Originally posted by Copper Nicus
After some time I decided, that 'Elite' variants of standard units close to the concept suggested by MKShepp were present only in Werhmacht. In other armies 'elites' were not that obvious - they had not separate recruitment, supply lines, organization, equipment... Other 'elite' troops, like paras, marine and moutain troops got org bonus, so you can count them as an equivalent of German elites.
Soviet Guards are usually showed as a example, that not only Germans had 'elite' versions of standard troops. But the genesis of guard units is totally different - standard units could become 'guard' on the battlefield only. Usually after loosing 80% of it's power and acheving grand victiory. Some time ago I read about units created as a guards from the start, but hose were paras mustered into general infantry ranks. Other exceptions were rocket artillery brigades and IS heavy tank regiments.
Bat basically 'guard' was honorary title, not some sort of different organisational/recrutiment structure.
I would have to change description though...
But getting straigth to the point - I understand you would like to see Bersaglieri units?