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Event after buying or getting in war Lampang prov.
at war = no
Eventname: "New capital"
"Muhammed Musa decided that it would be easy to govern and deal with rebles in new provinces at west if capital would be moved closer to them. Muslim east was very stable so it could be left with lesser attention. As Bankok now become center of trade in South East Asia and hostile borders are moved far away from it, Muhammed chose it as new capital. Also with move of capital Musa decided to change demographics of Bankok province."

A. Wise choise.

Move capital to Bankok.
RR in Assam, Kwai, Bago, Shan -2 for 20 years (to lower given revoltrisk for next 20-30 years)
-5000 in mecong delta
-1000 in Da Lat
+7000 in Bankok
Bankok turns to sunni and chambani culture
Da Lat looses Barack (if alredy "recieved" from Caliphate if it has taken Levant) and moved to Bankok
Manpower in Da Lat -5
Manpowe in Mecong Delta -5
Manpower in Bankok +10
+1 (+2) centralisation
(-1 aristocrasy) becouse of moving more to trade center
-1 Stab (lot of changes dispite that they are for stability)

B. I like Da Lat climate better, move only others

RR in Assam, Kwai, Bago, Shan -2 for 20 years (to lower given revoltrisk for next 20-30 years)
-5000 in mecong delta (Mekong delta must be with large population since begining cos it can feed lot of people and there is lot of people. They will be used in imigration from that poor grain prov.)
-1000 in Da Lat
+7000 in Bankok
Bankok turns to sunni and chambani culture
Da Lat looses Barack (if alredy "recieved" from Caliphate if it has taken Levant) and moved to Bankok
Manpower in Da Lat -5
Manpowe in Mecong Delta -5
Manpower in Bankok +10
- 20Vp
-2 (-3) centralisation
-2 Stab (lot of changes dispite that they are for stability)

C. We all like Da Lat climate better
+1 stab -50 VP
-1 centralisation

Event after buying or getting in war Lampang prov. And after event "new Capital"
at war = no

Eventname: "Let sons show other talants"
"Muhammed Musa being blessed with talanted sons in diferent spheres decided that with burmeese revolters can do ordinary army comanders and decided to send his sons as governors to diferent provinces. While at first Muhammed wanted to send more military talanted Abu Bakr and Umar to new conqured provinces, but Usman and Ali to muslim east, he decided that it could be risky to send his sons to burmeese rebels so he left them at old teritories."

A. Concentrate to restore economy
Gain governer in Da Lat, Da Nang, Khmer and Mekong Delta.
Lose Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ali as military leaders.
Stability +3
Serfdom -1
Triger event: "Abu Bakr returns from Da Lat with huge success"
Triger event: "Umar returns from Mekong Delta with huge success"
Triger event: "Usman returns from Da Nang with some success"
Triger event: "Ali returns from Khmer with some success"
Military skill -1 for 10 years (till death will be more acceptable)

B. Keep Abu Bakr and Umar as military leaders

Gain governer in Khmer and Da Nang.
Lose Usman and Ali as military leaders.
Stability +2
Serfdom -1
Triger event: "Usman returns from Da Nang with some success"
Triger event: "Ali returns from Khmer with some success"

C. Concentrate on rebels

Military skill +2 (till death will be more acceptable)
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"Muhammed continues Isa road"
"Muhammed Musa brother Isa 28 years ago started to build reknowed Crescent road, known as Isa road, too. It is 8 metrs wide and mostly 1 metr deep cobbled road which connects Hanoi with Bankok through coastal provinces (except Mekong delta) by this resemble rising crescent. While it took 60 years, lot of money and work to finish it, it boosted internal and external trade and production near road. It also helped to move army most quicly by this easy monerving from Canton to Burma borders. It increased better restritibution of grain surplus provinces to grain deficit provinces and by this managing growth of population, migration and spreading of islam in budist population. Muhammed Musa continued work on it and made it more important becouse of connection with road to India and Kwai ports."

