Except to say the following list of reasonable demands!
- I want to be able to develop wunderkind grown in giant vats,
- have generals re-skinned to have chrome plated electric heads.
- have the supply situation improved to reflect France's fine cheese industry,
- The event system overhauled to give the player and option 'omg I am a noob - just gimme free stuff and tell me which is the best choice here',
- Options to install 15" cannon on my uboats, (obviously can be improved futher through the tech tree)
- johan's mobile number so I can have my complaints dealt with personally and immediatey!
- naval attack ratings improved to reflect small arms fire from ships companies against SHBB in particular,
- cavalry toughness factors enhanced to reflect the ability to use the hores as an 'equine shield' from artillery fire
- the mouse 'left click' to enable 'I win' mode.
- a free ski holiday for all my kith and kin as an introductory offer in the box on release
- and, most importantly, a medals system implemented complete with a movie and clickable interface so that I can award medals to individual soldiers in any particular brigade and pimp my troops.