Allenby said:
What do people think about giving Archangel to Britain, Odessa to France and Vladivostok to America soon after the Russian Civil War breaks out? Would there be any point in this?
I think that it would lead to all sorts of bizarre results, since there's no guarantee that the game situation in 1918-19 will bear any resemblance to the real life situation in the RCW.
I'd suggest something like this:
Give Britain, France and USA events triggered by the Soviet event 74004 (The Russian Civil War). Each would be titled "<Country> intervention in the Russian Civil War" and have three options:
a Send support
b Don't get involved
c Full military intervention
Option a would subtract supplies and manpower, and trigger a corresponding U15 (Russian Whites) event giving them supplies and a couple of extra divisions, plus giving military access to the granting power.
Option b would reduce dissent by -3.
Option c would have the same effect as option a, plus put the country at war with SOV. It also increases dissent +5 (as the Western working classes object to fighting against fellow-socialists).
The divisions granted by option a can represent the Allied intervention forces in an abstract way, assuming that they are merely garrisoning ports thus releasing White units for the front lines. Option c is the ahistorical decision by the Allies to play a much more active role in the war.
Important: SIB event 73001 should have the line command = { type = alliance which = ENG } deleted.
SIB event 73002 (Kolchak's coup) option a should trigger British and Japanese events. The British one will be identical to the previous one, except aimed at SIB instead of U15. The Japanese one will be similar, but the 'full military intervention' option should be option a, not have a dissent hit, and give Japan core provinces on Vladivostok and the 4 provinces to its north plus Sakhalin.
If SOV still exists in 1920, Britain, France and USA should get "End intervention" events. Option a would put them at peace with SOV, and an event should trigger for both SIB and U15 cancelling military access and kicking them out of any alliances they might be in. Option b would give a +15 dissent hit (the population is getting really tired of the war, and strikes are breaking out).
In 1922, Japan gets an event triggered by SOV controlling Moscow, Leningrad, Omsk and Irkutsk, removing their cores on the six provinces listed. Option a also puts them at peace with SOV and returns any provinces taken; option b leaves them at war.