A. Continue to built it.

-1500D (more?)
BTV +1 in Hanoi, Tanh Noah, Da Nang, Da Lat, Khmer, Cambodia, Bankok.
Cambodia turns sunni, culture changed to chambani
Infra +2000
Trade +2500
Land +500
Merchants +6
Colonists -6
Population in Cambodia +2500
Population in Khmer +1000
Population in Bankok +1500
Population in Hanoi, Tanh Noah, Da Nang, Da Lat, +500
(inflation -1)
Triger event at 1543 "Crescent road is almost finished"

B. Build just most needed parts.
-700D (more?)
BTV +1 in Khmer, Cambodia, Bankok.
Cambodia turns sunni, culture changed to chambani
Infra +1000
Trade +1000
Land +100
Merchants +6
Colonists -6
Population in Cambodia +2000
Population in Khmer +500
Population in Bankok +1000
Population in Tanh Noah +500
Triger event 1543 "Crescent road is almost finished"
-1 stab

C. I do not want to continue overspending of Champa

Infra +500
Trade +600
Merchants +1
BTV +1 in Cambodia,
Cambodia turns sunni, culture changed to chambani
Population in Cambodia +1500

D. Invest better in military
Land +1000
Fortress Hanoi +1
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Equal events for Lan Xang and Laos: "Sunni Lan Xang and Laos.

"Being afraid of Muhammed strength both budist countries - Lan Xang and Laos, which were already under control of Champa on some extent, after meeting both budist kings decided that it would be more believable to suvive if their state religions would be sunni. While Muhammed knew that they are only pretending, he hoped that islam would go in their hearts anyway."

A "We do what we can. For now..."

State religion = sunni
Relations with Champa +30
-1 Stab

1513. trigered from "Sunni Lan Xang and Laos. to Lan Xang and Laos.
"Sunni Lan Xang and Laos.

"Being afraid of Muhammed strength both budist countries - Lan Xang and Laos, which were already under control of Champa on some extent, after meeting both budist kings decided that it would be more believable to suvive if their state religions would be sunni. While Muhammed knew that they are only pretending, he hoped that islam would go in their hearts anyway."

A "It right direction."

Relations with Lan Xang and Laos +30
+1 Stab
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Event for Champa: "Death of Muhammed Musa"
"At early 1515 Muhammed great ages noticed about them. He felt sick and after few weaks died of oldness. He ruled 23 years with great success. He managed to conquer Canton and Burma, and install on rule of Arakan, Lan Xang and Laos sunni dynasties. By his wise policies was established center of South East Asia trade in Bankok, where he moved capital, too. His work in war, diplomacy and administration was so briliant that his death created chaos and instability. Rebels of budist provinces rebelled again and hypocrate Lan Xang and Laos throwed down vassalage, turned their religions back to budism and declared war in this chaos situation.Tibet saw this as chance to invade and grab some budist provinces for them, too."

A. After great leaders it happens...

Rebels at Kwai, -1, -3, -3
Rebels at Assam, Shan, Bago, -1, -3, -3, -3
Stability -6
Revoltrisk +4 for 12 months in Assam, Shan, Bago and Kwai
Triger event "Death of Muhammed Musa" to Lan Xang and Laos
Triger event for Champa "Abu Bakr returns from Da Lat with huge success" (IF)
Triger event: "Umar returns from Mekong Delta with huge success" (IF)
Triger event for Tibet "Death of Muhammed Musa"

"Death of Muhammed Musa" to Lan Xang and Laos
"At early 1515 Muhammed great ages noticed about them. He felt sick and after few weaks died of oldness. He ruled 23 years with great success. He managed to conquer Canton and Burma, and install on rule of Canton, Arakan, Lan Xang and Laos sunni dynasties. By his wise policies was established center of South East Asia trade in Bankok, where he moved capital, too. His work in war, diplomacy and administration was so briliant that his death created chaos and instability. Rebels of budist provinces rebelled again and Lan Xang and Laos throwed down vassalage, turned their religions back to budism and declared war in this chaos situation."

