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R.F.A said:
Serbia. Way to weak imho. I crushed them in like 1 month, to easy.
Try playing a handsoff game and see howSerbia fares there...

Italy rejoined the war on the Entente side after that they had gotten the "Italy has lost the war" (or something like that :p) event. That was kinda odd.
Apply Murphys law here

More odd however, is the fact that France has, all of a sudden, joined the central powers (!!!). This happened in 1917, and the Western front couldn't be more stable. It hasen't moved a bit since 1914, and the current front lies along the German-Belgian border. Wtf's this about France joining Central powers?!
Were they defeated?

One little nitpick thingie - please change the color of the Ukraine, it's the same as Austria's :)
Which countrys color would you prefer?
Allenby said:
What do people think about giving Archangel to Britain, Odessa to France and Vladivostok to America soon after the Russian Civil War breaks out? Would there be any point in this?

I think that it would lead to all sorts of bizarre results, since there's no guarantee that the game situation in 1918-19 will bear any resemblance to the real life situation in the RCW.

I'd suggest something like this:

Give Britain, France and USA events triggered by the Soviet event 74004 (The Russian Civil War). Each would be titled "<Country> intervention in the Russian Civil War" and have three options:
a Send support
b Don't get involved
c Full military intervention

Option a would subtract supplies and manpower, and trigger a corresponding U15 (Russian Whites) event giving them supplies and a couple of extra divisions, plus giving military access to the granting power.

Option b would reduce dissent by -3.

Option c would have the same effect as option a, plus put the country at war with SOV. It also increases dissent +5 (as the Western working classes object to fighting against fellow-socialists).

The divisions granted by option a can represent the Allied intervention forces in an abstract way, assuming that they are merely garrisoning ports thus releasing White units for the front lines. Option c is the ahistorical decision by the Allies to play a much more active role in the war.

Important: SIB event 73001 should have the line command = { type = alliance which = ENG } deleted.

SIB event 73002 (Kolchak's coup) option a should trigger British and Japanese events. The British one will be identical to the previous one, except aimed at SIB instead of U15. The Japanese one will be similar, but the 'full military intervention' option should be option a, not have a dissent hit, and give Japan core provinces on Vladivostok and the 4 provinces to its north plus Sakhalin.

If SOV still exists in 1920, Britain, France and USA should get "End intervention" events. Option a would put them at peace with SOV, and an event should trigger for both SIB and U15 cancelling military access and kicking them out of any alliances they might be in. Option b would give a +15 dissent hit (the population is getting really tired of the war, and strikes are breaking out).

In 1922, Japan gets an event triggered by SOV controlling Moscow, Leningrad, Omsk and Irkutsk, removing their cores on the six provinces listed. Option a also puts them at peace with SOV and returns any provinces taken; option b leaves them at war.

StephenT, this is reasonable methinks from historical viewpoint and how you play about the situation.

The thing i didn't get why

SOV controlling Moscow, Leningrad, Omsk and Irkutsk

is a triggering condition to remove cores?

Irkutsk should remain no doubt, but why does one need three more cities? Why check the control over them?
MRAKoris said:
Irkutsk should remain no doubt, but why does one need three more cities? Why check the control over them?

Would the Japanese deal with the Soviets if Denikin and Wrangel controlled Moscow and Petrograd, and the Revolutionary forces had been reduced to controlling a small shed somewhere in Irkutsk? I think the Soviets have to demonstrate that they've 'won' to be able to reach an agreement with the Japanese.

On the whole, the events look reasonable.
I concur, Stephen has thought it out well. It's what I would do.
Zuckergußgebäck said:
Try playing a handsoff game and see howSerbia fares there...

They should at least be a challenge to a human player, imho.

Apply Murphys law here

It shouldn't realy be possible, if they have gotten that event.

Were they defeated?

Nope, rather the opposite. The front was the original German-French border, except that Germany had conquered Belgium (except the coast province).

Which countrys color would you prefer?

France's color. The nicest color in the game imho :)
R.F.A said:
They should at least be a challenge to a human player, imho.


R.F.A said:
It shouldn't realy be possible, if they have gotten that event.

Italy changing sides? My god that's never happened before! ;)

R.F.A said:
Nope, rather the opposite. The front was the original German-French border, except that Germany had conquered Belgium (except the coast province).

Can you provide the text of the history displaying what appears in the message log?
Allenby said:

I don't know, you are the mod guys! :)

Italy changing sides? My god that's never happened before! ;)

Hehe, that was how i explained it tomyself IC. :)
Nah, but realy, isn't that event supposed to stop Italy from Dowing?

Can you provide the text of the history displaying what appears in the message log?

Im afraid i can't. I didn't save after, as i thought that it was a bug. However, i do remember that Sanusia got an event that said something like "Sanusia bla bla joins the Entente blöa bla". And then, all of a sudden, a little message plops up in the gamle log - France entered a military alliance with Germany, Austria-Hungary etc. I got kinda chocked.
i dont know does this happen to everyone and discussed here..im playin with Ottoman currently..allied with Germany and Germany had peace with France and Russia..Italy is allied with us...now only Britain and USA stands on...and i have also got Egypt..so all German troops are marching upon Anatolia to Syria and Egypt..then they go inner Africa but as you know the provinces have very low inf. so all German troops go and die there....any idea?
bizkit said:
i dont know does this happen to everyone and discussed here..im playin with Ottoman currently..allied with Germany and Germany had peace with France and Russia..Italy is allied with us...now only Britain and USA stands on...and i have also got Egypt..so all German troops are marching upon Anatolia to Syria and Egypt..then they go inner Africa but as you know the provinces have very low inf. so all German troops go and die there....any idea?

