i'm aware im Scandinaiva, its the empire from ck3, i was unsure why scania was a country that had cores when scandinavia's ruler is scanian. I know i have a heratic religion, thats not the issue i was having, and i know i have negative stability, i had some random events that lowered stability, and ive never fully played EU4 so im literaly a noob in EU4. and i never said i had an issue with the converter, just that i needed a work around for something. which you gave.You're Scandinavia, not Scania. You have heretic/heathen religion. You have negative stability. And you think the issue is with the converter? It's working as intended.
your guys' converter is incredible and thank you for telling me that it is working as intended, but this response seems unnecessarily rude in pointing out things that have nothing to do with the conversion.