A. This is our chance to beat Champa!
Vassalage with Champa broken
Royal Marriage with Champa broken
War with Champa
+3 stab
Military skill +2 for 1 year (or two)
Gain 10 000 INF
Offesive +3

event for Tibet "Death of Muhammed Musa"
"At early 1515 Muhammed great ages noticed about them. He felt sick and after few weaks died of oldness. He ruled 23 years with great success. He managed to conquer Canton and Burma, and install on rule of Canton, Arakan, Lan Xang and Laos sunni dynasties. By his wise policies was established center of South East Asia trade in Bankok, where he moved capital, too. His work in war, diplomacy and administration was so briliant that his death created chaos and instability. Rebels of budist provinces rebelled again and Lan Xang and Laos throwed down vassalage, turned their religions back to budism and declared war in this chaos situation. Tibet saw this as chance to invade and grab some budist provinces for them, too."

A. This is our chance to get some lowland provinces!
Vassalage with Champa broken (IF)
Royal Marriage with Champa broken (IF)
War with Champa
+3 stab
Military skill +2 for 2 year
Gain 20 000 INF
Offesive +3
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Champa event: "Abu Bakr returns from Da Lat with huge success"
"While he did not have lot of time in govenship of Da Lat, Abu Bakr still did a lot. Between his most important works is rebuilding of great Friday Mosque of former capital and restore military recruiting importance of Da Lat. Also he managed to expand textile industry and trade with north. Being extremely wise man he managed to gain huge support in Da Lat despite that they was quite offended not being capital anymore. He managed to get lot of voluntiers to push down despicable budist rebels and hypocrate inviders."
A. Waited return!
Lose governor in Da Lat.
Gain military leader Abu Bakr. (Monarch: D8 A8 M9, Military leader stats: 5/3/5)
BTV +2 in Da Lat
Trade +700
Infra +700
Manpower in Da Lat +5
+10 000 INF
Stability +2

Champa event: "Umar returns from Mekong Delta with huge success"
"While he did not have lot of time in govenship of Mekong Delta, Umar still did a lot. As he was more strict in punishment of criminals and sinners than other governors, his rule was just. But still he was more feared than loved. But by this he changed local Mekong Delta society culture from peasant culture with some still hindu and animist influences, to more islamic and military tended. He lived simply and odered other, too. While his administration efforts was more tended to introducing new more high-yielding rice and bannanas sorts, constructing of local mosques and madrassas, his most success was in islamization and militarisation of Mekong Delta peasants. Being great wrestler in his youth he established local wrestler, swordsmen and archers training and fest tradition. With his newly established warrior he rised to help his brother against rebels and hypocratic invaders."

A. Waited help!
Lose governor in Mekong Delta.
Gain military leader Umar. ( Military leader stats: 3/5/5/1)
BTV +1 in Mekong Delta
Trade +100
Infra +700
Manpower in Mecong Delta +8
Manpower +10
+15 000 INF
Stability +2
(Quality +1)
(Land +1)

Event for Champa "Abu Bakr, punisher of rebels and hypocrates"
"In his short lived rule of only two and half years Abu Bakr Muhammed did truly lot - he saved heritrige of Muhammed Musa from destruction by rebels and hyprocrates hands. While his wisdom made him truly good diplomat and administrator, all time spent on back of horse in commanding of armies against antagonist invaders and rebels, did not give him chance to use them. Even more, - this later worsened his health and malaria finished him. But he did his job till death came."

A. Now only military is important to us!
Monarch diplomatic and administrative skills down to 2 till new monarch.
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Late 1517.
Event for Champa: "Great Umar Muhammed"
"While Umar Muhammed was with truly great military skills, he had no chance to use them after death of Muhammed Musa except for for those rebellions and invasions which started at Abu Bakr time. It becouse every enemy was far away behind jungles and mountins with out roads. He could conquer Canton, but Canton rushed first and established royal marriage with Champa. So he concentrated to rule and developing of conqured lands."