Can you please describe this further, are they simply 'comitting suicide'?
I have rarely seen (if ever) the AI let men die in low infrastructure areas as he is better at reinforcing the units than you are.

The only way to stop it if he is pissing you off is to take military control of his country.
I gotta say, good mod indeed. Good work guys, keep it up. Just wish there were more events. Or if the scenario started a year early so one has time to develop his country and industry. But then that might divert into too ahistorical I guess.

But anyway, just want to share a bit from a game i had.
I was playing as Russia and man was it fun. Russia has lots of troops and scattered all over its borders. First thing I did was organize, the army. Take all the cavalry divisions from the infantry and make them into mobile resrves behidn the front lines. There is enough cavarly to make at least 3 cavarly armies, each with 5 divisions.

Then I put most of my infantry on the borders with germany and austrie-hungary and made sure the flanks were strong. Then I waited. I also researched modern MGs and some arty as well. I also cancelled all the ships in the que as Russia has lot of ships to start off with. Instead I build 2 gaurds divisions with arty, and 2 mountian divisions.

Then I waited, then war came. At first AH-Germany were weak at the borders and I advanced onto the Wisla river and halted. I should of kept going as most of the land was still open. But I thought I'd wait there and just stay on the defensive. But all of a sudden out of no where come some 30+ German and 25+ AH divisions. At first I held them off using my cavarly reserves to help hold the lines. They barely held for the first couple of months. But the Germans and AH kept assualting and I did not have time to reinforce.

So slowly I got pushed back in the North. I got pushed back into Wilno in the north, which threatned all my armies in the center. And left a gap. So I had no choice but to abandon my strong positions behind the wisla river and fall back on the bug river and attempt to hold there. Since I still had 8 divisions in Lenningrad and Finland with no threat there, I moved those divisions down the hold the north front as long as possible.

In the south A-H wasnt fairing too well vs my defense. I seized the mountains in Hungary and they used all the divisions they had to kick me out of those mountains. I held it for several months till I had to move back my forces off the wisla river, so as a result i had to give up the hungarians mountains. But if I didnt my forces there would end up being encircled and destroyed.

So me pulling back made realize that it wasnt going to be a cake walk and that I needed to take some measures to make sure the Central powers didnt make past the dnieper or further. So I started building forst in all the provinces behind the dnieper river. Which ofcourse takes 6 months, thats a long time...

So I build divisions like crazy and re-deployed more from the far east and the Turkish border since those front were less threatened. I was able to hold the Central powers on the bug for another 2 months before the Germans crossed the bug in the north again. At first I dispatched all my remaining cavarly to try and eject the Germand from their bridghead and plug the gap.

My valiant cavarly fought long and hard, but after 2 weeks of vicious fighting, I lost 4 cavrly divisions, the rest lost 80% of their original strenght and the Germans still remained across the bug...

However, they were weakened, so again I launched an assault with a neighboring army but it failed as well. Now faced with mauled reserves which would take a month or more to regain their strennght and an open North flank which again threatened my central armies, I had no choice but to fall back once more.

*NOTE* I mean I actually see the AI being smart. It avoids battling my strong possitions in the center behind a river. Instead it assault my fair possitions in the north with mas, continous attacks. Which as a result flank my central forces and threaten my entire central front. I mean I was actually proud and amazed of the AI. I am not sure it's just the mod itself. Cuase I havent seen the AI do anything like this in vanilla HOI or CORE. *NOTE*

So, being able to only delay the Central power for 2 months, I decided to fall back behind the dnieper and hold them there for 4 months HOPEFULLY. As result of this retreat, I got the "GREAT RETREAT EVENT". Which cost me a 30% dissent hit. But soon after, the Tsar takes command, which is a -20Dissent hit. So I was at least back down to 10%. Not bad...

So there, I wait for the Central powers to close in. I am able to produce more and more gaurds divisions and regular divisions with arty. Which helps a lot.

But 3 months later, the damn Germans brake through the North once more and advance on Pskov...In the South the A-H break as well and advance on Stalino and Rostov...All is lost.

That is where I am at....I have to say even with these losses and retreats, it's a blast to play. Thank you for a great mod guys.

Btw, any tips on playing as Russia? It is diffucult, as it should be, but any tips out there how to better my possition or have a hope of winning?
Rommel22 said:
Btw, any tips on playing as Russia? It is diffucult, as it should be, but any tips out there how to better my possition or have a hope of winning?

There's a Tactics thread on the forum - there's some advice regarding Russia there :)

Thanks for the compliment, and the commentary on your game - it's interesting to see - keep us updated.
Very intriguing recanting of your game Rommel22. We appreciate your comments and as Allenby said keep us updated.
I have noticed that the AI is really lacking aggresivness...Germany had 300 divisons in one provins and did not attack a french province that had 2 divisons in it :wacko:

It has been a stalemate(and not a single battle fought) since the start of the war all to 1933 when I disbanded the French army.*koff*