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How bad was Russian infrastructure from 1914-1918 during the autumn rains and winter snow? Did it slow down armies considerably? One way to help the Russians out is to utilise their two greatest generals - mud and snow. Every fourth quarter we could have an event that lowers infrastructure by 5 in a number of provinces, then restoring them in March (??) the following year. Comments from Allenby or Stephen?

And a different issue - since the transports per month gainrate is slowed down now, perhaps we should alter the inc files to give countries a boost here - using figures pertaining to % of world shipping. Britain would have craploads of course.
ptan54 said:
How bad was Russian infrastructure from 1914-1918 during the autumn rains and winter snow? Did it slow down armies considerably? One way to help the Russians out is to utilise their two greatest generals - mud and snow. Every fourth quarter we could have an event that lowers infrastructure by 5 in a number of provinces, then restoring them in March (??) the following year. Comments from Allenby or Stephen?

And a different issue - since the transports per month gainrate is slowed down now, perhaps we should alter the inc files to give countries a boost here - using figures pertaining to % of world shipping. Britain would have craploads of course.
Those events to lower infrastructure sound fine with me, but I am not an expert on Russian infrastructure, however I did read somewhere that it was pretty non-existent outside the cities and the raillines going to an from the cities.

Those percentage numbers are somewhere in hear, so it should be doable.
Guys, that's a terrific version!
1.04 is very good, but I've some suggestions:

- France should get a third stage of mobilization. In all my game, France is overwhelmed during 1916. Maybe because German as more IC and can build more troops... Then, as British AI doesn't send troops in France, I think there should be that third stage (1916?). Or why not such event but every year or every one year and a half (with less troops)??
Or trench war event (good idea!) could lead to level 3 fortifications...
If possible, those events should be AI only, in order to prevent the game for being too easy for human played France.

-When France and Russia are defeated, and the US not at war, British Empire should seek peace with Germany. For the moment, I've played games with little countries, and every time: France and Russia are defeated (1917 for Russia) , the War goes on for Britain.... For years and years and years.
WW1 is not WW2 and I think personnaly that if the war had been lost on the continent, Britain probably would have seek a compromise peace: why not some exchange, such as African Territories against Belgium independance or whatever...
Of course, theses event will be "multiple choice". If you want to continue the struggle, you can!

-I was playing Greece, I entered the war in 1915 and performed quite well against Ottoman Empire who gets defeated (thanks Russia and British help). I get Smyrna and later (1917) Constantinople! Cool, I achieved the "Megalli Idea"!
In 1920, Ottoman Empire gets Atatürk event , and a couple of days (weeks?) after, I HAD to give him back Smyrna! No choice! I check the event, and normally I should have the choice! What's wrong? Is it because I was still at war against the Alliance?
These gives me some ideas: -If greece chose to enter the war through a "war against Turkey" event and if Turkey is defeated, She should have the choice of leaving the war -if Central Empire let her, and if Greece is not at war with Bulgaria too. As Greece, my interest was not in a war against Austria and Germany but only against Turkey...
Greece might also have some cores on Smyrna Provinces after Sevres Treaty.

-In my game, when the war broke out in 1914, Romania and Bulgaria never entered the war...Is there some event?

-If Germany had won the war but Austria-Hungary was defeated (although Germany is victorious), the new Austrian Republic should ask for AnschluB (actually, the German Republic of Austria (sic) did it in November 1918, but the Allies refused). Even more: Germany should ask for Sudetenland...
Emp_Palpatine said:
In 1920, Ottoman Empire gets Atatürk event , and a couple of days (weeks?) after, I HAD to give him back Smyrna! No choice! I check the event, and normally I should have the choice! What's wrong? Is it because I was still at war against the Alliance?
These gives me some ideas: -If greece chose to enter the war through a "war against Turkey" event and if Turkey is defeated, She should have the choice of leaving the war -if Central Empire let her, and if Greece is not at war with Bulgaria too. As Greece, my interest was not in a war against Austria and Germany but only against Turkey...
Greece might also have some cores on Smyrna Provinces after Sevres Treaty.

Was this the event you saw?:

# Nationalist movement in Turkey 

event = { 
    country = GRE 
    id = 22200 
    random = no 
    style = 0 

    name = "EVT_22200_NAME" 
    desc = "EVT_22200_DESC" 

    trigger = { 
        event = 41300 
        control = { province = 878 data = GRE } 
        NOT = { 
            flag = sultan1 

    date = { day = 23 month = april year = 1920 } 
    offset = 40 
    deathdate = { day = 0 month = january year = 1925 } 

    action_a = { 
        name = "ACTIONNAME22200A" 
        command = { type = war which = TUR } 
    action_b = { 
        name = "ACTIONNAME22200B" 
        command = { type = dissent value = 15 } 
        command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 878 } 
        command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 877 } 
        command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 879 } 
        command = { type = secedeprovince which = TUR value = 2152 } 

I've had this event trigger before, and it seemed to work before :confused:
ptan - Russian infrastructure? :rofl: :rofl:
Mud. Lots and lots of mud. Even in 1941 there was only one intercity paved highway in the entire country (Smolensk to Moscow). Railway lines were the only way to travel long distances, either by train or simply marching along the tracks.

However, surely the effects of winter weather are already included in the game? It certainly hindered my German invasion in 'Home Before the Leaves Fall'. Perhaps rather than events changing the infrastructure, which is rather a scattergun approach, we can do something through the tech tree?

There are the tech tree commands
command = { type = frozen_move which = xxx value = xxx }
command = { type = muddy_move which = xxx value = xxx }
although I can't find where the base values for these are stored. Still, if all units get big penalties for movement in such conditions, that would help. You could also have various techs which improved these ratings, which Russians and Scandinavians would already have at the start.

There's also the option of simply lowering the infrastructure of Russia on a permanent basis. At one time I know you were looking at increasing Russian infrastructure - what became of that?
I'm not too sure about frozen and muddy move either, and unless I can figure it out.......

Well the idea is to slash Russian infra by 5 to not only "hamper" the Kaiser's armies, but to almost suspend offensive actions on the entire front since troops will take ages to get anywhere. Then when spring comes along, this will be restored. This could work like the trench warfare events with AH, Germany and Russia each having the infra reducing or adding events.

Permanent decreases are already covered in your collapse of the Russian infrastructure events so we dont need to bother with that.

EDIT - I think default values are hardcoded. If we want to decrease frozen/muddy/storm/blizzard attack and defence we should have an across the board penalty applied to everyone first - then have winter techs that improve this.
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StephenT said:
However, surely the effects of winter weather are already included in the game? It certainly hindered my German invasion in 'Home Before the Leaves Fall'. Perhaps rather than events changing the infrastructure, which is rather a scattergun approach, we can do something through the tech tree?

I tend to agree. I think HOI's weather system does a sufficient job in portraying the harsh weather conditions of the Russian winter without the need of tampering its balance with tech commands - especially ones that change values across the board as opposed to a particular place.

If there is any need to deplete Russia's infrastructure any further, then I think it would be sufficient to edit various select provinces that would make it difficult for the Germans/Austrians and Russians alike - I'd like to remind people that Russia's Connexian railway system was one reason why they took such a long time to mobilise :)
The F12 and type an event code cheat is built into HoI, so it should work properly in TGW too. You just have to know the proper numbers to type.

If you're playing as Russia, try
event 48105
Also known as sarcasm...

But hey, you may have ruined an entire campain for this guy.

I hope that you feel ashamed of yourself. Besides, I think it is better to make revolutionary Mexico the leader of the comintern, rather than puuting it as a small country in the aleutians...
Zuckergußgebäck said:
Also known as sarcasm...

But hey, you may have ruined an entire campain for this guy.

I hope that you feel ashamed of yourself. Besides, I think it is better to make revolutionary Mexico the leader of the comintern, rather than puuting it as a small country in the aleutians...
Perhaps you do...perhaps we don't. However, unless you kill Allenby and usurp his power (or if Elisson comes back an asserts his claim and wants it your way) I doubt its going to change.
Zuckergußgebäck said:
Also known as sarcasm...

But hey, you may have ruined an entire campain for this guy.

So what? It made me laugh ;)

Zuckergußgebäck said:
I hope that you feel ashamed of yourself. Besides, I think it is better to make revolutionary Mexico the leader of the comintern, rather than puuting it as a small country in the aleutians...

I disagree. Before we implemented the 'Aleutian Solution' (it rhymes), having the revolutionary Mexicans as the leaders of the Comintern was a peculiarity, especially when you consider that Pancho and his men were just as motivated by nationalist sentiment as they were by a desire to give Mexico's landed elite a slap about.

Besides, what's so important about one Aleutian Island province? :)
OK, Allenby, you win, but please remove the 1 IC that is situated there.

We do not want then to build a giant army out of this mighty industrial base...
biosis123 said:
so what the event number to increase industrial capsity and decrease dessent then???? and acidently discover tech plz reply

Essentially, all the events that have 'cheats' are in the standard HOI's random events file. However, in TGW, the random events have been removed and replaced with a string of festive 'Christmas' events which means that Santa comes down your chimney and gives you a hefty dissent hit. There's a similar one for food rationing too.

If you want to cheat, then copy the appropriate files from HOI's random event file and paste it in TGW's random.txt event file....