A. Great leader!

Stab +2
Revoltrisk -2 for 10 years
Gain Monarch Umar Muhammed (monarch skills D7/A9/M9) (after him will be civil war)
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Early 1518.
"`Abd-Allah Umar"
"`Abd-Allah Umar was Umars eldest son who worked with him in governship in Mekong Delta. While not being so strict or even harsh with some people as Umar was, `Abd-Allah was not so talanted in economy or in military. But still he had some great traits of diplomat. So Umar thought to use him as diplomat."

A. Use him as diplomat
"Triger event "Hajj of Abd-Allah"
Diplomat +1

B. Use him as military leader
Gain `Abd-Allah as military leader (3/2/2)

C. Use him as governor in Mekong Delta
Gain governor at Mecong delta
Triger event after 22 years "Abdallah Umar returns with some success"
Ahmed AA said:
In Dark Green is Religion after fall of Champa. So Burma and Lan Xang already is budist, while Viet Nam and Canton will lose "sunni" state religion litlebit later.
So later or posible religion is marked with light green.
S - Sunni
B - Buddist
K - Konfucian or this kind what there will be
H - Hindu (bengal could turn hindu by this trigering event for Arakan and Champa about trade with India and hajj route what will mostly lead that they will defend their interests and arakan would try to gain some provs in india.
Orthodox cross for Chagatai (they possibly could turn sunni).
Religion for Japan would be one of christian sects (turned from cathilic to reformed I propose) while Manchu could be ortodox christians or any other religion. No proposes for Korea. Put what you want only be concerned about Diploanexing...

Some interesting ideas here. The picture I had was that Islam got much less far East in continental Asia, and the Mongols and their allies adopted a variety of faiths. As a result, east of the Emirate of Sindh India stays mostly Hindu but with more Buddhism, while the Uighurs end up Nestorian Christian. Islam has spread to the Malay archipelago directly from Arabia, so Malacca, Atjeh and maybe some other states are Traditional Muslim. (Personally I think Indonesia should start with more states and less colonisable land, and those states should be mixed Muslim/Hindu with the odd Pagan thrown in). South-east Asia is mostly Buddhist, but with strong Muslim influence in places, and also some Hindu influence. The core of China is Confucian mixed with Buddhist, and Korea and a fractured Japan are mostly Buddhist, though the Imperial faction in Japan is Shinto (represented by Confucian). Western China would be a mixture of a lot of things, Manchu lands would be a mix of Buddhist and Pagan, while Hokkaido (not part of Japan at first) is Pagan.

That's just in 1419, though. Japan could turn out many different ways, the likely choices being Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim and one of the Western Christian sects (if Christian colonisers reach the far east). Traditional Islam could definitely spread in SE Asia, it might spread in India, and it could go on from there. Mutazelism might also arrive on the scene if Cordoba and/or a Mutazelite Zanj get involved; maybe some Mutazelites could flee from Arabia to the region as well. In Eastern China the Confucians might try to revive the old Chinese state and spread north and west, while in Western China anything could happen, with Nestorians, Buddhists, Muslims, Confucians and traditional (Pagan) religions all playing a part.

There's clearly a lot that could be going on. Perhaps we should try to work on SE Asia first, and then move on to India and China?
"Hajj of `Abd-Allah Umar"
"As teritory of Champa were brightly ruled under strict overview of Umar, his son `Abd-Allah could go to Hajj at 1522, what according to tradition of Champa, was made together with diplomatic mission. Very soon at arrival he noticed depressive situation in Middle East region. While Caliphate suffered from internal problems, `Abd-Allah was more depressioned with western world of muslims becoming mutazelite herectics. He spent a lot time with talking sunni refugies from Cordoba and Morroco. He become to know that years ago Coradoba was left by many gold mines engeneers who were unemployed now. While many of them tried to offer their knowledge to Samara governor, they returned becouse of highly unstable situation there. They did not want to live under mutazelites, and so they did not want to live under orthodox rule. It was very easy to persuade them to emigrate and work in Champa. At 1523 they started to work and soon it gave fruits."

