Paradox to make supply vessels
sources of supply while at sea, until the sealift capacity of fuel
and supplies are exhausted.
All in all, I intend to use your mod entirely, only reworking when things are available and reorganizing it a bit. I also intend to move some of the apps to Doctrines. In addition, I am still trying to find and elegant, realistic solution to the max speed vs. range dilemna. Most warships, depending on conditions tended to cruise at half the top speed. If we modify all ships to have a speed roughly equal to half their top speed, then the ranges specified by paradox originally need little modification. If you want ships to be able to cruise at faster speeds, then the range, fuel consumption, and supply consumption need to be modified. Another consideration, American DE's were capable of 18 knots, max. If the Germans develop advanced, fast submarines, then DE's would become all but useless. (In fact, this is exactly what happened after the war when the Soviets began fielding their 'Type XXI' submarines.) So, to better simulate the effect that speed had on submarine survival, faster submerged speeds should equal a higher Sea Defense rating.
Any thoughts and work on the range/speed issues, sub vs. escort issues are greatly appreciated. One last note, the Alaska class ships were BATTLECRUISERS! Their ship numbers began with BC. Also, they were heavily armored compared to other nation's BCs. Truly, they were Iowa class BB's that someone had rinsed in hot water instead of cold. I call them the 'territory' ships as all the BC class were named after US Territories (Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands).