I've noticed that "granatieri" and "arditi" in game are two different unit, so it's ok
Those events to lower infrastructure sound fine with me, but I am not an expert on Russian infrastructure, however I did read somewhere that it was pretty non-existent outside the cities and the raillines going to an from the cities.ptan54 said:How bad was Russian infrastructure from 1914-1918 during the autumn rains and winter snow? Did it slow down armies considerably? One way to help the Russians out is to utilise their two greatest generals - mud and snow. Every fourth quarter we could have an event that lowers infrastructure by 5 in a number of provinces, then restoring them in March (??) the following year. Comments from Allenby or Stephen?
And a different issue - since the transports per month gainrate is slowed down now, perhaps we should alter the inc files to give countries a boost here - using figures pertaining to % of world shipping. Britain would have craploads of course.
Emp_Palpatine said:In 1920, Ottoman Empire gets Atatürk event , and a couple of days (weeks?) after, I HAD to give him back Smyrna! No choice! I check the event, and normally I should have the choice! What's wrong? Is it because I was still at war against the Alliance?
These gives me some ideas: -If greece chose to enter the war through a "war against Turkey" event and if Turkey is defeated, She should have the choice of leaving the war -if Central Empire let her, and if Greece is not at war with Bulgaria too. As Greece, my interest was not in a war against Austria and Germany but only against Turkey...
Greece might also have some cores on Smyrna Provinces after Sevres Treaty.
# Nationalist movement in Turkey
event = {
country = GRE
id = 22200
random = no
style = 0
name = "EVT_22200_NAME"
desc = "EVT_22200_DESC"
trigger = {
event = 41300
control = { province = 878 data = GRE }
NOT = {
flag = sultan1
date = { day = 23 month = april year = 1920 }
offset = 40
deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1925 }
action_a = {
name = "ACTIONNAME22200A"
command = { type = war which = TUR }
action_b = {
name = "ACTIONNAME22200B"
command = { type = dissent value = 15 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 878 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 877 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 879 }
command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 2152 }
StephenT said:However, surely the effects of winter weather are already included in the game? It certainly hindered my German invasion in 'Home Before the Leaves Fall'. Perhaps rather than events changing the infrastructure, which is rather a scattergun approach, we can do something through the tech tree?
StephenT said:Hence the smiley... It's a little thing we have here in England called "irony". You may have heard of it...
Perhaps you do...perhaps we don't. However, unless you kill Allenby and usurp his power (or if Elisson comes back an asserts his claim and wants it your way) I doubt its going to change.Zuckergußgebäck said:Also known as sarcasm...
But hey, you may have ruined an entire campain for this guy.
I hope that you feel ashamed of yourself. Besides, I think it is better to make revolutionary Mexico the leader of the comintern, rather than puuting it as a small country in the aleutians...
Zuckergußgebäck said:Also known as sarcasm...
But hey, you may have ruined an entire campain for this guy.
Zuckergußgebäck said:I hope that you feel ashamed of yourself. Besides, I think it is better to make revolutionary Mexico the leader of the comintern, rather than puuting it as a small country in the aleutians...
biosis123 said:so what the event number to increase industrial capsity and decrease dessent then???? and acidently discover tech plz reply
StephenT said:Hence the smiley... It's a little thing we have here in England called "irony". You may have heard of it...