A. Gold!

Mine at Tanh Noah +5 (or up to 10)
BTV in Tanh Noah +1
-220D (hajj and engeneer price)
Relations with Arakan, Bengal, Delhi, Sind, Oman, Yemen, Hedjaz, Caliphate +15
Triger event: "`Abd-Allah goes to Lanzhou."

B. We donot have enought gold in budget to pay them!

Relations with Arakan, Bengal, Delhi, Sind, Oman, Yemen, Hedjaz, Caliphate +15
Incompetent said:
Some interesting ideas here. The picture I had was that Islam got much less far East in continental Asia, and the Mongols and their allies adopted a variety of faiths. As a result, east of the Emirate of Sindh India stays mostly Hindu but with more Buddhism, while the Uighurs end up Nestorian Christian. Islam has spread to the Malay archipelago directly from Arabia, so Malacca, Atjeh and maybe some other states are Traditional Muslim. (Personally I think Indonesia should start with more states and less colonisable land, and those states should be mixed Muslim/Hindu with the odd Pagan thrown in). South-east Asia is mostly Buddhist, but with strong Muslim influence in places, and also some Hindu influence. The core of China is Confucian mixed with Buddhist, and Korea and a fractured Japan are mostly Buddhist, though the Imperial faction in Japan is Shinto (represented by Confucian). Western China would be a mixture of a lot of things, Manchu lands would be a mix of Buddhist and Pagan, while Hokkaido (not part of Japan at first) is Pagan.

That's just in 1419, though. Japan could turn out many different ways, the likely choices being Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim and one of the Western Christian sects (if Christian colonisers reach the far east). Traditional Islam could definitely spread in SE Asia, it might spread in India, and it could go on from there. Mutazelism might also arrive on the scene if Cordoba and/or a Mutazelite Zanj get involved; maybe some Mutazelites could flee from Arabia to the region as well. In Eastern China the Confucians might try to revive the old Chinese state and spread north and west, while in Western China anything could happen, with Nestorians, Buddhists, Muslims, Confucians and traditional (Pagan) religions all playing a part.

There's clearly a lot that could be going on. Perhaps we should try to work on SE Asia first, and then move on to India and China?
Mutazelitism will arrive. They will overtake Arakan and Champa will fight to return them to sunni. That will be after Fall of Champa when Arakan will be their only muslim neiborgh (all others - Lan Xang, Burma and Dai Viet will return to budism, while Canton (cantoneese state will be budist or konfucian)) and only ally. At that time Champa will be mostly military weak.
Also one of chineese states will get that some portion of their scientists turn to mutazelitism and offers to Champa by them. Champa will by them and gain "latin" tech for some 50 years and will fight spread of Mutazelitism in their teritory. So there will be Mutazelitism events.
I definatly agree that there should be some more countries in Indonesia. I vote for Palembang becouse Champa will later need theirs copper province and South Brunei, cos Champa will need their Iron province. This will create some events. Also I propose Ternate which will be paradise for refugies and with help of them will colonise Australia and New Zealand but not Indonesian rich provs.
While on some age Champa will govern most of South East asia, Champa will fall apart and they again will be buddist countries.
But left alone Hui sultunate should be.
About Konfucism. Remember that chineese will get technological revolution and gain latin as their tech. (As very possibly that europe will decline in tech group, this mean that chineese will be most advanced in tech and neiborgh will not have easy days...)
As chineese will be so strong and go to colonisation of Amerika too, they need to be splitted to get more colonists and not be so strong.
For India I will include only one thing: Bengal will turn to hindu.
Japan has not be christian as manchu too. It is just propose.

"`Abd-Allah goes to Lanzhou."
"After success with mine engeneers from Cordoba, `Abd-Allah went to secret mision to Lanzhou gold mines. While these mine where ruled by muslims, their empirator was confucian. While initialy `Abd-Allah aim was to persuade some high class muslim miners to Champa gold mines in Tanh Noah, he was surprised how explosive situation was there. While no major muslim rebbelion did not happen in last years, `Abd-Allah saw that with some help from outside muslims would gain succesful rebellion and establish sunni state. `Abd-Allah hurried to home and there was no need to pershuade his father Umar to give him some troops and money and try to overthrow konfucian regime."

A. Support rebellion

Desertion of 10 000 INF
Desertion of 10 000 Inf
Desertion of 10 000 Inf
Relations with Lanzhou empire -300
Triger to Lanzhou empire: "Revolt of 1525"

B. That is Lanzhou muslim business

stability -3
Revolt at Bankok
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Incompetent said:
Some interesting ideas here. The picture I had was that Islam got much less far East in continental Asia, and the Mongols and their allies adopted a variety of faiths. As a result, east of the Emirate of Sindh India stays mostly Hindu but with more Buddhism, while the Uighurs end up Nestorian Christian. Islam has spread to the Malay archipelago directly from Arabia, so Malacca, Atjeh and maybe some other states are Traditional Muslim. (Personally I think Indonesia should start with more states and less colonisable land, and those states should be mixed Muslim/Hindu with the odd Pagan thrown in). South-east Asia is mostly Buddhist, but with strong Muslim influence in places, and also some Hindu influence. The core of China is Confucian mixed with Buddhist, and Korea and a fractured Japan are mostly Buddhist, though the Imperial faction in Japan is Shinto (represented by Confucian). Western China would be a mixture of a lot of things, Manchu lands would be a mix of Buddhist and Pagan, while Hokkaido (not part of Japan at first) is Pagan.

That's just in 1419, though. Japan could turn out many different ways, the likely choices being Buddhist, Shinto, Muslim and one of the Western Christian sects (if Christian colonisers reach the far east). Traditional Islam could definitely spread in SE Asia, it might spread in India, and it could go on from there. Mutazelism might also arrive on the scene if Cordoba and/or a Mutazelite Zanj get involved; maybe some Mutazelites could flee from Arabia to the region as well. In Eastern China the Confucians might try to revive the old Chinese state and spread north and west, while in Western China anything could happen, with Nestorians, Buddhists, Muslims, Confucians and traditional (Pagan) religions all playing a part.

There's clearly a lot that could be going on. Perhaps we should try to work on SE Asia first, and then move on to India and China?

Well, I am on the verge of finishing Persia and the Caliphate (Central Asia and the rework) so I was thinking I might as well prepare India for it's abberated history. 1419 begins with the fall of the Muslim Sultanate of the Ghurids and the liberation of the Deccan from Islam under the Vishuna Kera'lu. There will be three or four in India - not putting Viajigniyar of course (since the city was built for the sake of fighting the Muslims, but since that had not occured we have no Viyagnur).

As for the Emirate of Sindh, it is the last of the Great Muslim Empires of the Indus - a shadow of the Deccan Muslims. Gaining an influx of refugees from the Ill-Khanate and India, it becomes a densly populated state with a strong Military. Plans are made to reconquest the north of India, but that remains to be seen with the strong Hindu alliance to the east.

The Hindus will enter into a civil war of a sort, ending with the unification of India. An Industrial revolution follows parallel to the Muslim Revival in the Middle east and North Africa. Ive done this to balance out the issue, as in the middle part of the 17th century, the Hindus begin making advances against the Muslims of Persia and the Sindh Emirates.
Event to Lanzhou empire: "Revolt of 1525"

"At summer of 1525, with direct support and coordination of Champa troops who arrived through frendly to them Canton Guizhou province, muslims of Lanzhou empire revolted with aim to overthrow konfucian rule. Their leader `Abd-Allah Umar, son of Umar Muhammed, ruler of Champa, offered to konfucian king LLL KKK promise of guarded leave to country of his choice with amount of yearly income of Lanzhou empire, if he will surrender with out fight. LLL KKK being with out ambitions and needed military skill agreed. While after some disputes, local muslim chineese, known as hui, accepted that till his death `Abd-Allah will be ruler of newly overtaken Hui Sultunate, while after him will rule Jabal Said, most distinguished from local rebels, previously main engeneer of Lanzhou gold mines. In cases of his death, his sons will be fulfillers of father right."

A. Do not risk with You head

+3 stab
New country = Hui Sultunate
State religion = sunni
Relations with Champa +400
Relations with Arakan +200
Relations with Caliphate +200
Relations with Uzbeck +150
Relations with "Pekin state", "shandong state", "Shanghai state", "Canton" -120 (possibly with other too)

B. Chop their heads

-5 stab
Desertions of army -10000
Desertions of army -5000
Desertions of army -5000
RR +20 next 10 years
Rebels in Lanzhou, - 1, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3
Rebels in Ninghia, Xining, Xinjiang -1, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3

Triger event "Muslim rebels are succesful" (with taking of some one or tho provs they overthrov goverment)
There should be another ways how to establish Hui sultunate. Like that muslim misionaries gain support, or just coup e`tet or something else...

With establishing of Hui Sultunate, Champa recieves good news event. Also they gain alliance with them. Possibly vasalage till death of `Abd-Allah.
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"Umar Muhammed legalistive and administrative reforms"
"Umar Muhammed reign is know for three things: a) he was last succesful ___trader___ dynasty ruler, b) his and his son connection with muslim revolt in Lanzhou empire, and c) for his masive reforms in legalistive and administrative system. He established muslim courts in recently conquered teritories and while almost all these teritories were left under almost direct control of army comanders, muslim teritories were given to talanted governors. Only Kwai and some laos provinces did recieve governors, too."

A. Full reforms

Gain courthouse at Kwai, Laos (if), Bago, Shan, Assam, Mekong (IF).
Gain governor in Cambodia, Mekong delta (if there is not `Abd-Allah), Da Lat, Tanh Noah, Hanoi, Lao Cai, Kwai, Laos.
Infra +2000
RR +2 for 10 yearsin teritories which recieves court houses
Stab -1
Aristocrasy -1 (decreased influece of local aristocratic families)
Serfdom -1 (courts)
Centralisation +1

B. Just courthouses
Gain courthouse at Kwai, Laos (if), Bago, Shan, Assam, Mekong (IF).
RR +2 for 10 yearsin teritories which recieves court houses
Aristocrasy -1 (decreased influece of local aristocratic families)
Serfdom -1 (courts)

C. Just governors

+800 infra
Gain governor in Cambodia, Mekong delta (if there is not `Abd-Allah), Da Lat, Tanh Noah, Hanoi, Lao Cai, Kwai, Laos.
Aristocrasy -1 (decreased influece of local aristocratic families)
Serfdom -1 (courts)

D. It is good as it is

+1 stab
Early 1527.
"Death of Umar Muhammed"
"Sudden death of Umar in heart attack, brought up old question of rivality between twins Usman and Ali. As there always were speculation who is who and who is oldest becouse of incident just after their birth when possibly they were switched in beds. So unlike most cases of twins when they are frends, Usman and Ali were not. Ali always proclaimed that he is older Usman and Usman is younder Ali. But Usman just laught at Ali vain desires. As Abu Bakr died with out sons, but Umar only son `Abd-Allah was ruler of Hui Sultunate, then next ruler of Champa should be next oldest son. While Usman was mostly recognised as oldest from twins, Ali being way talanted gained support from those who believed that he is oldest and from those who supported more able ruler. This created lot of problem to reign of Usman and later even Usman fall to this problem."

A. Easy days are gone...

Stab -2
RR +2 for 10 years
Gain Usman as monarch (7/7/7)
Gain Usman as military leader (2/2/3)
Triger event: "Usman returns from Da Nang with some success"
Triger event: "Ali revolts in Khmer"
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"Usman returns from Da Nang with some success"
"While governing of Da Nang Usman recieved controversial remarks. Some agreed that he had good success in economics, while others painted him as not being fit to administration. He was criticised for his gentleness, mildness and not being strong enough to surrender of demands of influensive local trader and craftsmen families. With insistance or even shamlessness they managed to gain some posts and use them in their interests. As Usman in Da Nang wanted to develop tile industry he needed cooperation with local HHH family who were dominant in ceramic industry. While this family developed famous Da Nang Blue tile tradition with adding to their chinaware production, it costed to Usman almost all posts in Da Nang to HHH family and with departure of Usman to capital, HHH family rule only strenghted... While Umar pretended to not noticing crushing governorship and misuse of his brother Usman, Ali did it with great pleasure and gained lot of supporters in state, but especialy Khmer Province."

A. There is some good points, but awful too...

Gain FAA at Da Nang
+5 inflation
BTV at Da Nang -5
manpower at Da Nang -1
Gain Governor at Da Nang
Revoltrisk in Da Nang +2 for 10 years
Centralisation -1
Aristocrasy +2
Stab -1
"Ali revolts in Khmer"
"With ascention to throne of his possibly younger brother, Ali revolted. As he governed Khmer very succesfuly, he managed to gain supporters not only at Khmer. And with the same effort with which he made Khmer ivory so well wanted luxury between chineese aristocrasy, with the same impressive effort he paralised first half of Usman rule. He and his supporters revolted everywhere."

A. Sad that he is not governor anymore...

Lose governor at Khmer
BTV at Khmer +2
Manpower in Khmer +3
Trade +1500
Infra +1000
Stability -1
Revolt at Khmer -1, -3, -3, -3, -3,
RR +5 for 5 years
Relation with Sind -20 (Ali is married with princess from Sind)
Revolt -1
Revolt -1
Revolt -1
Revolt -1
Centralisation -1
Quality -1
Monarch stats down to 2/2/2 for 5 years.
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1532 (After 5 years after "Ali revots in Khmer")
"Peace with Ali"
"After 5 years long fighting against Ali and his supporters Usman managed to make peace with Ali. Ali agreed to not make any problems and emigrate to Sind till death of Usman, and then succeed throne in place of Usman son Mamoun. But Usman hopes that hardest time has gone was vain. Ali supporters or just Usman haters continued rebelition..."

A. Will there ever be peace?!

Monarch stats down to 2/2/2 (keeped this level...)
Revoltrisk +5 for 5 years
Revolt -1
Revolt -1
Revolt -1
infra -300
trade -300
Lose courthouse -1
Lose bailif -1
Stab -2
1528. "Reform of alphabet"
"Despite that Champa was muslim country since second half of 1300, it still used old hinduist script. While clerics criticised this many times, rulers had other reforms to make. But Usman case when he has not more power than inside his palace and as he could not afford any economical or army reform, he still wanted that his rule is remembered with something another then just rebels and unsuccesful ruler. So he changed old alphabet to modificied arabic script and ordered to rewrite all important royal library books. With arabic script he gained support from ulema, madressa teachers and traders."

A. New alphabet

Misionaries +6
Innovativness +1
Infra +100
Trade + 300
Relations with Bengal, Delhi, Sindh, Uzbeck, Caliphate, Hejaz, Oman, Yemen, Egypt, Fatimides, GH, +10
(Stab +1)
Merchants +3

B. I have used to old one!

-10 Vp
Stab +1
Trade -50
"Death of Usman Muhammed."
"Being angry of HHH family goverment of Da Nang, several 1000 of people leaded by adveturists who pretended to be Ali supporters, went to capital to issue complain. There they met disregard of Usman and sieged his palace for few days. Some group of them after bribing guards invaded in palace and beated Usman till death. It took time for Ali to return."

A. No one rules?

Lose monarch and leader Usman
Gain "Anarchy" monarch. 1/1/1
Rebels -2, -3, -3, -3
Revolt risk +7 for 3 month
Lose governor -1
Lose courthouse -1, -1
Lose bailif -1, -1, -1
-150D (looted royal tresury)
-6 stab
-6 diplomats
-6 merchants
-6 misionaries
+ 6 colonists (rats leaving sinking ship)
-2000 infra
-2000 trade
Centralisation -4
BTV -1 at -2, -1, -1, -1,
Manpower -1, -1, -1,
Army desertions -5000, -5000, -5000.